Chapter 20: That's Deep..

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" Hyungssss!" Taehyung shout when they three step into the apartment.

A pink haired boy walk out from the kitchen with a pink apron hanging around his neck. Jieun almost burst from laugh. Pink doesn't suit a man. ( of course Jin doesn't give a s***
😂 )

" Don't shouting around the house. What if the neighbour heard, this is not bulletproof wall. Everything can be heard " Jin nag.

Taehyung just sheepishly smile.

" Hyung! We want to tell you something " Jimin said with excitement in his voice. His eyes shows how much he's happy right know.

" what? "

" yah hyung! Don't tell them " Jungkook pouted. Jieun melt. ( I know right )

" No! We should." Taehyung protest.

" Okay stop kids, tell me now. I'm busy okay? By the way, who's this little chick? " Jin give Jieun a long look who was now fidgeting her fingers.

Jungkook notice it. He gives Jin a glare but doesn't get notice by the pink boy.

" This is Lee Jieun, Jungkook's girlfriend ." said Jimin then shove Jieun to Jin.

" w-wait---" Ji Eun being cut off with screaming. A scream from the very pinky boy. (See what i do?? 😣 )

" What the hell?! "  Shout Jin.

" Oh my god !!!!!!! Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobie come here quickly !!!! " The boy scream make three of them cover their ears.

Three figure sprinting towards them aggressively.

" what's wrong Jin?" Ask the blonde almost white hair boy.

" Look at this chick, you know who she is? " Jin ask three of them. They all shake their head

" This is Jungkook's girlfriend!" Jin said making the three of them gasped.

" What ? "

" Seriously ? "

" What the hell ! "

One boy walk closely to Jieun. He intensely stare at Jieun's.

" But she doesn't look ' that ' pretty but more to nerd. She's really not Jungkook's type " That boy said. Jin smacked his head.

" Yoongi, please watch you words. Poor this baby she must be hurt. Don't worry you're pretty. I love neutral beuty " Jin said worriedly to Jieun while patted her head. Jungkook seems annoyed hearing his hyung words. Holding his nerves.

Suddenly, Jimin take a step towards Jieun then pull out her glasses and hair band. Jieun hair fall down. She looks magnificent.

Their mouth open widely. Their jaw hanging down.

But not for Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin they already saw that. Amused crossed 'Yoongi's' face.

"Ohh boyy. You look really.... Beautiful " Jin said slowly.

Now he now why Jungkook chose Jieun.

" Yeah, she is. And she's mine hyungs, so back off " Jungkook warn then grabbed Jieun hand. Jieun frowned.

Why does Jungkook be so rude to his hyung?

" I don't like how they're checking you out" whisper Jungkook to Jieun sending shiver to her. His hot breath is poking Jieun neck. Jieun blushed. Jealous too much?

" My little kookie, don't worry. We won't " Jin said with a little laugh. Jin looks so amused.

Ji Eun gagged when she heard Jungkook's nickname? Seriously?!

" Here let me introduce us "

" I'm Jin " Jin said pull out his hand out to  shake with Jieun's . Jieun gladly accept it.

Jungkook notice how long they are shaking hands so he snap and harshly grab Jieun's hand back.

Jieun give a look to Jungkook. But Jungkook just ignore it and act like he doesn't do anything.

They chuckled at how much protective Jungkookie is.

" I'm Yoongi "

" I'm Namjoon "

" I'm your hope, my name is Hoseok or J-hope " Jieun chuckled at the cuteness Hoseok gave.

" Hyung. You're old enough, stop doing that " Jimin said received slap at his back head. He winced.

" I'm not old, I'm still kickin' and alive you punk ! "

Jieun giggle at how they act. She still in the process to remember their names.

" I'm Jieun, and I'm not Jungkook's girlfriend yet. Jimin lied. He's so annoying"

" Hey " Jimin pouted. Jieun rolled her eyes. They all laughed at Jimin.

" Jimin you still got no jams 'till now " Namjoon said. We all laughed

" Well maybe not. But you just say yet. And any soon you will become my girlfriend " Jungkook break the laughs and happily said that. Jieun rolled her eyes.

" Yeah. Maybe I said yet, but I am still not sure. Something may happen that makes me reject you" Jieun said. Jungkook frowned when he heard that.

" Okay enough. Jieun you can stay for dinner, it will be fun" Namjoon suggest.

" Well okay " she agreed


Jieun POV

I am really glad I accept it. They all really funny and fun. But well Jungkook still being protective. He shoved his hyungs when they come closer to me or making skin ships. I found it cute really. Wait, am I starting to grow some feeling at him?

" Dinner ready guys. Come here!" Jin shouted from the kitchen. They all runs to kitchen. Okay what the hell with the running. They surely starving. I walk in then look around and almost seats is taken well its good not at all. But all left is beside Jungkook. I frowned.

"Why you don't like seating next to me?" Jungkook whines when he notice my frowned

" you're annoying as hell"

They all laughed at Jungkook and of course I joined them. It's good that I can bully him and he doesn't push me around.

" Oh come on, You can take a seat Jieun" Jin said. I nod and took a seat beside Jungkook. Jungkook smirked and I rolled my eyes. Typical Jungkook.

" Jieun enjoy your dinner. I hope it's good" Jin said. I gratefully thank him and start eating.

"Ermm.. Jieun may I ask something to you ?" I heard Namjoon said I guess.

I look up.


"Why do you in disguised ? I mean, you're beautiful. Why'd you want to cover your beauties ? " I smiled at his question. This is so random. Not anybody want to ask me this. Well my mother had. But that was a long time ago.

"I... "

" I doesn't want a fake friends. They friend with me  because they run after me for my money or beauties. Sort of finding a popularity "

" I'm searching for friends that like me by the way I am. Love me or like me without any conditions. That why.." I continues

" That's deep " Hoseok said.

" I hope you get a true friend " Jin said. He is like the mama in this group. I think I'm gonna like him.

" I hope so " I muttered.

Hello guys. Sorry 4 not updating soon long.. *u guys maybe already old* Kidding

I hope u enjoyed reading this. But here. Please this time read my author note. I have an important information 4 u guys.

Actually, there's a new fan fiction I made. A few of you guys maybe already read it but some of you not. So I'm promoting my story.


If there any error, mistakes or something please forgive me dear. Humans always make mistakes. And they'll learn from that. ;)

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