✨42 & 43✨

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Long time no see 👀

Double update (mature content) posted on "Book For Perverts" on koogiggles_ & Inkitt


Edit : For ppl who just want to read Taehyung's confession & skip smut read the pt down below


After Taehyung made love to Jungkook, Jungkook's eyes started closing from exhaustion as he was feeling so filled up while Taehyung's eyes were wide open as he laid next to Jungkook. His gaze wasn't leaving Jungkook.

"I love you, sugar", before Taehyung could think anything his lips automatically spoke the words he's been wanting to say for long.

Jungkook who was about to fall asleep, shot his eyes wide open after hearing what Taehyung just said.

"I'm h–hearing things, b–baby", Jungkook said not believing his ears.

Taehyung's eyes softened as he smiled.

"You heard it right, bub. I really love you, my sugar. I wanted to say this for a long time but we started distancing f–from each other s–so I didn't get a chance, baby", Taehyung spoke with all honesty while hand went to wipe off the new sweat beads that were forming on the utterly shocked Jungkook's forehead.

Jungkook felt that he might get a cardiac arrest.

"A–Are you sure?", Jungkook croaked out. Oh how long was he waiting for Taehyung to say this.

"My baby I always had a soft spot for you since I laid my eyes on you. Although I never said this I fell in love with your pretty doe eyes the moment I saw you... Whenever I saw I always found similarities between you and him, little did I know you both were the same person", Taehyung chuckled while speaking what his heart was telling him to speak.

"Then although accidentally you gave me the happiest news of you carrying our child, you don't know how happy I was, my baby. You started making me happy. Slowly by slowly you started making me feel things that no one ever did to me. Your giggles, you being cute without even trying, your love for me started making my heart melt. Even your smile started making my heart pound crazily and Your voice, the way you affectionately call me makes my heart swell in happiness", Taehyung said soothingly, his gaze never leaving Jungkook's shocked yet teary face.

"You get insecure regarding your baby bump and you gaining weight but trust me love you look the cutest and the prettiest with this baby bump. You are getting even more beautiful day by day. I don't know what I did to deserve an angel like you.

I was about to confess to you but Jimin came and I'm not proud to say but I got extremely jealous that he might take you away from me. It's just don't ever leave me, sugar I've realized that I won't be able to take that. I love you so much, my love, so fvcking much!", Taehyung confessed while tearing up a little.

By now, Jungkook was crying badly as he shivered uncontrollably.

"I love y–you too, baby!", Jungkook cried. The love of his life just confessed to him, he couldn't help but cry in happiness.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook close and engulfed him in his embrace.

"Y–You took way t–too long but I still love you", Jungkook murmured softly in Taehyung's chest while hugging him more.

"I'm sorry, love", Taehyung said guiltily.

The "love" petname made Jungkook's heart do a backflip.

"I–It's ok", Jungkook replied smiling uncontrollably.

The stupid smile never left both of the lovers' faces.

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