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Part 32
After the battle was a blur. Now that there wasn't any more adrenaline in your system, you were exhausted. One moment, you had fallen asleep in Clint's arms as he was carrying you, then next you were waking up in a hospital bed. It was a private hospital close to where the compound had been.

When your eyes finally fluttered open, the first thing you noticed was that all the pain in your limps had eased, but they felt heavy. You were definitely on some strong painkillers. The second thing you noticed was that your sprained foot had been elevated slightly. The third thing was that Clint was in your room, asleep in the chair next to you. His head was rested in his folded up arms on the bed.

Slowly, you reached out and gently thread your fingers into his hair. His hair felt clean, so he must have showered. You still felt grimy and made a mental note to see about getting a shower for yourself later.

As you brush your fingers through his hair, Clint instantly lifts his head at your touch, his sleepy eyes trying to focus on you.

"Hey, you're awake. How do you feel?" He asks, sitting up and moving his chair a little closer to your bed. His hand finds yours and holds it gently. You had a cannula in your hand that he was trying to be mindful of.

"Heavy." You mutter, words slurring just the slightest. It makes Clint laugh.

"Yeah, they gave you a lot of pain killers."

"We won?" You ask, causing a tired smile to cross Clint's face.

"Yeah, (y/n). We won."

You sigh, allowing your eyes to fall shut. Thanos was gone, and it was all over. Your free hand that Clint wasn't holding finds your stomach, feeling that your bump had gotten bigger. It was really over.

"And what about your kids?" You ask, wondering if Clint had made contact with them or Laura yet. If he hadn't you knew he'd be itching to do that. The smile that crossed Clint's face told you the answer before he even had the chance to say anything.

"Laura called like ten times during the battle. I called her back while you were being admitted. She and the kids are all confused and a little scared, but they're alright. All of them are safe. I got to speak with the kids. Cried like a baby afterwards." He laughs softly, and you beam at him. You knew how much that moment must have meant to him. You were a little sad you missed it but still overjoyed for him.

"When are you going to go see them?"

"As soon as you and baby get discharged." He smiles, resting his other hand over your bump, next to your hand.

"Clint, you don't have to wait. Yo-"

"No, no.. I'm waiting. I did make a promise to Tony that I would take care of you, didn't I? Wouldn't want him to haunt my ass." He chuckles, but there was sadness in his eyes at the mention of his fallen teammate.

You feel your eyes fill with tears as you remember that Tony was no longer with you. "No... we wouldn't want that." You chuckle, though a few tears escape. Clint gently run his thumb over the top of your hand, following an odd pattern due to him avoiding the cannula. As soon as your tears start to fall, he wipes them away.

"Who knew the guy whose shield file said he was volatile, self-obsessed and didn't play well with others would end up being the guy to sacrifice everything." Clint hums, remembering the day Nick Fury first wrote up the files on who to select for the Avengers Initiative.

"I think I knew the day he flew that missile into space to save New York."

Clint laughs softly. "He really was one of the best." It felt good to reminisce about him. He'd come such a long way from the time he was selected for the Avengers. "You know we're going to have to name our baby after him right?" He smiles, trying to steer the conversation to something more happy.

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