𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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(") - talking

(') - thinking

(*) - doing


As i walked out of the coffee shop, matcha in hand, i check the time. "Shit" I only had 10 minutes to get to school and get my schedule. I hurry on my way, when i come across a pink fucking school. 'Who in their right mind...' I push that thought away and walk in. I am already lost and i just walked in. I follow a few signs here and there seeing as i have passed two libraries and 4 seating areas already i'm getting annoyed. but finally come across the office sign. 'Finally my god'. I grab the handle and gently open it and walk in. I see a lady at the front desk, as i continue walking up she finally noticed me. As soon as she did though she gasped and started... fixing her shirt? Idk i didn't see anything wrong with it but apparently she did. I got to the desk and quietly asked her for my schedule and telling her my name. "Sure just wait right there, little bunny." Im guessing she got the nickname from my stuffed animal even though she could've easily used my name, i didn't really care. I stood there waiting, shifting my weight on the balls of my feet. I saw her come back...finally... with a piece of paper, assumingely my schedule. I quickly thank her and head out. I follow the map on the paper to my class. I may or may not have gotten there late but i'm new so hopefully the teacher lets it slide. I knock on the door, alerting everyone that someone is out here, so i can do my introductions. The teacher heard me, and slid open the door letting me inside. "Ok everyone we have a new student please be kind and allow him to introduce himself to all of you." The teacher said. I had already thrown away my empty cup so now i am only holding onto my stuffed animal, with my head down. I lift my gaze a little to scan the classroom. "h-h-hi m-my name is L-louise, I'm from F-france so my Japanese might be a l-little off. please take care of me" I mentally scold myself for being so incompetent of saying an introduction with stuttering. "Ok any questions for Louis before we get started today?" A few hands were raised which surprised me. I look around some more and see one of the hands belonged to that pink haired guy i saw around my apartment! But I look some more and see the same guy again? 'They must be twins' I pick on the pink haired guy. "What's your last name? You never said?" I hold my breath to try and calm down for a second before releasing it and giving him a pretty simple answer. "I don't really care to use it, as i'm not too close to my dad so i'd rather not say." I give a small smile, which earned a few "aww's" and "so cute!". The teacher was obviously getting annoyed by the noise so he just told me to sit down behind the girl that, i remember, lives next door to me.


After Hikaru asked what his last name was, Louise seemed a little out of it. All of the host club will be interested in the new guy once they see him...again i guess. When he ran into me at Haruhi's apartment he caught my attention along with everyone else's. He must not be rich though since he's not wearing the school uniform. I look over to Hikaru and start whispering to him about the new kid, who is currently sitting behind Haruhi. "He seems like he'd be a good addition to the host club" i tell him. "Yeah but we should try to get to know him more to see if he'd get along with the club members first." said Hikaru. 'Ugh i don't get why we can't just do the same thing we did with Haruhi to him. Wait a second' "psst, psst Hikaru". He turns his head to face me, "what do you want, i'm trying to pay attention." I look at him with a look like are you joking. "What are you paying attention to, huh?" He slightly blushes and says never mind. 'What a weird twin' "Anyways, i have the best idea get the club together at lunch so we can discuss it ok?" "Ok"


"Why'd you call us all here Kaoru?" said Kyoya. "well" i say, "Because we-" I grab Haruhi and Hikaru, "have a new classmate perfect for the host club." It went quiet. "What do you mean perfect for the host cl-" Kyoya was interuppted by a certain blond. "Yayyyy Daddy is going to have another child!!" I completely ignore what was just yelled and focus on Kyoya's question. "Well, all of the girls in our class, and some boys have already tried confessing to him and it's his first day. Not to mention his shy attitude would draw in new customers." Kyoya seems to be thinking about it before he says, "Ok, I trust your judgement. Whats the plan?" I pause for a second before Hikaru and i put on a devilish smirk, "We were thinking...."

Louis POV

The lunch bell rang not too long ago signaling it's time to eat, though i stayed in the classroom not wanting to have to deal with snobby rich students. I grab my lunch out of my bag along with my sketchbook. I start drawing and doodling here and there on one of the pages not really paying attention to anything when i hear someone, "Wow that's pretty good." I look up to see the two twins and girl from before. 'They must have already ate since they're already back' "Thank you." i say. The twin on the right grabs my sketchbook. "Hey give that ba-" Im cut off. "My name is Hikaru...wow these are amazing." He says flipping through my book. "My name is Kaoru." the other twin said. "My name is Haruhi, you're my new neighbor right?" I look at her and nod my head. Then Hikaru starts talking again, handing my notebook to Kaoru to look at. "You should drop by our club later on, seeing as you have no friends to hang out with." I glance to see him smirking as if he'd just given me a reason where i couldn't say no. "No thanks." I say "I was thinking about just heading home and doing an art project that's due on Wednesday." Which wasn't totally a lie i wanted to go home and paint but i just didn't want to go to a crowded place. They look at me dumbfounded. "Well...you could always start your project after you come visit, maybe even start it when you're there." The girl, Haruhi, says. I decide not to be rude, and nod my head slightly, when the bell suddenly rings. As more students file into the classroom i glance to the three i was just talking to and the twins both have a triumphant smile on their faces. 'Wonder what all that was about?'

*End of Chapter 2, thank you for reading and i hope you like it. Im sorry if there are any grammer or spelling mistakes im trying to get more chapters out quickly so i have somewhere to pick up from :).*

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