𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Note: Thank you all who have read this and in case you all didn't now this is my first book i've wrote so please read it and save it, it would mean so much 😌.

(") - talking

(') - thinking

(*) - doing

Continuing ~ Louis POV

The final bell rang, indicating that my first day is officially over. Or at least it would be if i hadn't agreed to visit their stupid club. I don't even know what it's about, but i can already tell theres going to be tons of people there.

I look over at Haruhi, and she waves me over so we can start heading to... music room 3? I think thats what they said so maybe their gonna be a music club. They don't seem like they'd be musicians but heck i probably don't seem like an artistic person. I swear some people confuse being shy with being innocent. I'm freaking 15 years old i know...stuff. "We're almost there, and don't get too freaked out." I heard Haruhi say. I don't really know what she means by that so I'm not sure what to expect.

As we get to the freakishly big double doors. Like seriously whats the point of having doors that probably weigh just as much as i do. Anyways she grabs one of the handles and opens the door. To say it wasn't what i was expecting is me being subtle. Tons of roses were flying all around and music started playing? I don't think this is the type of club i want to be apart of.

The extravagant welcome dies down, so i make out 6 guys, obviously not including Haruhi. As i look more closely they all are...weirdly...handsome? Oh god.

"Hello my sweet son, daddy welcomes you to our host club!" I guess you can already tell who said that. I make a mental note to not get too close to that guy. The twins on the other hand came running at me, i decide to cling to Haruhi for dear life. Trust me i don't want to die yet. "Hello-" "Louis-" "we almost-" "thought that you-" "weren't going-" "to come" they said going back and forth. They have already given me a headache just by trying to keep up with their sentence. "Uh yeah, i didn't want to be rude and decline soo..." I try not to sound too intimidated by the tall, probably third year, and shorter, but just as scary supposed second year. "Could you all possibly introduce yourselves, because i only know Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru." 

The elementary student started off, "I'm honey, and this is usa-chan. The one standing next to me is Tamaki." Haruhi turns to me, "They're both third years, i know honey-senpei doesn't look like it, but he is." I just nod, even though honey is probably 3 or 4 inches shorter than me. And i'm younger than him...oh well. The scary one with glasses gives and a short glance to me, "I'm Kyoya Ootori, pleasure to meet you Louis Vos." My eyes suddenly widen as he smirks and starts to write in his...death note? 'How does he know my last name!?!? I haven't told anyone since i got to Japan I mean at least he whispered it but still what if someone heard.' "Oh merde." I say. The tall blond shoots his eyes toward me. "Woah! You know french?" "Uh yeah, that's where i moved from." I respond. "Well anyways I'm Tamaki Suoh", he walks up to me and grabs my hand, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance Louis." he finishes it off by giving my hand a small kiss. I immediately start blushing and stuttering. "N-n-nice to m-meet you to-o" Tamaki just smiles and heads off to the rest of the club, who of which are all in a line presenting themselves. I then hear a chorus of, "We are the Host Club." 

I stare blankly for a second before heading for the door. 'No way am i going to be apart of some male prostitution club.' "Wait Louis, stay a bit longer wouldn't you?" the twins say slowly backing me up. "U-um i thin-k i should g-g-get going." But they don't stop backing me up, that is until i run into a table with a very ugly vase on it. Next thing I know the vase is on the floor into ruins, with my face heating up with embarrassment and tears brimming my eyes. "I-im so so-rry i promise i-i didn't m-mean to." i whimper out. Then that Kyoya guy starts explaining, "That vase was supposed to go to an auction for a charity, and it was worth 9 million yen." I scold myeslef in my head as a few tears slide down my face. I look up from the ground to come face to face with the club members. They all took a short breath in when they saw me. "I promise i-i-i can p-pay you ba-ck!" I didn't mean for it to come out that loud, but i don't like the situation i've been put in. The tall blonde starts laughing, "How do you expect to do that, you're merely a commoner." I once again scold myself, because now they think i'm just poor. "I suppose you could always pay us back with something else though, such as...your body?" I start freaking out. "I-i-i don't w-want to b-be a p-p-p-prostitute!" I yell. "P-plus i can pay you back i-it's no biggie." Some of them have on shocked faces, weather it's from the fact i basically just called them prostitutes or by the fact i said i could pay them back, i'll never know. I grab my wallet out of my bag and start taking out the money. 

When i go to hand it to the Kyoya guy, he refuses. "We don't want your money Lou-chan. We were just hoping to get you into the club and spend time with you." Honey-senpei said with hints of sadness. 'Don't guilt trip me. Don't guilt trip me. Don't guilt trip me. Don't-' "But if you don't want to spend time with and be friends then thats ok Lou-chan." Honey now has tears rolling down his cheeks. "Putain de voyag de culpabilite." I grumble out (translation: "Fucking guilt trip") Tamaki gasps. "No, no, that's not what i meant. Of course i want to join!" 'I hate myself for ever doing that. "Great we will decide your type and get you situated tomorrow, you can go home since i suppose your first day was a bit chaotic?" Kyoya smirks again. I roll my eyes and grapple onto my backpack straps and journey home. 'What a day, what a freaking day.'

*What will Louis' day be like tomorrow? Will the girls like him or will there be more chaos? I hope you all are liking the story so far. Remember if you ever have anything you want to suggest just comment! That is the end of the chapter!*

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