Chapter 5: Fear

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While Taehyung was lying on bed, he brought his hand near to his neck just to hold the locket but- WHERE IS IT? THERE WAS NO NECKLACE AROUND HIS NECK!! DID HE LOST IT? HE PANICKED AND WAS ABOUT TO GET UP-

"Oh I remember- I placed it in my wooden box because I was angry with gukkie," he sighed!! BUT I WANT IT OMG HOW CAN I GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT IT OMG HOW CAN I LIVE WITHOUT IT. MR. RM CAN BRING IT, he rushed outside the room. To his luck, RM was there, loading some boxes on the ship.

He asked him to get him his precious wooden box to which Namjoon nodded and asked Seo Joon (another sailer) to bring it for Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed in relief. He couldn't go inside without it Soo he waited for the man to bring it to him. He wanted to go at the top of the ship because of course it's going to take time for him to bring it back and it was one of his dream too.. but- CAPTAIN. JEON.

He hid behind the door as soon as he saw Captain. Jeon, the man he was hella scared of. He sighed in relief as he saw Jungkook leaving the ship. He dismissed the idea of going to the top of the ship and waited till Seo Joon returned with his box. He passed him his iconic boxy smile and bowed a thank you before going back to the room.

He wore the locket, held it closer to heart and slept right after ten minutes. There was a magic... love... in that necklace.

Jungkook was walking down the unpaved streets of Jeju island. His footsteps took him to that particular huge rock- as soon as Jungkook's eyes caught the view, he got tears. This is what he had dreams about, this is what he was picturing in his mind since forever, (A huge rock, a never ending sea and cold breeze)

Jungkook wasn't the man to cry easily- no he would never cry but.. there was something that made him emotional. He still can't picture any person from the past but he can feel the emotions he felt, the memories he made... At that place...

He sat there for a while- A while means till 3:00 am in the morning. He then headed back to the ship.

There was a knock at the door of that dark, yellow lighted room. Seokjin, who was half asleep, immediately stood up to open it.

Fact that the boy didn't slept peacefully because he knew, the next morning, he isn't going to open his eyes in his beloved pearl harbour.

"You three need to get ready, we are about to sail. Cook food for the sailors and Captain! Captain hate the things that aren't done on time. Your brothers should be helping you because they're cabin boys, you're not allowed to do anything alone. When you're done, ask Seo Joon to call me. He is going to supervise y'all." Namjoon ordered.

"Seo Joon, lead them to the galley and guide them about where the food is placed and how they're going to utilise it."

Seon Joon was the boatswain at the ship

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Seon Joon was the boatswain at the ship. (Bosun/boatswain is the in-charge of keeping the ship in shape for travel and battle. He is supposed to look after wood, food, canvas and ropes, things vital for swift and safe sailing).

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