(I Hate Kids)

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Chapter 10



We walked up to the front steps of the school and tried to open the door. “Crap it’s locked.” Jordan said pulling on the door. “We should try… the front do… door, I mean the back.” Karrington said sitting on the ground sweating. I went to her and felt her fore head. “Karrington you’re burning up.” I said “Maybe your should stay in the car.” Jordan said as he picked her up. “Okay then.” She said Jordan took her to the car and she said “Be safe you guys.” Smiling back at us.

Jordan came back and I led the way to the back of the school. We passed be the courtyard to see like hundred zombie students limping around. “*SHNIZ*” Ashley said, “Look.” I said pointing to the back door. “How are we going to get pass the pre-teens?” Jordan asked. I looked around we was by the tennis court and I saw a tennis ball. I picked it up and said to Ashley “How good is you pitching Arm.” She smiled and Jordan looked confessed.

Ashley coked back and threw the ball in the front parking lot. We duck behind a few bushes that were there. Then the limping zombies went from limping to full out sprinting we was shocked as how fast the was. “How in the name of the holy spirit did the run like that?” Jordan asked “Yeah I know the other ran but much more zombie like you. What do you think Jinx?” Ashley said then looked me. “Maybe each zombie is different you know.” I said, “What do you mean?” Jordan asked “we do not have time to figure it out we have to go come on.”

We walked down the hall and saw all types of little happy pictures, suns, rainbows, and frogs. “What in the hell, where are we.” Ashley asked, “We must have walked in the day care area the build after we left.” Jordan said, “Yeah your right.” I said look at all of the colorful painting. “Wow Jordan right hell must have just froze over.” Ashley laughing, “You know what Ashley…” “Jordan shut up.” I told him, “Listen.”  They went quite and we hear it a little girl crying. It was coming from the classroom door that had 1+1, 3-8, and other numbers on it a math class. (Well that’s explains the crying.)

We went in to see who was crying, and to see if we could help to find a little girl with her head on the desk crying. We walk over to her, “Hey sweet heart are you okay?” I asked petting her head. She stop crying instantly, she slowly left her head up and when I saw her face, her hole bottom jaw was missing showing her long tong just about touching her chest. (Huck… sorry I just threw up a little.)  When I saw that the only thing I could say was “*SHNIZ*” before she could let out her horrible death cry we was already down the hall. Little kids stared to come from all of the classrooms, but know the was not running. They were hopping No not jumping, but hopping like little cannibal frogs. “What the *FEATHER*”, Ashley said “Ashley not in front of the kids.” “ Jordan you say one more stupid thing I well trip you.” Ashley said as we were running for our lives.

I had let out three shots (Yes I forgot I had a gun.) the last one hit and then we was pulled in a room, be what only God knows.

Chapter 11

(Still Hate Them)

We were scream “AAAAAAAAAAA!” when a human voice said to shut up then it was quit until the halls were quite. Around 30-45 minutes later they turned on the lights and then I saw Sky. “Sky!” I called out she saw me and ran up to me “Jinx! I knew you would not forget me.” She said “Of cores not.” (I not lying) I said and hugged her tighter. There were other people three kids and one adult. “Who are you guys?” Ashley said looking at them funny, then I pinch her arm and I said, “What my rude best friend meant to say was thank you for saving us. I am Jinx, she is Ashley, and he is Jordan you all are.” “ I am Mrs. Thomas this is Tony, Cleo, and …” “ The names Jammie and I could be the man of any of your ladies dreams.” Jammie said looking at Ashley and I.

“Down Jammie. These are the last surviving kids in the whole school. Tony is a 6th grader, Jammie is 8th and Cleo is 11th he was here helping me for committee serves. Oh and a teach U.S. government, and you all?” “I am…” “Sorry, but we do not have time for this look zombies.” Ashley said “The light is bring them to the window from the courtyard.” I said. “Ok everyone grabbed something that could be used as a weapon.” Jordan said grabbing a broom. Chair legs and even pencils were grabbed. “This is a art room we do not have much in weapons.” Cleo said Standing by Ashley and Sky. “Kids look” Mrs. Thomas said and I walked over to the closet were she stood. I looked in side and smiled “Yes. This will do.”

We walked out of the class to see one zombie in the hall. Cleo walked up in front of us ran up to the zombie and said “Say Cheeses!” BINK the bat sounded hitting the zombie’s skull so hard that he decapitated the thing. “Damn! Good hit.” Ashley said and slapped his back. “Lets keep moving.” I said as we ran up the hall and was about to turn the corner there was there more by the front door. “I got this one.” Jammie said and he ran up to it “Hey you ugly basted…”then the zombie stood up all the way. It was about 6ft 3in and 380 pounds, “Oh hey big guy. You know that hole basted thing...Um...Friends.” Jammie said bagging up then haled tail back to us as the Shark size zombie followed.

It was so big and fast I panic, and “BANG” the shot heard around the world. BOOM it exploded black oozes everywhere. The two other zombies heard it and wanted to play too “BINK! BINK!” Jordan and Jammie took them both out. “That’s a home run.” Jammie said looking in the air. I grabbed him and we all ran to the door when out of know where three toddler zombies hopped on her and bit her neck and her leg. She fell to the floor yelling, “Shot me! Shot me!” and I couldn’t. Then Cleo took the gun from me and shot Mrs. Thomas in the head. Then Jordan pulled Sky and I by the hand and Cleo grabbed Ashley hand and everyone ran out side.

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