𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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(") - talking
(') - thinking
(*) - doing
(•••) - time skip

Louis POV:

I just woke up a few minutes ago. We apparently still have twenty minutes. I don't understand why it's such a long car ride. They're supposed to be rich, what's wrong with a plane or something? Not that i'm complaining...actually I am complaining. I never wanted to come in the first place. No thank you.

But of course i can't leave them hanging. Well i could, but then i'd feel bad. Besides i still have to entertain lady's and lads. Haha that's funny to say. But hey, i'm not complaining about the lads. All the guys that come to see me are very good looking, indeed. Though a few hosts, scratch that, all of the hosts have caught my eye. Haruhi is the only platonic relationship I have with them though. Most of them are one-sided though. None of them would actually pay any attention to me if they don't have to.

Whilst i'm rambling though my phone starts to ring. Which makes all of the talking quiet down a bit. Much to me displeasure though. I don't want them to think i'm disrupting their conversations. I check the caller ID, and it said unknown. I decided to deal with it since I had nothing else to do. So I answered the phone to a rather raspy voice. "Mr. Louis. We wish to see you again, your father has been very distraught after you left. You don't want your dad upset do you?" I could not believe my ears. My dad's secretary. That's who it was. I haven't heard his voice since i left the mansion. I left to get away from father, and from him. "Um I'm sorry Vance but I left for a reason, and that reason has not changed. I'm not coming back, so you can go ahead and tell that to father. For all i know, i'm still waiting to be found. The security force must have gotten worse if they still can't find me. So let's keep it that way." I then hung up the phone.

3rd POV:

As soon as Louis hung up, it went dead silent. It might have been the previous phone conversation, or it could be the unhappy facial expression. Whichever one it was, it didn't make Louis feel any better. "Why'd it get all quiet?" Louis spoke out. More silence. All of the hosts were just looking over each other to see who should speak first. "What was your phone call about Lou-chan?" Asked Honey. Not an actual answer but a good question. One that Louis didn't know how to respond to. Does he tell the half truth? Or does he flat out lie? Those are the only two options, cause there's no way in hell Louis is exposing his past.

He chooses the easiest out. Flat out lie. "Oh, that's my uncle. I haven't seen him in a while so he wanted to check up on me. He also wanted to let me know my dad misses me. Since he's unable to call due to work." Louis smiled as he talked. Of course the smile wasn't genuine, but it was something.

Something the rest of the hosts saw through.

Kyoya POV:

After Louis' bad explanation, i'm at a loss. He mustn't trust us or something to not tell us the truth. He obviously was lying. There's no other explanation. We heard him say he didn't want to be found, and he said he left with reasoning. Let alone he mentioned his father. So if i'm thinking about this with all clues, he must have family problems. What kind of family problems though? I'll have to pay close attention to him and try and talk to him about it.

That's something to worry about later though. I'll try and make the best of this beach time, and get to investigating when we get back. I need to get my mind off of all the stress. And seeing Louis in a swimsuit will do the trick.


Louis POV:

Once we got to the beach I went under an umbrella and took out my art. I didn't wait to get started. If I don't get this done by Monday, I'm in serious trouble. Plus doing art by the waves sounds so peaceful. And it would be if it weren't for the squealing girls. I'm not kidding either they sound like pigs. This is exactly why I'm gay.

But my somewhat peaceful time was cut short. Why you may ask? The twins decided to ambush me again about a swimsuit. They must've noticed I wasn't wearing one or something. Which is absurd, how did they even find out? They aren't detectives. So what makes them so much smarter than I thought? I don't know, but I do know I'm about to play dress up again. Not very manly if you ask me.

So they took me to a changing area, near the beach. They didn't want to go all the way to the house, so we didn't. Anyways, we got to the changing place and there once again were tons of swimsuits. From bikinis, to speedos. I don't know if they see me as some type of stripper or what, but I am not going out there with barely anything covered. Or at least that's what I told myself.

The twins must've not read my mind correctly because this is currently what I'm wearing:

The twins must've not read my mind correctly because this is currently what I'm wearing:

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Sure it's cute or whatever just not for me. I'm already mistaken as a girl sometimes, and this swimsuit does nothing for it. The skirt barely covers what it needs to cover, and the top doesn't even do anything. Because first of all I'm flat chested, cause I'm a guy, and second of all theres nothing really to cover.

They don't hand me back my clothes like last time though. So I am forced to walk out there, in front of guests, in this bikini. Yippy.

3rd POV:

All of the guests and hosts' were doing their own thing. Well that was true before a beauty was before them. That beauty was Louis. More girls were squealing, Louis' male guests had nose bleeds, and the Hosts' had fainted. Of course this somewhat concerned Louis. He was more focused on the project he had to do though. Because art doesn't get done on it's own. 

So as Louis walked over to his spot, stepping over hosts, he got more inspiration for his painting. Louis loves when he gets new ideas. They make him 10x happier. This time was no exception, so the smile on his face was as bright as the sun. Causing those without sunglasses to look away.

'Maybe today won't be so bad.' Louis thought.

*End of chapter. Also thank you to everyone and their support! The comments make me so happy to look at!*

1158 words

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