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At first Jungkook thought that it was just a small attraction or what we say "infatuation" towards Taehyung, but as days passed Jungkook found himself falling more for Taehyung.

He couldn't help but seeing Taehyung's kind behaviour, his flawless work, his talents, his smile makes him fall in love even more.

The way he calms Jungkook down whenever Jungkook is pressurized with work, Taehyung has become Jungkook's stress buster.

He has started imagining how it would feel to have Taehyung close to him, date him, cuddle him, kiss him and giving all of himself to Taehyung.

He ain't a delulu. But it's not a crime to imagine them being together. That's what he does every night. He imagines him being cuddled and kissed by Taehyung, while Taehyung whispering sweet nothings. That's what he does and sleeps peacefully.

I wish you could be mine, Tae He smiled sadly as he looked at his wallpaper of Taehyung.

"Hope I could steal your heart like how you stole mine a very long ago", he told the wallpaper, not having the courage to say this to the person in the wallpaper in real life.

"Good night, angel. Sleep well. I love you. Please love me, too", He said as he kissed the photo and kept it on his side and went into a deep sleep, dreaming about him and Taehyung being together.


Byungho and Taehyung were playing games, when Byungho lost the game, again.

"Yay!! Byungho see I always win against you!", Taehyung squealed.

"Whatever", Byungho rolled his eyes.

"Tae, I'm your friend so you gotta help me", Byungho spoke.

"What is it, Byung?", Taehyung asked.

"I tried talking to Jungkook but he's playing hard to get *chuckles* Ask him to kinda hang out with you day after tomorrow, here. As it's a holiday on that day so he'll be free. If he says yes then he can come here and I can make a move, while you can watch our love scenario", Byungho suggested.

Taehyung made a disgusted face,"Eww dude what if I cringe??"

"Come on, can't you do that for your friend??", Byungho showed him his most powerful weapon, his puppy eyes.

"Ugh, ok!"

Taehyung agreed coz he did really want to hang out with Jungkook while it will help his friend too.


Taehyung and Jungkook were working peacefully when

"Aaaah!", Jungkook screamed as he saw a big bug on his table. He hated bugs with passion.

"What happened, sir?", Taehyung asked as he went towards him.

Jungkook immediately jumped in Taehyung's arms as he squeezed his eyes shut, catching Taehyung off guard.

"Save me, Taehyung. I hate bugs!!", He spoke as he clutched more in Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung held Jungkook's waist for support.

"Hey, nothing will happen it's just a bug", Taehyung tried to calm Jungkook down.

Jungkook then looked up and soon regretted it. Their faces were just inches away only then Jungkook realized what has he done.

Gosh I might faint now and the reason will be you, Tae! Jungkook gulped.

Taehyung gulped too.

Jungkook was already a blushing mess, his heart was beating at insane speed.

The bug already flew out of the window, but who was supposed to inform them?

His eyes definitely looks like my Sugar's Although it has been years Taehyung still hasn't forgotten about the mysterious boy that he saved that day. He looked so vulnerable, Taehyung felt the need to protect him, forever. He felt so bad that he didn't meet him after that. And sometimes Jungkook gives him his sugar's vibes too, but he better not think that.

Right now he was mesmerized by the beauty in his arms.

"T–Taehyung..", Jungkook croaked out.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you", Taehyung unconsciously spoke out.

This only caused Jungkook to blush even more. His knees felt weak, he clutched Taehyung's shirt even more tightly.

But much to his disappointment, he heard a knock on the door, causing both of them to come out of their daze.

"The bug has gone, Mr. Jeon", Taehyung smiled as he pulled away from Jungkook, as Jungkook unwillingly got his hands off from Taehyung.

"Come in!", Jungkook let out an annoyed sigh.

The door opened revealing Byungho with a big smile, but his smile fell when he Taehyung and Jungkook standing so close to each other.

Seeing Byungho, Taehyung quickly distanced himself more from Jungkook and went to his seat, causing Jungkook to get confused at his sudden panic but shrugged it off thinking Taehyung just wanted to do his work.

Byungho spoke with Jungkook and even tried to flirt with him, but Jungkook didn't pay attention to it, while Taehyung saw it as being "unprofessional" but didn't comment.

When Byungho was going, he signalled Taehyung to ask Jungkook about their "hangout"

It was time to leave now,

"Taehyung, let's go", Jungkook spoke getting Taehyung's attention.

Taehyung looked up and smiled, "Ok, sir"

He saw Jungkook's face turn into a faint shade of pink.

Although he's mostly cold, he can be cute sometimes Taehyung smiled at his own thought.

Jungkook nodded as he started walking and Taehyung started following him from behind.

They entered Jungkook's car and buckled up their seatbelts.

Jungkook started driving, when Taehyung decided to ask him about the hangout.

"Umm Sir..."

"Yes, Taehyung?"

"Are you busy tomorrow?", Taehyung asked.

Why is he asking me that? Jungkook thought.

"No I'm not", Jungkook replied but was really confused as Taehyung never asked him this before.

"Will you come to my house tomorrow?", Taehyung asked smiling.

Jungkook couldn't believe his ears.

"W–what did you say? Can you repeat?", Jungkook asked nervously.

"Will you come to my house tomorrow? We can play video games and watch movies too! And Byungho really makes delicious cookies.. we can have fun tomorrow, sir. You're already so stressed, it can be a–"

"I'll definitely come", Jungkook cut off Taehyung's sentence. Yeah he was a little annoyed that Byungho would be there too, but if he gets to spend time with Taehyung he can endure Byungho too.

"Ok sir!", Taehyung's smile widened hearing Jungkook's response.

Jungkook was way too excited for the next day to come. He was already blushing at the thought that he'll finally get to spend time with his Taehyung.


Byungho was too excited when Taehyung informed him that Jungkook will be coming tomorrow.

"Taehyungie, thank you so much! I knew he would come, probably to see me too", Byungho murmured the next part.

"I'll be so lucky to date our boss in the future", Byungho spoke dreamily.

Taehyung smiled, "Sure you will!"

𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖤 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 𝖬𝖤 {𝖳𝖠𝖤𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now