𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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(") - talking

(') - thinking

(*) - doing

(···) - timeskip

Hikaru POV:

After Tamaki jumped in after Louis everything went dead silent. The two guys ran for their lives, obviously aware of how much trouble they'll be in. I couldn't fathom  what had just happened. Louis, a very close friend of mine, had just been dropped to their potential death. I haven't even confessed to him yet. Not like I like him though because that's completely bizarre. But that's completely off topic. 

Kyoya has already called an ambulance, specifically his family's, so Louis will get the best treatment. I just hope that Louis will be okay. I know that by the looks of it he must be in tons of pain, but I pray that everything will turn out fine. At least then I can confess...my best friend proposal of course. Cause I think Louis is ready to earn that title. But he at least needs to be conscious in order to accept it. I'm not judging though, like you be you, or whatever.

Kyoya POV:

Once we got Louis in an ambulance headed to the hospital I started freaking out. He is loosing a lot of blood from his head. He could have a hemorrhagic stroke or a loss of oxygen. This is a serious injury from what I can tell. Though I'm not a professional yet so I can't be certain. 

I have already ordered doctors to call his parents so they are aware of the situation. However they could only get ahold of his dad. I could've sworn I read something somewhere having to do with Mrs. Vos. I believe she passed away a few years. Which is terrible for Louis. It could actually explain his bunny though, and why he carried it with him. Maybe his mother gifted that to him? Makes complete sense.

Though the fact someone would willingly toss someone off a cliff doesn't. I still can't get over that fact.

However Louis has been situated into a room, where doctors are working vigilantly. They haven't said anything about his condition since he is still undergoing treatment. Treatment for what, you may ask? I don't know because they also wont' tell us that. So the Host Club and I have been sitting in the waiting room, like maniacs all wondering if Louis is okay. That was until a doctor finally came out of his room. "Is anyone here for Louis Vos?" We all immediately stood up. Which must have surprised him a lot, by how many people there were. Then we all heard two voices seemingly arguing, getting closer to where we were. 

They stopped arguing when they noticed all of our eyes on them. "Hello how may I help you?" the doctor asked. The taller of the two spoke up, "I'm here for my son, Louis Vos." 

Louis POV:

My head is pounding and I feel like jello. I can hear faint beeping in the background. 'Where am I?' I wonder. As I slowly open my eyes, I'm met with a blinding light. "Argh." I huff out from pain. It causes my head to pound even worse. So I slam my eyes back shut. Easing my eyes open again, with more caution this time, so I can tell where I am.

By the looks of it, I'd say I'm in a hospital. I have an IV in my arm, and bandaging all over me. I try and think back to what happened and remember the guys. 'Damn it. Tamaki is so stupid.' I silently think to myself. 

I start to rustle in my bed, causing a small bit of noise. And apparently the nurses have super-hearing, because within a second they were in my room checking in on me. 

After they did, and came to a conclusion I am doing ok they started talking. "You have quite a few people here for you. Would you like us to let them in?" I already knew it was the host club so I was fine with it. After I gave them a small thumbs up and nod, they went to grab them.

Barreling in was the Host club, and Matsubara. They all seemed to have been crying. So I greet them all with a small smile, and a hello. I get back yells of greetings, mostly from Tamaki though. It hurt my head a lot, and it caused me to grimace. Kyoya seemed to have noticed and told them all to quiet down. Which I am beyond grateful for. 

But then Kyoya spoke up saying something confusing "You have two other visitors Louis." My eyes widened a bit from confusion. But just as I was about to ask who, two tall men walked into my room. 

I knew who they were as soon as they got in here. "Father." I say rather nervously. Which made him smirk, "Hello Lou-Lou, daddy has come to pay you a visit." This made me gag, couldn't he have found better wording? 

I looked over to the rest of the Host Club. They all seem to be confused, and questioning everything.

But believe me, I'm in the same boat.

908 words

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