𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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(") - talking
(') - thinking
(*) - doing
{Warning: Foul Words}
{Warning: Homophobic comments}

Louis' POV:

After my very uneventful lunch, the day went by pretty fast. Well my school day that is. I tried to talk as little as possible which probably seemed strange to others, even though like none of them know me. But after what happened, I really didn't want to make anyone mad at me. Past experiences make my day to day life 10 times more stressful. And by that i mean, i don't want to make any mistakes to make anyone dislike me and or hurt me. It might seem outrageous but trust me it's happened before.

Getting back to the point, my day has ended with me having four or five new and unfinished sketches. I packed my bag and readied myself for the chaotic club hours to come. P.S the walk there is absolutely horrible, so many corners and stairs. But i finally got there and opened the doors. Also thank my luck that this time there were no roses or unexplained music.

I was created with small head nods and "hey's" I walked to Kyoya and then it hit me. Everyone was wearing butler suits. Umm yeah no i did not come here to cosplay. "Heyy Kyoya..." I sat beside him and his eerie death note. "Hello Louis, we have your costume in the changing rooms. The twins are there to help out if you have any questions. And your table is over there." He said whilst pointing to a table near a tall window, which yes does have a window seat. "Umm, actually i was wondering if i could...ya'know not wear a butler costume." "Oh you won't be." He was smirking, freaking smirking. I stomp away which caused him to chuckle to himself.

Once i got there to the changing rooms the twins had huge smiles on their faces rambling about how i'm gonna hate this yada yada. I could care less as long as i was comfortable im fine. I got in one of the curtained stalls and saw my outfit. "WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" Is what was heard all around the club room, and probably around the world by how loud i was. "Sorry-" "Louis but" "you have to" "wear that" is the response i got. I mentally groan but put it on anyways.

A freaking maid outfit

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A freaking maid outfit. I got my hair out of my eyes and took off a bit of concealer i was wearing to show my freckles. I thought it would make the outfit look better and it did. But my wish came true and i am surprisingly comfortable. As i walked out of the cubicle i got a very noticeable gasp from both of the twins. They started complimenting me and shouting how cute i was and how i'm going to be so popular. Then i noticed their blush, freaking bright red! "U-u-um thank y-you." Is all i said. They grabbed my arms and yanked me to the rest of the club.

When everyone saw me i got a few nose bleeds and even tamkai fainted. "H-hey guys." Then Tamkai came back from the dead and started shouting. "My beautiful daughter, oh daddy is so proud of you. You are my favorite my absolute favorite!" Whilst shouting he had the nerve to pick me up and start hugging me. "Tamaki put me down! And i'm not a girl!"Kyoya then complained saying we needed to get to our tables cause club was about to start, mind you he was still rubbing away blood from his nose.

I walked over to my very plain table and thought about decorating tomorrow to make it more homey and cozy. Steering away from that thought, the doors opened and a flood of girls and a few guys came in. I was told earlier by Kyoya and Tamaki that word got around i was going to be a host, so i was expecting customers. But what i wasn't expecting was 80% of them to be guys.

When everyone in the club room got situated and my guests were i sat, i started conversation. "H-hello everyone." I gave them all a small smile. The girls were all giggling while the guys were trying to keep their blushes down. "Hey, uh your in my class right? First year?" i looked at the tall, guy who said that. "Yes, though i don't think i've seen you yet. Guess i should start paying attention if i have such a handsome classmate." He cleared his throat and turned away. 'Does he not like the compliment?' I thought.

About 20 minutes have passed and our conversation has gone from class, to my family, and even what i like to do. One of the girls suggested i become the artistic type since i showed them all my sketchbook. But Tamaki had called me over saying he wanted to introduce me to a guest of his. "Hey Louis, I would like to introduce you to a guest of mine. Louis this is Shimoda Katsumi, Shimoda this is Louis." I gave a curt nod and a smile which in return i got an eye roll. He walked away with us both just sitting down to talk.

"So Shimoda, how are you today?" She scoffed, "I don't get what makes you so special everyone hasn't taken their eyes off you. Why are you even here?" I was a bit taken back by what she said but nothing new i guess. "Uh they asked me to join and for the other part i didn't know that anyone was looking at me. She looked disgusted. "What's your sexuality huh? I bet you just want a bunch of attention." I shifted in my seat, obviously uncomfortable with the question and now attention she was bringing to our conversation. "Uhm i don't know what my sexuality has to do with anything we are talking about. And i didn't originally even want to be in this club. But if you are so worried about it I'm gay." She looked absolutely disgusted, not the first time i've seen someone react that way. "Your disgusting! You like guys!?!" This once again caught more attention and a few gasps. "Miss i don't see how any of this is disgusting but i'm sorry that you feel that way. I tried to be polite but then she fired back with a word i was first introduced to in fourth grade. "YOU'RE A FAGGOT!" I flinched at her tone and the word. The hosts started coming over, besides Kyoya who was dismissing everyone saying club hours are cut short. "Louis are you alright? Is this lady causing any trouble?" I looked over at Honey with wide eyes. "Am I causing any trouble? *scoff* You should be asking me, how could you invite a fag to join the host club? That is absolutely disgusting!" I heard a small growl coming from surprisingly Mori-senpei. "Never-mind that! Look at his outfit i bet he's just as much as a slut as his mother!"

Next thing i know the girl is walking out of the club room and i'm on the floor having a panick attack and sobbing. The hosts can over, with Haruhi hugging me saying small words to comfort me. Once i had calmed down i kept saying sorry. Sorry for causing trouble, sorry for interrupting the club, sorry for coming to Japan, sorry for being me really. "Louis there is nothing to be sorry for!" I side glanced Kaoru who was a bit disturbed by what i said. "Yeah, you are who you are and we support you for that! Yes your quite mysterious and all but we will support you, and stand by everything that we know about you." Said Hikaru.

After i thanked everyone and changed i decided i better head home since today was a bit too eventful. "Bye everyone i hope tomorrow is a better day." I slightly whisper, though everyone heard. I heard a bunch of "Bye's" and "See ya's"

*End of chapter. Thank you for reading and i hope you guys like it so far, i'm gonna make a few changes to previous chapters due to me getting more comfortable writing and all.*
1375 Words

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