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Do y'all prefer the baby calling JK 'papa', 'dad' or 'mom', 'mum' or what?😂🤔

⚠️Dramatic chp ahead (I like drama otherwise the story seems boring to me lol🥱)


"I'm in love with someone and that someone can possibly be....", Jungkook paused as he wrapped Taehyung's arms around his waist and his own arms around Taehyung's neck making Taehyung's breath hitch.

".... Right in this room", Jungkook added as he stared intensely at Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung didn't know how to react.

"B–but there's only us b–both here, sir. Are you pranking m–me?", Taehyung managed to speak this, not wanting to believe what Jungkook said.

"Does this seems like a prank to you, baby?", Jungkook asked, his voice had a hint of hurt in it.

Taehyung didn't know what to respond. He just knew that either Jungkook is not in his right mind or Taehyung is just dreaming.

A dream that he never ever dreamt before.

Jungkook took one of Taehyung's hands and placed it where his heart was located. It was beating really fast just like Taehyung's.

"Do you know why it's beating so fast?", Jungkook asked to Taehyung.

Taehyung shook his head.

"Because of you"

Why Jungkook? Taehyung looked at his eyes. He saw that Jungkook was telling the truth because eyes don't lie.

"It's already been 3 years, Tae. How much more time will you take to understand, even when I was so obvious?", Jungkook spoke caressing Taehyung's cheek.

"U–understand w–what?", Taehyung dared to ask yet feared the next words.

"That I love you", Jungkook confessed in a very firm voice.

Taehyung felt like his feet has frozen, his hands were trembling. It would be safe to say that Taehyung felt like he's paralysed.

"Ever noticed the way I look at you? Ever tried to know about the address of my house or ask me that why I was always so desperate to leave you at your home, even when my house was nowhere near yours? Ever thought that why I was always nervous and blushing mess around you? Ever thought that why I always kept trying to get your attention? Did you ever think that why I always called you for some or the reason whenever you got too close with someone", Jungkook asked still caressing Taehyung's face that was so shook.

"Did you ever try to think about why I always tried to get to know about your relationship status?"

Taehyung did think about this, but never thought deeply about it.

"I kept hinting you about my feelings as I was too scared to confess directly. You don't know, Tae how you make me go crazy. Even when you just smile at me It feels like my heart can come out of my chest coz it beats so fast. You live in my mind 24/7, that I even dream about you, about us", Jungkook was pouring out everything that was bottled up in his heart for so long.

"You stole my heart, my love. I don't want you to return it but now I want yours in return, you know what I mean, baby", by now even Jungkook was breathing heavily.

Taehyung was shaking badly now. Never in his life he was this shocked.

"Please give me a chance, my love. I really love you, Taehyungie. Please be mine, like I'm yours and only yours. Please love me, my love", Jungkook pleaded to a frozen Taehyung.

Before Taehyung could say anything they both heard a sob from behind.

Taehyung literally wanted to bury himself somewhere. He wanted to disappear somewhere so badly, right now. He just wanted this to be a dream and wanted to wake up quickly.

Both turned and saw Byungho who was sobbing badly. Taehyung understood that Byungho saw and heard everything and right now Byungho's crush Jeon Jungkook was literally in Taehyung's arms and holding on him like there's no tomorrow.

He immediately removed Jungkook gently off of him and stepped forward with his shaky legs.

Jungkook didn't seem to bother by Byungho witnessing it but he was confused that why was Byungho sobbing so badly.

Are they Happy tears? Jungkook thought in confusion.

"B–Byungho, it's n–not what it looks—", Taehyung was cut off by Jungkook

"It's exactly what it looks like, Mr. Yang. I hope you would support Taehyung and me" I don't care even if you don't, I just want Taehyungie's approval that's it Jungkook thought the last part as he spoke the first part making him cry even more.

Mr. Jeon please don't! Taehyung pleaded internally.

"You s–seduced him, Taehyung! You knew it s–still you decided to betray me—", Byungho was cut off by an angry Jungkook.

"How dare you say that, Yang! I had my eyes on him from the very first. I'm in love with him from THREE YEARS! And you dare to say that. Tae, never even looked at me in a flirty way. It was always me who tried to get close to him and kept hinting him but my baby was too oblivious to notice it", Jungkook spoke out the truth.

Taehyung was just trembling. He was just so shocked and speechless just like Byungho.

Byungho was so shocked and heartbroken to know that Jungkook loved Taehyung from so long and the nicknames Jungkook was using for Taehyung.

"You don't love him, right? You were lying, r–right?", Byungho asked with a little hope still left in him.

"I can say I don't love him...", Jungkook spoke out again.

Byungho instantly relaxed.

"But it would be a big fat lie. I love him more than anything", Jungkook added making Byungho's already broken heart more broken.

And that's when Byungho lost it. I wish I could kill Taehyung, right now! He sobbed and ran away.

Taehyung was about to follow him but he felt a firm grip on his hand. He already knew who it was.

"P–please leave me, sir", Taehyung spoke in a pleading voice.

"W–Why are you following him, Tae? See the way he talked to you then why? Why you never noticed me, baby? Have you never f–felt even a slightest attraction towards me?", Jungkook asked so desperately. He knew Taehyung never looked at him in that way but still he dared to ask.

"I–I never felt that, sir and I would never d–dare to look at someone my friend has a crush on", Taehyung spoke in a broken voice making Jungkook's eyes widen in shock.

Byungho had a crush on me!? What the hell!


Sorry for late update, my tests were going on & when I was about to update the current went so... 🥺😂

I'll try updating daily but I'll go inactive after updating just to let y'all know coz my unit tests hv started again :')

Studies r soooo boring ugh! But I hv to study lol

As I feel like I'm not good in angst I'll try writing it to improve myself in it✊ The next chapter would probably b angsty hihi 😝

C y'all later👋

Stay safe 💞 Borahae 💜

~ Saanvi💖

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