𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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(") - talking
(') - thinking
(*) - doing
(•••) - time skip
[Warning: Sexual Harassment]
[Warning: Graphic language]

Haruhi POV:

The day at the beach has been pretty boring. A bunch of rich stuck up girls fawning over the host club. I think Louis is having just as much fun as me too. He's kept to himself the entire time just painting. It's very beautiful though, his painting that is. The hosts seem to be eyeing him though. If they did that to me i'd be so uncomfortable. Same with the guests though, well only the male ones. Louis' male acquaintances seem to be eye fucking him. And i'm pretty sure Louis doesn't notice. He's too into his painting and art project to notice.

Heck I wish there was something for me to do too. Well now that i think about it, beaches are good for crab hunting. That's it! I'll go and fetch a bunch of crabs so we have a nice dinner for tonight. Perfect plan.

Louis POV:

My painting is getting along nicely, and it's been very calm. I would have an even better time if i didn't feel so violated. It's not hard to be able to tell when tons of eyes are staring at you. I feel so vulnerable under their gazes. Plus it doesn't help i'm barely wearing anything. So it just makes it that much creepier.

Get a new hobby people. Staring is not the new trend.


I just finished my painting. And it's absolutely stunning if you ask me. I think it catches the different feelings of stress. That's what I based it around. I tried to grab the overwhelming feeling that comes with it, and the fear of not being able to do something. But it takes a good eye to be able to see it in my painting.

I haven't gotten up for a while though since i've been working. I might walk around a bit. *Louis stands up* "Hey Louis! You should come up and see the view!" Yakima, a guest said. "Yeah! It's super beautiful." another one said. I felt obligated since I haven't spent time with any of the guests today. Plus it'd be great inspiration for a new painting. "Sure thing!" I yelled.

The walk up the cliff was kinda hard. I had to step on certain ledges and make sure not to fall. But once I got up there it was so worth it. Until I heard talking behind me. "Oh? A bunch of lovely ladies?" a tall guy said. I looked up at his face and he doesn't seem that much older than me, maybe a third year? "Who are you?" The other one asked, with a pointed finger at me. I chose not to respond though. These guys are creeping me out. "Hey! This is a private beach, you guys shouldn't be here." Yakima said. But that only seemed to rile up the two guys even more.

"Oh that prefect. All the more reason to hang out with a bunch of smoking girls like yourself." The one that said that put an arm around my waist. "U-uhm excuse m-me?" This was not what I had in mind when I came up here. "The pretty ones talking, hah look at that." the other guy said. "Hey! Let Louis go! He did nothing to you!" Sayko said. (The other girl guest up there) "Hm? You're a boy?" The taller guy asked. I couldn't move. "Makes no difference to me," The one with his arm around me said. All of a sudden I hear the twins and Tamaki yelling. I look over to where they are. "Hey! This is a private beach!" Yelled Tamaki. "Yeah! And get your hands off of Louis!" screamed Hikaru. Although the guys didn't listen. If anything it made matter worse. The other guy that was next to the girls walked over to me. He started looking me up and down and rubbing my thighs. I flinched though and tried to move away. "P-please stop." It didn't help though because they held me in place from moving away.

The other girls ran away saying they'll get more help. Tamaki and the twins started walking towards the two guys with angry looks. "If you come any closer we won't hesitate." The guy that said that grabbed me by my shirt and hung me over the edge of the cliff. I started kicking my legs for him to stop but nothing worked. The two maniacs had smiles on their faces. What could be so entertaining about this.

Although stupid Tamaki didn't listen. He took another step forward, "We have the police on their way, I think you should just let him go." Although the guys seemed to stick to their word because i started falling.

I couldn't scream. It was like all the air in my lungs was gone. All I could hear are peoples screams. But then everything dulled out. I fell into the water and from the force of it got upside down. Because of that my head was thrown into a rock. Then everything went dizzy, and I couldn't quite keep my thoughts going.

Tamaki POV:

'Oh no! This is all my fault I should've listened to them and stayed put. But they threw Louis over!' I crept over to the side of the cliff where they threw him over, with both the twins following me. As my eyes landed on the water I let out a gasp. Blood. And tons of it. I couldn't help it, I jumped in after Louis.

'Please be okay.'

*End of chapter. Super sorry for not updating i just have tons of stuff going on and my school just started. But i'll try harder to get chapters out!*

956 words

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