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Part 26
Adrenaline is such a weird survival mechanism. On one hand, it can make the most average person into a super hero. Sharpen their reflexes, allow them to focus, grant them speed and strength they didn't know their body was even capable of. Anything to prepare the body to survive at all costs.

On the other hand, it could do the complete opposite. It could make a person's body freeze up, make their mind go blank, take aware their strength and speed, and leave them weak. Some survival instinct it becomes then but at least in both cases it numbs the pain. Whether that be to allow the person to escape without distraction or prepare them for the end.

The effect of adrenaline can trained and tweaked to allow its user to use it to its full potential. In Shield, the stressful training drills were designed to help the agents use it this way. It was for situations like the one you and your partner found yourself in now.

Clint was doing a great job channeling this survival chemical. How he managed to hold you, sprint, and not trip over all the debris could only be explained by his years and years of training to hone that skill. If someone dared to challenge why Clint was an avenger, you would definitely cite this situation and see if they could do any better.

He was handling it a lot better than you. Given, you didn't think you were doing bad per say, but you did allow some of the more negative effects of adrenaline to muddle you down for a second before snapping back into the agent that Shield trained you to be.

"Use my arrows!" Clint shouts at you as you desperately try to hang on to him and the gauntlet you were sure those creatures wouldn't mind getting their paws on.

The creatures were quickly catching up to you. Clint having to carry you was slowing him down quite a bit, but regardless on if he was carrying you or not, the creatures ran faster than him.

"(Y/n)! The arrows! Just start throwing them down on the ground or stick them to the walls! Use the ones with the helical fletching!" He repeats, snapping you out of your trance of just watching those things catch up.

"Like I know what that is!" You shout back, working the gauntlet between your thighs to free up your other hand. With your hand now free, you start to pull at the different arrows on his quiver, trying to figure out which ones he was talking about.

"You've been married to me how long, and you don't know what that is? It's the end of the arrow! The feather part. They're the spiral ones!" He tells you, and you quickly identify them from there.

"Then just say it's the spirally arrows!" You pull the arrows from his quiver and do as he told you to. You threw them on the ground since that was easiest, but you did manage to get a couple to stick to the pipping on the sides of the walls.

You weren't exactly sure what the arrows you were throwing around did. They didn't seem to be doing much of anything, but you trusted Clint. He was an avenger because he could think on his feet.

"All out!" You tell him once every helical fletched arrow was gone.

"Good, hang on!" He says, and before anything further could be explained, another explosion, much to your body's dismay, was launching you and him forward.

Clint tries his best to shield your body from the explosion and make it so you landed on him and not the other way around, but there wasn't too much that could be done. You end up slipping from his arms and landing harshly on your already banged up hip, body rolling a little ways before it ran out of momentum.

You groaned, praying that none of this was going to cause damage to your baby. Hopefully they were still too small to take any real damage and hopefully you had a bit of immunity until you were fully back. You still needed to be careful, but you also had to roll with the punches for now. Do the best you could given your choices and current situation. And suffering the damage of being thrown forward from another explosion was a lot better than the alternative of being torn apart by those things.

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