(Get Us Out of Here)

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Chapter 6

(Get Us Out of Here)

"Ok everyone here?" I asked and then took a head count. "Ok were all here." I said. "Where are we going?" Amber asked me. "Well I think we need to get the hack out of here and go to Ashley's car." I said as we were walking right pass the 100 halls, the way we needed to go so that we could make it to the student's parking lot. "*Shniz* that a lot of people in the halls. Man there's not even that many during school." Ashley said. "Ok we need everyone to stay as quiet, like as quiet as if you seen a murder and the police came to question you quiet." I whispered. Then the thing you never want to happen in a quiet place.

"AAAH." Jordan said making I am about to sneeze face. "No! Jordan!" Isiah whispered looking at him. "AAAAAAH!" He said again about to blow our cover. "Don't you do it you peanut headed bustard" Ashley whispered and held a fist in his face. Then he stopped, we all blow a breath as a sign of relief then we moved on. "AAAAAAH CHOW!!" It was the loudest sneeze I have ever heard. I bet it echoed all over the school. We looked at Jordan and he had that oh crap look on his face, but amazingly the things had not noticed.

We all looked at each other and I kept leading the way; when we were almost around them "SNAP!" I stepped on a pencil and broke it. The things let out the most blood-curtailing howl. "REALLY!" I screamed and we all ran. We were running down the 100 hall and then up the 200 hall, the things were no more then 30 - 40 feet form us and then, "BAM!" Isiah fell on the ground. "HELP!" he yelled and we all stop me and Jordan got him up as the others kept jogging in front. "RRRRRR!" one of the things lunged right at me, and I stopped it with me feet just in time. The thing was really strong its face hovering over mine, its jaw kept trying to bit my face as it spit fell on me face I screamed. "Bang!" Ashley kicks it to the lockers as Jordan grabbed me up and we ran. "Are you ok?" Isiah asked. I wiped my face looking out him "How in the hell did you fall there was nothing there." I said. "You know that in ever horror movie cash scene one person falls over nothing." Isiah said.

We ran up stair, it looked like it was hard for those things to climb stairs, and we saw a girl run into the third class room on the right side of the hall. So we ran to that classroom, but the door was locked. "HEY! OPEN THE DOOR!" I demanded banging on the door. "GO AWAY" a manly old voice yelled. "OPEN THE GOT DAMN DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN AND WE ALL DIE!!" Ashley said kicking the door really hard.

The door quickly opened and we all ran in. "SHHH!" someone said and we sat there for 10 - 20 minuets

"It looks clear," a voice said (Tip all was know for real if its really all clear) and now that I could get a better look around I could see whose all in here. "Mr. Cook?" I asked he turned around and smiled. "Ms. King and your rouge friend Ashley." he said "Mr. Cook what in the Helicopter is going on?" Jordan asked. "You all know the game Call of Duty Black Ops 1 or 2 right?" He asked, and we all nodded our heads. "Good will the zombie mood of that game is happening right now." Mr. Cook said. "Know way in hell that can be happening." I said "BOOM! BOOM!" the door sounded. "Oh *SHNIZ*they found us." Ashley said.

"Ok now we have to try and get out of here those desk and chairs will not holed them for ever." Mr. Cook said, "How are we going to do that? There are no back door here, pulse to make it even better we are on the top floor with no way to climb down." Bianca said, "How is that better?" Jordan said to Bianca. "You're a real dumb *apple* aren't you." Bianca said "OK so you calling me a dumb *apple* is like me calling you Virgin Marry and we all know everyone has taped....","Wow Jordan watch what you say." Isiah said. "It's not my fault you go with a dumb.... You know." Jordan said "What." Isiah said, and with that one comment everyone started to argue as I was trying to think of a way out of here. I walked to the window that shows the courtyard and the east part of the school. I looked around out of the window and opened it.

The most toxic smell hit me in the face. It smells like a butcher's shop during summer, that's power went out for 3 days. Then I saw the most gruesome sight, over 100 zombies were limping down around the courtyard. Body parts everywhere, guts all on the walls and bodies impelled on the gates. When I saw that I was so distraught and disgusted that I ran to the trashcan and threw up. "Jinx, Hey Jinx are you ok." Isiah asked me. "Oh Man what is that horrible smell." Timothy said holding his nose, "Maybe it your top lip." Ashley said back to him. They all saw that I was looking at the window, so all approached it (approach means to come just making sure you're keeping up.) "What in the *Fooshy*!" Ashley screamed, then "BANG! BANG!" the door with again. "*SHNIZ* MAN WE ARE DONE FOR MAN, GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVE..." then "SLAP" I had to slap Timothy he was get on my last damn nervous already.

(Timothy is know around the school as a pain in the *apple*. He is 6ft and 1in with light brown eyes and dark nappy hair and lots of zits. I know I use zit a lot but lots of people have them.)I went back to look out of the window, when "BANG! BANG!" the door sounded. "They must really want to get in here. What are we going to do?" Amber asked me. Everyone is looking at me even Mr. Cook for me to have the answer. So I was about to say I don't know when "SMASH" a baseball came fling threw the window. "It must have come from the west building 100 feet away from this building." I said picking it up. I looked out of the window and saw Brittany, Antoinette, and Emmanuel waving at us. (They could not aim for the big window that was open.)

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