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Chapter 8


I walked up to the gate and saw that our welcome home sign was covered in blood. I cautiously opened the white gate and went up the stair. I was about to open the door with my key, until I saw it was cracked opened. I walked closer to the door and then push it open saying

“Hello.” I closed the door and walked in the living room. Our family portraits were knocked on the floor and the coffee table was smashed. “Mom, Charles, Sky.” I said slowly turning by the doorway into the hallway, when I saw a bloody trial. “Mom.” I called walking down the hall. The trial leaded to my mom and step dad’s room. I stopped and looked at the door then I opened it to find my mom in the bed of her on blood. Then I had fallen to my knees full of so much pain; I was on able to scream. Everything started to slow down and my sight went blurry. My heart fell to my feet. All I could do was to get up and go lay next to her.

When I did she looked at my all I could say was “Mo…Mo…Mommy!” “Jinx you…. You must leave.” She said. “No Mommy you must come too...” I said as I saw her holding her neck. I moved her hand to see that a huge chuck of her neck was gone. “MOM!” “Jinx go…go get my car k…keys.” “But Mom.” “No butts Jinx and…and get the gun at of the closet.” She said then started to spit out blood. “Mom no please I need you.” “I love you and you bother and sister take care of them, they… need… you… most of all I will always love you all.” She said in her last and final breath. “MOM! MOM I LOVE YOU TOO AND I WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM!” I cried when it hit me I forgot to pick up Sky. “SHNIZ” then I got off the bed and put the sheets over my dead mother. I got the gun out of the closet; it was a glock 18 (a pistol) and left her room.

I went to Sky’s room got her tablet and charger, stuffed monkey KeKe, and clothes, ect. Then to my room and grabbed all of my needs and things. I went kitchen right accord form my moms room. I packed 12 20.9 oz bottle water, chip, can food, and some honey. In all I am carrying four bags, water on my back, our bags one on each arm, and the food bag on my right arm with my bag. I was walking out of the kitchen and looked in my mom room to see she was not in there. I kept walking down the hall until it hit me she dead HOLY CHEESSE PUFFS. “Mom!” I called out like a dumb *APPLE*, I start to hear graling sounds behind me.

 I slowly turned around to see my mom, brownish grayish skin, long yellow fingernails, and black bloody teeth. Those eyes white and empty as the devil’s heart. “Mom!” I yell, she just looked at me and snap her jaws at maybe some imaginary meat. “Mom its me Jinx, you know your little accident remember.” I said walking to her then she let out a huge well, and will I took that as a No. Then she jumped out me, I fell back at the right time and she missed me. I jumped up in to a flip. (Thank you Gymnastics) then she began to run at me and I ran to the living room; and threw a pillow at her (Don’t Judge Me!) to slow her down as I run to the door.

 I try to open it I am like why want it open then I see the key sitting on the coffee table the only thing between me and the mombie. I grabbed the keys and open the door and run. I went to my mom’s jeep and when I was about to open the door BAM I was tacked out of nowhere. “What the Hell.”  I said seeing the person who had tackled me was mom. She was trying to grab at my neck, but thank God gave the power to pusher off of me. Then I jumped up and I tried to grab the key next to the car, until I saw in the rearview mirror the mombie was getting back up. I turned around fast as she lung at me, I moved, and the gun fell out of me back packet. I fell to the ground trying to get at it.

As soon as I grabbed out it the mombie grabbed my ankle and I you could hear was “BANG” the sound of a 24 caliber bullet coming out of my gun and in to my poor Mom’s chest. I went blank for a minuet then got up and walked to the car about to grab the keys when she seat back up. “What the *FEATHER*!”  I said, she looked out my (Same piss face as normal.) “MOM!” I said she jumped up and I just shout her this time in the head. I went to look at her, her brain speared all over the driveway. “Head shot hmmmm.” I said then walk to our Black Jeep. I picked up the keys and went to go unlock the car door to se it was unlocked the whole time (Really).

 I put all three of the bags on the back seat then got in the car. I fixed my rearview mirror to find I had blood all over my face and shirt. I took off my sweater to show my black tank top. (Which still matched my purple skirt just fine.) I cleaned my face and started the Jeep; as I was bagging out of the driveway a bloody hand hit the window. I screamed and I voice said “Jinx shut up and open the door.” “Jordan?” I ask “Know the tooth fairy Now Open the Door.” He said. I open the door and in came Karrington and Peanut head I mean Jordan (No I don’t.). “Come on we need to go now.” Jordan said and I sped out of the driveway. As we were diving out of our neighborhood, we saw houses on fire along with the people in it.

People eating other people, zombies on fire attacking people. “God Bless Us All.” Jordan said as he moved to the front seat. “My whole family dead Jinx”, he said crying “I had to kill my own sister.” He added “ Mine too everyone ripped to pieces my little brother even bit me on the arm.” Karrington said holding her arm. “Jordan go and rap it for her.” I said and he jumped back on the back seat. “My step dad was at work, he’s most likely dead, and I had to kill me own mom, but on the bright side my sister may still be alive.” I said “How do you Know that?” Jordan asked me, I replied “Well I never picked her up from school.” “We will help you Jinx you guys are all the family we have left. We all knew each other since we were 5.” Jordan said and Karrington bagging him up. With all of that said I smiled and began to drive to Blackburn Middle School.

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