I'm Game

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Part 16
After you'd finished your shower and gotten dressed, you made your way back down to the lab. The kiss you shared with Clint was still on your mind, and it made you both excited and anxious. The kiss clearly overstepped some kind of unspoken line between the two of you, and you feared that it had just set you guys back. Or maybe you were just overthinking it all.

All your worrying about that kiss seemed to make you forget about what had happened in the lab earlier. Those memories only came back once you entered the space, and everyone turned to look at you. Their guilty looks immediately reminded you of all the yelling and a slight awkwardness filled the room for a moment. The only person in the room who wasn't acting guilty or nervous was Thor, and well, he hadn't been there, so he didn't exactly count.

You glance around at everyone and then looked to the floor instead, hoping this weird tension would just pass quickly, so you all could get back to work. You would rather just forget about the coffee thing and focus your efforts on getting the machine complete.

You made your way over to Tony, who was standing by the control panel. You figured he was probably the person giving everyone else their assigned jobs, and you wanted to see what you should be working on. As you approached, he gave you the same look that everyone else had been giving you. Guilty and a little nervous looking, though you figured his look was for different reasons. 

"Hey, so I'm here. Where did you need me?" You ask him as Tony gives you a slightly awkward smile.

"Oh hey, yeah uh.. You can just work on whatever until I'm ready to get you fitted for a suit. I'm going to need your measurements. Clint's too. I'm just finishing up Lang's now, so it'll be like five minutes maybe." He explains, and you peak down at the panel to see the suit he's working on.

"Is that the prototype for the test run?" You ask, and Tony gives you a nod.

"Yeah. Gonna send it through a sim a few times, see what happens. If everything goes accordingly, then we'll put Scott in it and send him through. Hopefully we won't lose him or anything." He adds in a little mumble near the end. You tilted your head at him, eyes wide a little, asking him silently if he was joking or not. Tony only gives you a smile though, which told you nothing.

Before you could question him any further, you heard the doors to the lab opening. Tony's eyes flicked to whoever was coming through them, and you turned to look as well. To no surprise, it was Clint. From the looks of it, he'd taken a shower and restyled his hair and had thrown on different clothes. He was now wearing some black sweatpants and a sleeveless green shirt, which displayed his sleeve tattoo.

His eyes scanned the room, and you continued to watch him until his gaze fell on you. Once your eyes locked, you felt like all the air had been sucked from your lungs. Feeling shy suddenly, you looked away and back to Tony, but he was just watching the exchange curiously. His eyes flicked to you and he raised his brows slightly, making you roll your eyes at him.

"Five minutes, yeah?" You tell Tony, giving his arm a quick pat and then leaving to go work on whatever till he was ready to take those measurements.

"Sure thing." He says to your retreating form.

As you walk, you try to avoid looking over to Clint again. The shyness from earlier was still there, and you couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze yet. Instead, you make your way over to Steve to see if he needed help with anything. It looked as though he was unscrewing a panel from the machine.

"Hey Rogers, need any help?" You ask the man, and he looks up at you from where he was kneeling on the floor. He gave you a smile, his eyeing looking you over. He was probably checking to see if you were alright from earlier.

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