Getting Patched Up

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Part 8
The hike back to the jet had been a long and very wet walk. There wasn't much talking either, as it was safer to talk once everyone was on the jet and flying away. Talking would have draw attention to yourselves. That's what you told yourself anyway. It was better to think you were just being sneaky and strategic rather than thinking that it was because there was nothing to say to each other.

When you finally got on the jet, you felt heavy and exhausted. Your stomach had been killing you as well from when you scraped it on side of the building. You hadn't told the other two about that though and hadn't risked looking at it either. From what you could tell too, Clint was doing the same. All on the walk back, he'd been favoring the side where the other man's sword had sliced into him.

Natasha pressed the button to close the doors to the jet and sighed heavily. "You guys go and get patched up and get changed out of your wet clothing. I'm gonna get us off the ground and headed back to the tower. We can talk about everything once we're in the air." She tells the two of you. "(Y/n), can you get Clint some clothes and show him where the med kit is?" She asks, and you had a feeling she was purposely doing this. You knew that Clint was very familiar with this kind of jet, and while it had been years since he'd been on one, the areas where the equipment was hadn't changed. You were too tired to argue with her though, and getting out of your wet clothes sounded amazing.

"Sure." You say simply, looking to Clint and motioning him with your head to follow you. Clint followed you without a word and Natasha went to start the jet up. Within a little while, you could hear the engines firing up.

You walked down a few narrow halls and stopped at one of the small lockers. From there, you pulled out a med kit and handed it to Clint. He took it from you and watched as you pulled out dry clothing. Enough for both of your to have a dry shirt and a pair of pants that would fit. From there, you opened the door next to the lockers and walked in.

The room had been an old bedroom for agents who got injured after a mission and needed a place to rest up in privacy. It still had everything in it since it really hadn't gotten used since the snap. You figured it would have been the perfect place for Clint to have some privacy while he got himself patched up. You carefully set his clothes on the bed and looked back at him, watching as he entered the room and looked around.

"Think this will work for you? There's also a bathroom over there." You say, motioning over to another door that was currently shut. Clint looked to where you were pointing and nods a little. "This is more than enough for me." He says, walking to the bed and setting the med kit down next to the pile of clothes.

"Where are you going to go though?" He asks, walking slowly to the bathroom and opening the door to look inside. You just shrug a little, still standing at the side of the bed and watching him walk around.

"There's another room I can use." You say simply.

"Are you sure? You can have this room if you want. I know these jets were built to only have one of these types of rooms." He says, but you shake your head. Clint had been living a pretty tough life from what you'd seen so far. You wanted to give him a place to get patched up in that was nice and cozy. More like the life he'd previously been living before the snap.

"No, it's ok. I think you need it more than I do." You say back and he only nods in response.

"Are there towels in here?" He asks, meaning the bathroom. He was standing in the doorway and looking around the room. You hum a little in thought and make your way over, stepping past him and going to one of the cabinets.

"There should be some in here somewhere." You say as you open the doors. You look at the different shelves and find the white towels on the top most shelf. "Yeah, right up here." You comment once you find them. You reach up to grab them and that movement stretches your abs right where you dragged your stomach against the building earlier. While it didn't hurt that badly, it does cause you to wince just slightly and a small pained hum comes from your lips.

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