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"Ahh why was I not chosen!", Byungho spoke in frustration.

"It's ok, Byung", Taehyung replied as he packed his clothes for the trip to Spain.

"Go, but see that no one gets close to Jungkook", Byungho told Taehyung.

Taehyung hummed in response, not even knowing what Byungho told him as he was too busy in packing. He was kinda excited to go to Spain, although it was for work purpose only.

"Jungkook is mine", Byungho said to himself.


"I'm yours, Taehyung–ah", Jungkook said while caressing Taehyung's photo.

"I became yours the moment my eyes laid on you. Why don't you be mine too? Will it be too much to be mine like how I'm yours?", Jungkook asked as he chuckled sadly.

He spoke to Taehyung's photo as if he was really speaking to Taehyung, but he's speaks more openly to Taehyung's photo than to Taehyung. It's just he gets nervous and shy when he's with Taehyung and is not able to tell him what's in his heart for so long.

"God! you're whipped, bro", a voice echoed from behind, ruining Jungkook's little moment with Taehyung's photo.

"What's your problem, Jin Hyung?", Jungkook whined.

Jin just looked at him with bored eyes.

"Leave me alone with my baby! I want to spend time with him", Jungkook unconsciously pouted out of frustration.

"When it comes to Taehyung you behave so cutely, Jungkook! Stop behaving so cutely, I might adopt you coz I want a baby as cute as you", Jin groaned. He doesn't witnesses Jungkook being cute often.

"Eww don't adopt me I already have my parents! But do you know Even Taehyung thinks I'm cute and Yang– his friend told me that he's into cute people", Jungkook squealed while clapping his hands in tiny.

"You've seriously fallen hard for him, Jungkook. Try to control your feelings otherwise I don't know what will happen to you if he rejec—", Jin was cut off by Jungkook.

"D–Don't say that, Hyung. I won't be able to take the rejection. I'll try to make him fall for me and you should support me instead of saying n–nonsense", Jungkook's words felt like he's frightened with a hint of hurt in it.

Jin's eyes softened. He sat infront of Jungkook who looked hurt just by the words of Jin which he didn't even complete. He caressed Jungkook's hair who was looking down with an upset face.

"Look at me, Jungkook", He softly said.

Jungkook just shook his head. He didn't want to show that he was tearing up just by the thought of being rejected by Taehyung.

"I'll always support you, baby brother. I was just concerned for you because you're head over heels for him and we don't even know whether he'll reciprocate your feelings or not", Jin spoke very softly, being careful with his words so he won't hurt the younger boy more.

Jungkook looked at him with his teary eyes and said, "I believe once he sees how much I love him, he'll t–try to love me too"

Jin smiled and wiped the tears of his cousin.

"Stop crying, now. I prefer the cold, insolent Jungkook instead of this crybaby"

Jin said making Jungkook chuckle.

"Can't believe this baby is a scary CEO", Jin chuckled.

"I s–swear to God if you tell anyone that I cried like a baby for Taehyung, you won't—", Jungkook threatened but was cut off by Jin.

"Yeah yeah stop threatening me I won't tell anyone coz I'm handsome"

"That was so random, Hyung", Jungkook spoke while rolling his eyes.

"You have to sleep now, tomorrow you're going to Spain with your Taehyung, don't you?", Jin spoke as his words made Jungkook cheer up.

"Yes!! His seat is next to mine too. I gotta sleep otherwise I'll get dark circles under my eyes and then I won't look cute", Jungkook spoke while laying down and hugging the photo of his and Taehyung.

"He's really something", Jin chuckled as he covered Jungkook with a blanket.

"Good night, baby brother and I hope you don't see wet dreams about you and Taehyung", Jin teased.

"Shut up, Hyung!", Jungkook shouted while blushing. Jin just laughed and left his room.


The week has already passed. Jungkook informed Taehyung that he would be coming to pick him up and they both will go together to the airport.

"Hello, Taehyung. I have arrived, I'm outside your house"

"Yes, sir. I'm coming just give me a sec", Taehyung replied from the other line of the phone.

"Yes, Taehyung", Jungkook spoke as he hung up the call.

Jungkook was looking here and there as he kept tapping the steering wheel while waiting for Taehyung.

As his eyes went towards Taehyung's house again, he saw the boy that stole his heart locking the house.

Taehyung turned around and walked towards Jungkook's car with a big smile on his face.

Jungkook smiled back to him and Taehyung entered the car.

"Good morning, sir", Taehyung greeted as he leaned forward making Jungkook's breath hitch. He smiled and pecked Jungkook's baby soft skin.

"G–Good morning, Taehyung", Jungkook tried to speak confidently but his voice betrayed him.

I don't want him to stop pecking me but I gotta stop him, ugh!! Jungkook started the car as he thought that.

"Umm T–Taehyung...", Jungkook stuttered.

"Yes, sir?", Taehyung asked as he looked towards Jungkook who's focus was on the road but he seemed a little nervous.

"Don't peck anyone in Spain. It's fine if we won't, they'll be fine with that", Jungkook said but it came more like a command that Taehyung HAS to obey.

Taehyung was left in shock.

"B–but sir, we practiced so much a–as you told... And now...", Taehyung didn't know what to say ahead.

"Yes, Taehyung I know but Mr. Lopez, the one whom we're collaborating with doesn't likes skinships with strangers as far as I've heard. We can't risk, r–right?", Jungkook lied again smoothly, feeling guilty again but he needed to stop him.

"Oh, I understand", Taehyung nodded his head in understanding.

"And don't kiss someone else too there, coz if they didn't like it then it won't be good for us", Jungkook's voice came like an order.

"I understand, sir. I won't do it, you can trust me", Taehyung spoke while smiling.

"I'll always trust you" my love Jungkook thought the last part while smiling.

Taehyung smiled too as he heard Jungkook's words which seemed so genuine.

I'm happy that he trusts me

𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖤 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖬𝖤 {𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now