Chapter 12: It's An Accident

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Chapter 12.

Jieun, I'm sorry.

Jeon Jungkook's POV.

I shouldn't have forced her to ride that damn thing if I know this would happen.

" Hey, do you want to go eat something? " I looked up to Jimin hyung. He still had his worried face plastered on his face.

" It's fine, I don't have any appetite too eat now. " I replied, fidgeting with my fingers so I could ease the cold I had from the nervous I felt.

" Fine, but if you are hungry. Buy something for you to eat. " Jimin rubbed my shoulder in order to comfort me. I lifted my lip upwards a little a bit.

Jimin and Boeun walked away. I looked around to find Taehyung but he was nowhere to be seen. I took out my phone and dial Taehyung's number.

" Hello? " Taehyung said over the phone.

" Hyung, where are you? " I asked him.

" Just getting out from the bathroom. Why? " He replied.

" Nothing. I just want to check on you since you're not around. " I said. He hummed a bit.

" Any news about Jieun? " He asked.

" No, the doctor don't say anything yet. "

" If, anything happens call me alright? " He said then we ended the call. Then, a doctor came towards me as soon as I put my phone back in my pocket.

" Hello, are you a relative of Ms. Lee? " I shook my head in denied.

" No, I'm her friend. " I said.

The doctor nodded his head. " She is fine. She collapsed out of shock but don't worry. She can go home this night. " I sighed in relief once I heard the doctor's result.

" Thank you, doctor. Can I see her now? " I asked. He nodded. I walked to the room and saw Jieun lying on the hospital bed. God, thank you! She's alright. I went to her and sat on the chair that was place beside that bed.

" Hey, wake up sleepy head. " I whispered while stroking her soft hair. She opened her eyes slowly. I smiled.

" Jungkook? What happen? Where are we? " Jieun asked while squeezing her forehead and squinting her eyes.

" You passed out and we brought you to hospital. " I explained to her. The room fell silent as we both kept our mouth shut.

" Jieun, I'm sorry. " I quietly whispered while looking down. I didn't have the gut to look at her in the eyes.

Lee Jieun's POV.

" Jieun, I'm sorry. "

Did I just hear it wrong? Did he really say the ' sorry ' word? The Jeon Jungkook I knew?

" That's why I said I told you I can't ride that thing, but you still insisted. " I teased him a bit, I just want to see his reaction.

" I'm very sorry. " He begged me.

I almost burst into a laugh. I didn't know why, but I found him really cute at this moment. Not everyday we see the Jeon Jungkook begging on his knees like this.

"No, Jungkook. You don't have to apologize like that. Don't worry, I'm okay now, am I? " I said.

" But, I'll not stop bullying you. " He smirked. Wow, what a quick change of attitude. He was begging for forgiveness just before but now he's teasing me again.

" That again? Jungkook you'll never change. " I sighed and he just chuckled.

" Yup, don't expect me to do so. You're my beloved playtoy." He said.

" You always ruin the moment. " I rolled my eyes in annoyed.

" Well, it's me. Anyways, please get better and the doctor said you can go home soon. " He said and I nodded. I looked around the room then asked Jungkook. " Where are the others? "

" Jimin and Boeun went to eat while Taehyung just went to the toilet a few minutes ago. He'll be back " I nodded in response.

" I need to call the them! " He quickly took his phone out of his pocket and called them.

I closed my eyes to take a nap since the tiredness still lingering.


The door was slammed open suddenly by someone. Hello? This is a hospital for good sake! People are dying in here! I saw Taehyung barged in and hugged me tightly.

" Taehyung *cough *..let me..*cough* Gooo!!!! " I struggled to get out from his bear hug.

" I'm sorry, Jieun. I'm really worried about you. Don't do that again! You scared the hell out of me! " I chuckled and stroked his back.

" Don't worry, I'm fine now. "

I shivered when I felt a pair of eyes watching me. I turned to Jungkook who was glaring at Taehyung who was hugging me at that moment. My stomach twisted in some weird way making me uncomfortable. What is this feeling?

Then, once again the door opened. Boeun came in with Jimin who was standing beside her. Thank God, they've come! It almost fell into weird silence.

" Unnie, you're awake! We were really worry about you. I almost suffered a heart attack when you passed out. " Boeun said, hugging me.

" I'm sorry making you worry. " I smiled hugging back.

" Tell me when Jungkook bully you again. I'll knock him down. " Boeun pointing to Jungkook who was playing with his fingers. I just chuckled looking at them.

" No, I'm the one who want to ride. " We all know, that's not true.

" Fine. " Bo Eun gave up and sent Jungkook her glare.

" I'm home. " I said as I stepped in the house. I looked around to search for mom. I entered the kitchen and found her cooking something.

" Hey, mom. " I sang. I hugged her from the back and rested my chin on her shoulder.

" Where have you gone? It's already late. "

" I stayed at my friend house and eat dinner while I'm at there. " I replied while snuggled my face in her smell.

Mom turned around and looked at me and I showed my puppy eyes. She just sighed then ruffled my hair. I pouted while combing my hair with my fingers.

" Tell me first, alright? I'm worry about you. " She said and I unconsciously smiled the nodded.

" I'm going to my room. Call me if you need anything. I'm tired." I said then walked to the stair and climbed it.

I reached at my room then went in. I slammed my body on the bed and rested for a while thinking it was a rough day. Suddenly, my phone rang meant a text just came in. I opened it and read the text.

Conversation between Jieun and Jungkook.

Hey, sorry for what happened before.
From: Dirty mind

Don't worry, I'm fine already.
To: Dirty Mind

Kay, goodnight. Sweet dream about me.
From: Dirty Mind.

Never and ever.
To: Dirty Mind.

I put down my phone and slowly fell asleep without changing into my pajamas.


Hi, I'm really sorry for the late update. So how was it? Okay? Share me your thoughts !!


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