Why Did You Take My Sunshine Away?

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Bad end

Kokichi woke up. He groaned, not recognizing his surroundings. White room, fluorescent lights, a heart monitor. Was he in a hospital? How? Why? He looked around. He was supposed to be dead. He was supposed to die. He ached all over. He could barely move. He scooted himself to the edge of the bed, whimpering at every movement. There was a window. Maybe he could fall to his death through it. He could fall down down down. Maybe he would be on the ground floor and he could crawl to the nearest road and get hit by a car. He tried to stand up only to collapse back onto his bed. "D-damnit" he looked to his arms and pulled out the IVs wincing at the pain. His left arm wasn't really responding to anything, it was probably what hurt the most. He sat at the edge of the bed for awhile, pulling of all of the medical gear. It was then that he realized he wasn't in his clothes or a hospital gown. He had on a navy green hoodie and black pants. He took it as a small mercy that he was wearing actual clothes. He tried to stand up only to fall to the floor with a thud. He tried his best to crawl to the window but he could only use one arm so it was hard. Once he got over to the window his used his right arm to pull himself up and steadied himself on the lip of the window. He looked to be on the third floor, that should be high enough. Gripping it tightly he tried his best to open it, it only opened a few inches before it stopped. Great, there's no way he could squeeze through that. He groaned. Maybe if he tried to force it open even more. He plopped himself on the ground, it hurt a lot but he wouldn't hurt much longer. He layed down and sat to where his foot was in under the slightly open windowsil. He grunted as he used all of his energy to push it open. He took a small satisfaction when the window made a loud pop and opened to its full size. He smiled but the smile was immediately put off his face when he saw a little red dot blinking. Shit, that was probably an alarm system. He rolled into his stomach to get up easier. It took him a bit but he got up and back to the window. He sat in it, ready to go, when the door opened. A white haired man looked panicked as he met eyes with Kokichi. "Ouma-kun." Kokichi turned back around to fall when the guy talked again. "Ouma-kun wait! Don't you wanna see Saihara-kun?" Kokichi grunted. "You might as well just call me Kokichi, it's not like it'll matter." "Oum- Kokichi please, you have people who care about you." Kokichi grimaced. "I never said I didn't, I can make my own decisions idiot. The guy smiled sadly, not that Kokichi would see. "You're right, I am an idiot. But so are you! Throwing away your life like this! What about everyone who cares about you?" Kokichi shook his heads. "I don't give a damn about them, this is what I want. Go away." "No. I've been where you are. Life is worth it, I think. Maybe. Yeah it's worth it." Kokichi chuckled "you sound very sure of yourself bud." "The names Nagito Komaeda but you can call me Nagito if you come back over here." Kokichi pretended to think about it. "Nah I don't think I will, thanks for the offer though. Just go away Naggy-kun." "Naggy-kun? Alright then you can call me that if you want, also Saihara-kun really wants to see you." "Shumai is an idiot." "So are you if you do this." Kokichi practically choked. "Damn Naggy Waggy you don't hold back!" Nagito grimaced. "It's true, they all miss you Kokichi." Kokichi shook his head. "No you don't get it. I'm alone Nagito, I always will be." Nagito sighed. "You're not, Saihara-kun, Iruma-san, Gokuhara-kun, Cabishira-san, Panta, they're all desperate to see you. They all miss you." "No, they're dead, I need to be too." "Kokichi-" "SHUT UP! LET ME DO THIS!" Nagito shook his head. "I can't." "Fine" and he leaned forwards. He watched as Nagito's eyes widened with surprise. He watched as the guy ran forward. He watched as an outstretched hand reached for his own. He watched as it missed.


Holy moly rip kichi mans got trama. Anywho the story is officially over! This is the last chapter. Thank you so much for reading this it truly has been a journey! Stay safe and much love♥️

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