Chapter 26: the idea isn't bad

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Taehyung was listening to his overprotective hyung for the last ten minutes, who wasn't getting over the fact that his baby brother just got a sword cut and didn't bothered to tell him, at the moment.

"When I asked you to not go, then why did you just? And why Jungkook didn't told me about it. He sent me for other's but my brother? I thought you were with Jimin, in all this time. Look at you, Kim!! Is this how you'll treat your hyung, who loves you? I have told you many times to listen to me, to be careful about everything, but Noo!! You just love to welcome troubles. Being locked up in the stores, getting attacked and all. You love adventures soo very much and I'm done with it." He finally breathed out.

"Hyung I've said sorry now forget it, I am fine. I promise." Taehyung apologized for the tenth time but it wasn't all about apology. Seokjin wasn't just overprotective, he was just worried for his innocent brother, left hanging out as usual and then crying himself to sleep.

"Tae- it's okay!! It's enough for today. Rest well now. I just don't want you to cry or getting into any kind of trouble and I don't want to be someone unaware of his beloved ones crying to sleep. I would hate it, if I am sleeping and my little angels are in pain. Just, share everything with hyung. Be happy, for hyung." Jin added with a warm smile.

"How lucky I am." Taehyung exclaimed as he rushed to hug his hyung. "Ouc- "

"Taehyung you Clumsy bear, get away. Go and rest. Let me find Jimin, he is also being a big deal, nowadays. I can't with you two."

It was 6:00 pm and everyone, including Yugyeom from Queen Anne, was seated in Quartermaster's Room as Jungkook asked them to be there. "What's it?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook locked the door, making it suspicious.

"We are going to talk about our further plans but before that I have a few things to tell. Make sure that it's all just between us. You aren't allowed to trust anyone else, to share things with. Yugyeom you will share this all, only with Bam, Bogum, Seojoon and Yeonjun. Got it?"

"Sure Captain, I was going to tell anyway."

Jungkook rolled eyes over the fact as he continued, "Firstly, No one should crosstalk until I'm done with speaking. Soo yeah- We have traitors among us and it's as clear as the fact that we're going to Take over Valasia. The only traitor, I got to know about is- Drake. (everyone's mouth except Taehyung, was hung agape. No doubt, they all wanted to question alot but- no one should crosstalk was the order.) Drake is the one- who locked Taehyung in store. Drake is the one who has stolen the letters sent by Soobin. Yes- he thought to do this daring act without knowing that I was already done with reading them. As far as I could know, he thought that I won't read them yet, as we got them late at night, before the attack and I Captain. Jeon, won't sacrifice my sleep over reading the letters. He replaced them with the fake ones and now this means that he has read the letters, which I sent to Soobin days back. Here I apologize for being careless and asking him to send it, as I was in hurry. Thankfully, there was nothing much in the letter. I just asked about the situation there. Any questions till now? I would continue with the plan, soon."

"Question? Jungkook I have a whole exam paper that you need to answer." Yoongi asked seriously which made Jungkook chuckle.

"Yeah what's it?"

"How come you know that Drake did all? How's he still alive? Ho-

"Taehyung watched him stealing the letters and he has given me a million dollar idea, that's why he is alive yet." Jungkook crosstalked.

"Spit the idea!! Let me know if it's worth letting Drake live?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"For now, just know that I'm not going to kill Drake. We will use him, the way he tried to use us. He can read the letters. I myself, will give him the letters to read, to send to Valasia... But the ones I want him to. I'm gonna decieve them by their own man." he smirked.

"Taehyung gave this idea?" Jhope asked while Yoongi was just shocked, trying to actually react.

"Yes hyungiee." Taehyung confirmed with his boxy smile.

"You've confirmed our success. Thank you." Yoongi exclaimed.

"Exactly." Jungkook added proudly. "I'll keep y'all updated about Whatever I plan and be careful now. None of them should know about any of the plans and neither should they notice any changes in your behaviour."

"No way- I will just end him for locking my brother. Huh." Jin was burning in rage.

"He will die in the worst way. I promise you." Jungkook assured.

It was 9:00 pm and Taehyung just rushed to the main deck, to go to the Captain's cabin, as Jungkook asked him.

"May I come in." Taehyung asked as the door for the cabin was already open. "Yeah sure." Jungkook replied softly.

"Soo this is the letter I've written. This will put him in an illusion about me, giving up on the idea of revenge. This will calm the things down, even if it's for sometime. I'll secretly send the letter to Soobin, later on." Jungkook showed him the letter, which he was done writing while Tae was asleep.

"Perfect!! Now watch them going nuts about it. Their biggest comfort would be, you, backing off, what else they want.." Taehyung's voice was laced with confidence as smug smile played on his lips.

"Yes all good." Jungkook said plainly as he walked outside. "What's it Captain? Is anything disturbing you?" Taehyung asked as he followed him towards the railing.

"I was just thinking if they get to know about Soobin or if they do any harm to him? In recent letter, he told that everyone's ready to welcome us. He has secretly spread the news of us, approaching Valasia, soon. The people are impatiently waiting for us, Ofc that ugly man, James has made their lives pathetic. That all was our's. Ugh- I am going to end him." Jungkook was more likely talking to himself as his voice was pretty low as compared to his normal pitch.

"Oh God, what's to worry in it? If they were capable of doing much, they won't be doing such coward act of stealing letters." Taehyung's words comforted him much more then expected m

"Oh yes-" Jungkook agreed while pressing a smile. He was satisfied with the answer. "Btw will you mind telling me the reason that why did you just, rushed in between and got this shitty wound?" Jungkook's voice didn't showed much emotions but he was more then curious to know.

"I just thought that he will kill you. You didn't knew that he was coming to attack y--

"What would've happened if he succeeded in giving me a wound because in no way, he could get my head away. I would have attacked back." Jungkook crosstalked.

"I just didn't wanted you to get injured. It was just naturally." Taehyung explained with a plain voice.

"Why? Am I not evil? Why you didn't wanted it? If we look at the whole scenario, it was me who got you in such situation. It was me, who brought you here. Right? Then why?" Jungkook was absolutely smirking now. He just wanted to listen something particular. Something that he wished to be connected with love ..

"I don't know, Captain. You tell me, why I did that? Andd- why you were Soo bothered about me getting a wound?" Taehyung tried to sound absolutely confident even tho he was panicking inside.

"You're the person I would least want to get a wound because dumbs like you are really bad at bearing it and secondly I didn't liked the Idea of you getting it.. Just don't get hurt. Now you're special just like my hyungs Soo..."

"You didn't even knew where your hyungs were, during the attack." Taehyung talked back. The boy had no idea that how much of a big deal his words were...

"Yes because I had my eyes on you. Forget it!! Forget what I asked." Jungkook flicked hair, avoiding the eye contact with brunette.

"When you've confessed that you had eyes on me then what's wrong with confessing that you like me too, Captainnn!!" Taehyung said playfully.

"I like youuu? Mr. Kim- the idea isn't bad." Jungkook replied in his deep voice.


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