chapter 28: let me kiss

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The last night felt like a dream. He couldn't believe that he just followed his heart, afterall. He wasn't regretting it but his head, his body, was aching. He was just feeling week and had no energy to get up for the breakfast. Jungkook was just lying lifelessly, in his great Cabin. Not willing to leave the bed, neither the fresh memories from last night. That adorable face, excitedly hoping Kim with a dust of pink, on cheeks... he was absolutely in love.

It was the tenth time that Taehyung was practicing to have a straight face but he always ended up smiling shyly. How will u face him, Taehyung thought after failing in several attempts of acting fine and unbothered. He was absolutely bothered by last night incident and had no courage to face Jungkook. He believed that a single eye contact with him will just Pierce his heart and he will loose all the control over his life.

Taehyung successfully made it to the galley with a serious face. He just seated himself when Seokjin worriedly asked Namjoon about Jungkook. "Why is he not feeling like eating? Jungkook always loved to eat alot in the breakfast then what's with today? Is he really fine?"

"Idk but please check him. He said, "he is having a severe headache." Maybe he is having fever, Just go and check him. I'll place the food on the table." Namjoon responded.

It felt like Taehyung's world just shattered into pieces. No matter how nervous he was or how much he practiced to behave in Jungkook's presence, he felt sad over the fact that Jungkook won't be there. A person he wanted to see Soo badly. A person, he dreamt of, all night.

Taehyung was about to stand up, he already felt full. He just lost the appetite and wanted to leave but was stopped by Yoongi, as he held his arm to pull him back to the seat. "he'll be fine. Don't worry." Yoongi whispered slightly.

"I wish I could take away his headache. My poor boy gets it too often." Jhope expressed sadly.

"Why?" Taehyung just had a slip of tongue. He continued as Jhope gave him a confusing look. "I mean why he gets headache often?"

"It mostly happens when he thinks about something, more then needed or normal." Yoongi answered plainly.

Am I the reason? Taehyung's lips tilted into a slight smile as the next thought completely faded it away. He is in pain. He gets it really often means he just thinks about lots of things. It can't be you Taehyung. Ugh I want to see him.

Everyone was done with lunch and Jungkook was still in the room. Even tho Jin served him there and even tho Taehyung got to know that he's sleeping peacefully, he wasn't at peace. Taehyung just wanted to meet him. The thought of him being in pain was just disturbing him alot.

He walked towards the Great Cabin.

"Captain?" Taehyung knocked at the door for a response. "Jungkook?" he called out unconciously but no one responded.

He just opened the door to find Jungkook sleeping peacefully. He slowly walked towards him, closing the door behind.

His heart felt pain and a number of emotions, at the same time. Jungkook's face looked thousand times more soft, while sleeping. He looked like a baby as compared to Captain. Jeon.

He just seated himself beside that peacefully sleeping bunny. He then unconciously started ruffling Jungkook's hair.

It was barely ten minutes and Jungkook just opened his eyes, to find Taehyung sitting beside him, softly ruffling his hair.

It's a dream, he believed.

"Oh- ii I am sooRry captain. I just disturbed your sleep. I just came to ask about your health. G-et well soon." Taehyung stuttered as he stood up to leave the room. Before he could make any progress, Jungkook held him by the arm,  "

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