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*Continuation of flashback*

At a young age, when Jungkook should enjoy, like his peers had, he was pressurized with all the CEO course.

Although he knew it was for his own good, but this turned him cold too.

He wanted to live alone with limited talks which he did. He doesn't talks much and bought a house for his own. To live alone.

He was confident who not even blushed easily.

But the boy infront of him changed him in just a split of second. His affectionate words and him caressing his hair made him feel safe, good yet emotional.

For the first time in his life a non-family member made him feel safe

Now he's sniffling in Taehyung's chest as he hugged Taehyung back.

Taehyung really felt bad for the boy as he heard sniffles. He doesn't knows the reason coz the police has already taken the two men away.

Taehyung rubbed circles on his back to calm down.

"Let it out, sugar. You're good. Everything will be alright", he whispered soothingly.

And that's when Jungkook lost it and started crying pathetically. His childhood was ruined, he was pressurized so much with work, he was surrounded with fake people and people who only wanted him for his body but honestly neither he wanted anyone "special" in his life. He never wanted to show his weak side to anyone. (I wanted this to happen now coz I don't want to keep on dragging the flashback & focus on the main story✊)

But this boy changed his whole point of view. No one would have risked their lives and saved him, but this boy did. He doesn't even know the boy's name yet he's feeling 'things' he never felt before.

He's feeling a very good feeling in his heart, he's feeling butterflies in his stomach and his heart pounding faster than it should. The stress that he was feeling now long forgotten as he cried out in Taehyung's chest.

He calmed down after sometime as he looked up only to see the handsome stranger looking at him with eyes full of concern.

"Are you ok now?", He asked with concern.

Jungkook nodded his head and genuinely smiled after so much time.

Taehyung couldn't see him smiling but by judging Jungkook's eyes, he knew that the boy was smiling.

Jungkook had dark circles under his eyes, which clearly indicated that he's not sleeping properly. Taehyung noticed it.

"You should sleep more, sugar", he said smiling as he caressed the younger's hair.

'I'll definitely get good sleep today, thanks to you' Jungkook thought as he nodded again.

"If you don't mind we can walk together out of the alley, I don't want anyone to harm you, again", Taehyung says with genuine concern.

That was enough to melt Jungkook's heart that he once believed was stone. The butterflies were wilding in his stomach.

He hummed coz he didn't trust his voice now. He might stutter and embarrass himself which he doesn't wants.

"Let's go then", Taehyung smiled as he started walking along with Jungkook.

They didn't exchanged any words after that as they walked in comfortable silence.

Jungkook forgot the last time he felt this relaxed and happy.

They came out of the alley and now on a busy street that was safe to walk.

Taehyung turned towards Jungkook as he spoke, "Don't ever walk alone in unsafe places like that alley, hmm?"

Jungkook nodded his head vigorously but before he could speak Taehyung spoke again, "I gotta go now. Hope we'll meet again, sugar"

Jungkook felt bad that he'll be leaving now, but his heart fluttered when he heard the boy call him ''sugar".

"Bye, sugar!", He waved him goodbye as he left.

Jungkook stood there watching the boy go away. He turned to go to his house once the boy disappeared fully.

He sighed while unconsciously pouting, but smiled again once he remembered what happened earlier. His heart was beating at an insane speed as his cheeks were still covered with the pink shade.

"Ugh! What's happening to me!?", He groaned while blushing.

"I really hope too that we meet again, angel. Silly me, didn't even ask your name", he pouted as he made a wish of meeting that stranger again while making his way to his house.

Jungkook entered his room with a silly smile on his face. After freshening up, he immediately laid on his bed. The smile not leaving his face, as he thought about that stranger boy whom he's calling "angel" now coz he just made Jungkook happy that nobody was able to since years!

And after so many years he slept peacefully and had the best sleep ever, thanks to the stranger boy aka Jungkook's angel.

Meanwhile Taehyung wished that the boy aka his sugar's all the problems should go away, forever. He didn't pity him, he was just worried for him. The way the boy cried made his heart ache. He wished that the boy's life be filled with happiness and happiness only.


2 weeks have already gone, yet Jungkook wasn't able to get the boy out of his head.

He really wanted to meet him again, but again he didn't even know the name of the boy then how could he find him.

He and his cousin Jin were walking towards a garden, as Jin offered Jungkook and basically emotionally blackmailed him to accompany him. Atlast he gave up when Jin showed him his puppy eyes.

Now he's walking with his Jin Hyung as Jin was busy talking about his handsome face. Jungkook was just nodding while thinking about his angel.

"–Kook, Jungkook!", Jin started shaking the boy to bring him out of his daydream.

"Yes!", Jungkook replied as he was brought out of his thoughts.

"Gosh! What were you thinking about!? Did u even listen what I was speaking?", Jin asked showing a little annoyance.

'No', Jungkook thought but didn't say.

"Whatever! I'm going to buy my beauty cream. Wait for me I'll be back soon", Jin spoke as he left, leaving Jungkook standing at the side of the footpath.

Call it fate or anything, after a few minutes he saw his angel, again. This time he was helping a grandma by carrying heavy bags on the other side of the footpath.

'How should I approach him!?' Jungkook panicked but again got mesmerized by the smile that he was showing to the grandmother.


Sorry the whole chapter was about the flashback. I wanted to keep it only of few sentences but decided to change into long details lol I hope y'all don't mind <333

~ Saanvi💖


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