You cant find Love when you live like this..

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Hello Guys <3 I am very proud to say thaI  im going to start this new fanfic :D I really hope you guys like it. Please please please vote for my story and comment on what you think <3 It would mean sooooo much <3 Thanks Guys <3 Enjoy :D

Chapter One

Zayn’s Pov

Love. A funny word. To some people it means so much, and yet to others, it means so little. How do you define love? I wouldn’t know.

                As a celebrity it is very hard to find true love.  Many want to date you and you don’t know who to pick. Do you really PICK who you love? Or does it just come naturally?

                I look at Louis and Eleanor. They are both happy and you can see a gleam in each others eyes whenever they look at each other. Louis says that Eleanor makes him get butterflies and a tingly feeling inside whenever he sees her. He said that she has changed his life. I want someone like that.. I want someone to look me in the eyes and tell me that they love me. Problem is, how would I know that they are telling the truth?

                I look at Liam and Danielle. They are always smiling and holding hands. We would be watching a movie and they would be sitting next to each other, holding each other’s hands and cuddling with one another. I can’t help but stare and feel a little jealous. I always catch myself looking down at my own two hands and wondering if I will ever have someone like that. Will someone ever be there for me to hold my other hand? I really hope so.

                By this point in my career I have been to many different places in the world. I’ve seen many different people and cultures. I have especially seen many girls. Some of them are very nice and some are very perverted… I’ve seen many beautiful girls on the outside but whenever you talk to them, they are very snobby and kind of tick you off. But, in the end they are fans and I cant help but love every single one of them.

                I want someone that I can call my own. I want my true love. Someone I can tell “I love you” to and mean it, knowing that they feel the exact same way. I want someone that I can hold hands with and give my jacket to whenever it is cold. Someone I can surprise with little gifts at times unexpected. Someone who I know will be there for me every step of my career and will support me no matter what.

                It’s weird how all of a sudden im thinking about this. I haven’t really thought about it before, it’s always been about setting my career and get into singing but I guess now that I see everyone else looking for love or already in love, I want my own love story.

“Hey Zayn! You coming mate? It’s almost time to go out to the signings”

I looked up and saw Niall standing at the door.

“Uhh yeah Im almost ready, let me just get my jacket.”

I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and grabbed the varsity jacket with my name on it from the table and started heading towards the door.

“You feeling okay there lad? Very thoughtful you are today. What are you thinking about?” Niall asked curiously.

“Love, Niall.” I took a deep breath and sighed. 

“Love”  I smiled at him and he smiled in return as I started patting his back and we started walking down the hallway.

Crazy, Stupid, Meaningful Love.

You cant find Love when you live like this..Where stories live. Discover now