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Taehyung woke up with a very bad headache.

"Damn my head hurts!", He groaned as he got up.

He looked around in confusion. He was in an unfamiliar room.

"Where the hell am I dammit?!", Taehyung looked down at himself and saw that he wasn't even wearing clothes.

"Wait, did I just have a one night stand with some random person!?", Taehyung spoke in utter shock.

He tried to remember what happened last night but it was all a blur.

After trying to remember He just remembered someone breathing heavily and pulling him closer to them like he was the only person in the world. And the person was smaller than Taehyung and not even that heavy. The person was fragile as far as Taehyung remembers (it's a fanfic ppl ik JK is rlly strong) They were calling/moaning his name as "Taehyungie" with a really really soft and vulnerable voice.

He cannot remember the person's face or anything at all, Just some trivial things.

Did they know you? Why did they call you "Taehyungie"? Were they sober or drunk like you? They definitely did know you Senseless thoughts started running in his mind.

"STOP!!", He shouted.

"What did I just do!? I hope the person wasn't bad and not blackmail me", Taehyung mumbled to himself.

"No they won't otherwise they would have stayed here and not leave me, I bet it was a mistake for them too", He reassured himself.

"Will you help me, petal?"

"You were great, petal"

Taehyung remembered he called the person "petal", but he doesn't even remembers that whether he has lost his V-card to a boy or a girl.

The moans were probably girly– fvck it! Taehyung groaned as the thoughts were stressing him more as he tried to remember the person but couldn't.(I purposely didn't make him remember 🙂)

"I hope it gets forgotten", he mumbled before wearing his clothes and leaving the place.


Jungkook remembers he confessed to Taehyung after they finished doing their stuff.


Taehyung laid next to Jungkook as he held Jungkook's naked body close to him by his waist. Their bodies were so close to each other and it made Jungkook go crazy.

"You were great, petal", Taehyung murmured as his eyes got heavy and he passed out.

Jungkook blushed when Taehyung said that. He admired the boy sleeping in his arms. He caressed his face and smiled.

"I really don't want this dream to end, Taehyungie", Jungkook mumbled.

"I love you, Taehyungie", He spoke as he kissed Taehyung's lips and wrapped his arms around the other's, drifting off to dreamland with a small smile on his face.

End Of Flashback

He was laying on his bed as he remembered it.

"Gosh! I'm screwed if Taehyungie remembers it", Jungkook groaned as he closed his eyes.

He again opened his eyes and opened his phone's camera and checked himself in the camera.

Red and purple hickeys were beautifully decorated on his neck and chest thanks to Taehyung.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile that this was created by the person he loves so much.

He started reminiscing the events that happened earlier. He just realized he was so foolish that he thought he was dreaming when he clearly wasn't.

"You know I just met this Taehyung guy and he's really handsome. I think I got a crush on him"

He remembered Taehyung's silly words when he was drunk. He couldn't help but laugh at Taehyung's silly words that was so cute for him.

"Taehyung is handsome, but You're beautiful too, flower"

He was a blushing mess as soon as he remembered the next part. Taehyung spoke those words and immediately landed his lips on his. He was smiling shyly as he remembered it.

He clearly remembers Taehyung calling him "petal".

"How many more nicknames would you give me, my love", Jungkook chuckled.

"I love the nicknames you give me anyways", Jungkook blushed as more memories of the previous night started coming back.

"Last night might be a mistake for you, but not for me...", Jungkook says a lonely tear escaped his eye as realization hit him that it was all a mistake.

"I loved the way you took my first kiss and my virginity too. I loved the way our lips met, I loved the way you marked me, I loved the way—", He paused coz he was too shy to say the next part. (I'm embarrassed again🤡)

He switched on his phone and saw the wallpaper of Taehyung. He smiled as he caressed it.

"You're like a drug, Taehyungie and I'm badly addicted to you"

"Your touches felt like electric current, but I'm still craving for more", he kissed the photo on his phone.

"I hope you don't hate me, if you remember it. I swear I wasn't in my senses too, my love", he sadly smiled coz just by the thought of Taehyung hating him makes his heart drop and blood run cold.

"S–Should I call him?", Jungkook spoke nervously to himself.

"I–I should"

And without thinking twice he dialled Taehyung's number.

Thankfully Taehyung picked up the call.

"Hello", Taehyung spoke on the other line with a sleepy raspy voice.

"H–Hello, Taehyung", Jungkook tried to speak confidently but Taehyung's voice wasn't helping at all.

Taehyung's eyes immediately shot open when he realized that this person was his boss.

He immediately sat up and spoke

"O–oh sir! I–", he was cut off by Jungkook.

"D–do you remember anything from l–last night?", Jungkook's voice came barely above a whisper.

Does he knows that I was fooling around last night? Taehyung bit his lips in nervousness.

"N–no sir. I don't remember anything as I was d–drunk", Taehyung stuttered.

Jungkook felt relieved when he heard those words.

"Oh it's fine, Taehyung! Take care as I know you drank a lot", Jungkook chuckled as he remembered how drunk Taehyung was last night.

"Yeah I guess I was", Taehyung spoke shyly as he felt embarrassed.

"Ok I should keep the phone now. See you later, Taehyung", Jungkook spoke again, smiling at how Taehyung's voice went from being raspy to all shy.

"Yes, sir"

The call ended.

"Thank God he doesn't remembers anything", Jungkook sighed in relief.


I had a headache today so this didn't come out as I wanted, but I'll try my best for the next chp to come out well❤️✨

Stay safe 🥰 Borahae 💜

~ Saanvi💖

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