(Free at Last)

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Chapter 7


“Look Jinx other people!” Timothy said and I looked out him like, know *shniz*. “What are they trying to tell us?” Bianca said. “I don’t know.” I said and motioned that we couldn’t hear you to Brittany and them.

They responded with a thumb up, and then they pushed a white rolling dry erase board in front of the window. Then they wrote, “We know a where out, it’s a back door leading to the out side. Can you get over here?” Then I told Bianca to bring our dry erase board over here. We put it in front of the window and I wrote back “No zombies are outside of our door.” Then they looked at each and then looked up. I looked up and saw what they were looking at. “So how are we going to get over there?” Isiah said, “Welllllll… they want us to climb the Breeze way.” I said “The what?” Mr. Cook said, “The Bums that connect the east building roof with the west building roof.” I replied. “No way in Hell that’s happening. We could die and get eaten alive.” Jordan said then “BANG! BANG!” the door sounded again “It looks like our friends wants to come and play, what would you all rather do?” I asked “Stay and get eaten alive, or go out and might have a chances to live.” Then they all agreed that we had to climb the Beams. “Ok we need someone very light and not too tall.” I said and everyone eyes moved to Bianca “What!” she said like she didn’t know.

“Why me?” she said standing on the outer rim of the window. “Because you are the size of my pinky so moves it.” Ashley said, “Come on you can do it.” Mr. Cook said holding her in place as she grabbed the beam. “Ok you are 20 feet from the ground so tuck you legs in as you go across.” I told her. “Just don’t look down” Jordan said “Shut up.” Bianca said back. Isiah gave her a good luck kiss on the lips. “You’ll be fine,” I guess trying to make her feel better. “Emmanuel is going to help you down on the other side,” I said. And pointed to Emmanuel waiting on the other said. “Ok” she said and started swing on the beam. One arm in front of the other, not knowing if the next swing will be her last. We watch the zombie trying to grab at her snapping the nasty mouths. She had gotten close enough that Emmanuel could grab her hips and pull her in. “Ok good she made it, so ok Jordan you go next.” I said and it went on from there to Ashley, Amber, and then Isiah.

Now all that’s let is Mr. Cook, Timothy, and I the tallest people in the group. (Well, they are the tallest ones I’m going last because I wanted to make sure no one screwed up.)“Ok now Mr. Cook it’s your Turn.” I said “No Ms. King you go.” He said to me. “No you must go then Timothy then me.” I said. “No, ladies first” he said “Mr. Cook you…” “You guys can sit here and talk about that, but I am out of here.” Timothy said walking to the window. “No you can’t go now.” I said trying to stop him. “BANG! BAND!” the door said. “*Fooshy* you I am out of here.” Timothy said and went out of the window. “No…” I screamed.  What I was trying to tell him is he had to go last so I could show him how to huge on the beam, because he was too tall and he needed to put both feet on the BEAM.

So as soon as the zombies saw his Hal’ Mart shoes kicking they jumped and grabbed them and started to pull Timothy down. He was still close to the window, but not in reaching range. (Will maybe a little but I did not fell like using my energy.)  He was kicking and screaming, and then RIP! one zombie has gotten his shoe off without taking them of his feet. (Talented) Now they see the sight of a bloody nub swing around, and they pulled him so hard and the dumb ass (Sorry I Mean *apple*) would not let go so “SNAP” the beam broke but Mr. Cook Caught it, and Timothy lost his grip and fell.

The zombies ripped his arms off and then his legs. That scream that blood curdling scream I will never forget it. “Help!” is what he was screaming, (I think) but he stopped when the zombies tore open his stomach and ate his intestines.

“Timothy!” I screamed in shook; than a hand burst through the glass door window. “Come on Jinx!” Mr. Cook yelled grabbing my arm and pulling me over to the window. “No Mr. Cook you'll be left here to…” “SHUT UP and just go. Those kids need you to help them get out so be a leader and go.” He said and got me out the window. “What about you?” I said “Don’t worry about me it’s my duty as a solider.” Mr. Cook said. Then I put my hands on the beam and started to climb I was almost there, four feet away and then. SMASH the door where Mr. Cook was bust open and a wave of zombies came in. I looked backed to see Mr. Cook surrounded be zombie getting his flesh ripped right of his last words were. “Keep moving front. Don’t ever stop fighting.” Mr. Cook said. He let go of the beam I jumped to the windowsill. My hand had just missed when isiah grabbed my hand and pulled my up.

I was so glad to see everyone it was at less ten people in there. Little bro Isiah, his girl friend Bianca, the king of smart *apples* Emmanuel, The Cheer-skank Brittany, the Russian *BUUNY* Amber, Best friends Ashley and Jordan, Antoinette, Karrington, and Kristien (I could not thing of things to say about them don’t judge me)

Then Ashley comes running to hugs me and said “God you gave me a heart attack. I am so glad you’re ok.” I hugged her back. “Ok your girl-friend is ok now come we leave.” Brittany said trying to call us gay (*BUNNY*). Brittany and Amber were standing by the window look at us. (Brittany and Amber are sisters, BFF you know.) “Ok where is the way out?” I asked “This door leads to a stair way, that leads us out the side door of the school. Which if we keep straight the student parking lot is there to.” Antoinette said then “Bang, Bang” the door went. “*Shniz* open the damn door.” Ashley said, and I replied with a swift “Ok.” I opened the door with the help of Jordan and Kristen, the same putrid smell from the courtyard. I looked down there and the once tan white and green stair way is now a dark red color.

Then I looked down at the bottom of the stairs to see our amazing geometry teacher Mr. Thomson eating a student back like some baby back, baby back, baby back rips. (TeeHee) “Well how does it look.” Brittany said. “We have one eating a…. You know.” I said. “Well *SHINZ* how in the hell are we going to get out now.” Bianca said. “Bang, Bang, SMASH” the window to the front door said, all types of different hands were reaching out. “Now what Jinx?” Isiah said, and then everyone looked at me and it hit me. No literally a bucket of rulers fell on my head. (Awch) “Ok everyone hurry up and grab something sharp.” I said grabbing a broom. They grabbed broken table legs, yardsticks, and a sharpen pencil. (Emmanuel).

Then the front door started to come off its hinges. “Everyone lets go.” I said opening the door as everyone ran out of it. Then as I was closing the door the burst threw the front door, and then I slammed the door shut, and used my broom to stop the door up. Then I went to where the others were, “Hey” “Shhhh!” Antoinette said to me. Emmanuel was trying to lead everyone around the zombie, but it didn’t work it saw us. The zombie lunged at everyone then Emmanuel grabbed his barely sharpen pencil and did his worrier cry, (Which said like a baby cat.) and then “Squish” the pencil sounded as it penetrated Mr. Thomson eye in to his brain.              Which brings me to Rule 2: Anything is a Weapon. “ Wow Emmanuel that was amazing” Jordan said “Yeah ok, now lets get the hell out of here.” I said and we all ran out of the door to the out side. “We made it.” Bianca said. We all looked at each other and said our goodbyes. I told isiah that I loved him and to be safe. He was taking Bianca home. Emmanuel drove Brittany, Amber, and Kristen here so he was taking them back home. So it was Karrington, Jordan, Ashley, and I riding home together. Ashley unlocked the car so we could get in, then she went over to Amber said something and did a handshake or something. Then she got in the car started it up and we drove off. “What now?”, “You can stay with me Ashley.” I said to Ashley.

Ashley does not have a mom or dad so she stays with me, and the group home off and on.

“I can I have to do something.” Ashley said “Like what, we are in zombie land and….”I was yelling when she spot in fount of my house. “I will call you later.” “BUT ASHLEY...” “Just got out GO!” she said to me. We all got out Jordan, Karrington, and I all live in the same neighbors. Ashley drove off and we all went home.

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