Ch 12: First Day

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Theo's POV: 

It's Monday and the transfer has been confirmed. It'll be interesting. I know Sean isn't exactly thrilled since he's deeply involved in football. Carter isn't exactly thrilled either. I can't blame him though. I wouldn't really want to go to a school if I'd have to see my mate with another man. I get ready and walk downstairs. 

As I walk into the kitchen I see Sean and Carter. Sean looks annoyed already and Carter looks pissed. I just ignore their glares as I walk in to get breakfast. Lucky for us my mother decided to go on a baking spree and banked a bunch of muffins and other breakfast pastries. I grab a bunch of muffins and then go to get into my car. Sean and Carter decide to share a car and then we pull out and make our way to the new school. 

Once we arrive, we make our way to the main office where we get our schedules and other random information. As we leave the office, we walk to our lockers and put stuff away. Just as we turn around, we come face to face with five guys. I'll admit that to an average person they would probably be scary but they're nothing compared to us. Carter stands up a bit straighter being the guy in the middle is the one dating his mate. We look at them for a second or so before they decide to speak up. 

"What do you guys think you're doing here? What... did mount rich kick you out? Did daddy's money not buy you out of trouble this time?" I just roll my eyes. As much as I would love to strange the life out of him. I can't though, I immediately notice that the guy talking is my mate's brother. I would never hurt my mate even if it means dealing with her brother and his friends. Before I can respond, Sean steps up and gets right up in their faces. 

"Awe is someone still sore about not getting into our school? Such a shame your parents' money couldn't buy your way in. Although lets be'd never fit in." With that, he just smirks and walks back towards us. Sean sees my smirk and just laughs a bit. I would love to laugh right now. He tried applying to our school a year ago but was rejected, even tried having his parents pay his way. But obviously was rejected, after all it's an all werewolf school. Well almost all werewolf school. There's a few humans but they're mated to werewolves and understand us. 

My mate's brother looks like he's going to lose it and goes to take a step closer with his fist balled. Carter steps up almost immediately. I'm assuming for two reasons, one I'm his alpha and its his instinct to protect me and two, the guys with his mate so I'm guessing he's more than happy to knock him down a peg or two. While the two are having their stare down, I'm watching his friends to make sure they don't do anything. Before I know it, the sweet smell of rain and vanilla fills my nose. I can't help but calm down. I look to my left and see her and her friend walking through the crowd we'd drawn. I don't even remember seeing all the people gather. 

Once my mate and her friend finally make their way to the center, her friend rushes to my mate's brother. I heard Carter let out  a really low growl, non that the humans would be able to hear. My mate steps in between her brother and Carter. I immediately stiffen. If Carter was to lose control  and attack, he would hurt my mate. Xavier growls at the thought of our mate being hurt. "If mate gets hurt by Luca I will personally end him! Beta or not. He does not touch her at all!" Xavier keeps growling and pacing in my head. If I'm being honest, he gives me the worse headaches sometimes. I yank Carter back, he looks at me ready to growl but he knows better and takes a deep breathe to calm down. I stand in front of Sean and Carter. I don't want to take the chance of them lounging to attack and hurting her. 

My mate starts asking what's going on to her brother Dylan. I don't know why I couldn't remember his name. She sounds really annoyed. Xavier whines a little when he figures out that shes annoyed and too tired to deal with this. My mate and Dylan start talking but I get distracted with her outfit. She looked good. Her long tan legs on display and that top fitted her perfectly. It takes me a minute to realize that if I can see it so can other males. Xavier immediately starts growling, hating the idea of others looking at what's ours. I start reminding Xavier that she doesn't know she's our mate and that we have to be patient. Xavier goes to respond but I'm immediately pulled out of my thoughts when I see my mate grab Dylan's hand and do something. I listen to my mate tell off her brother. I don't think I've ever seen anything hotter before. Dylan says something about just wanting to see why we moved schools. My mate seems a little skeptical but seems to buy it. 

"We're moving schools. We're not here to cause any trouble. Just figured why not." My mate looks a bit shocked but leaves it. I was about to ask her if we had any classes together but her brother beat her to it. 

"If you're not here to cause any trouble then I strongly suggest you stay away from my friends and I. Not to mention my girlfriend and sister. Let's go guys." I can tell his words pissed off Carter.  I'm not going to lie, it pissed me off to. Not as much as it did Xavier. Alex was destined to be ours. She was literally hand chosen and made for me. I could feel Xavier wanting to come out. Same goes for Carter, you could tell he was struggling to get ahold of Luca. I almost lose control but then I notice Alex starts to take a few steps towards me. Xavier lets out a small purr at the fact our mate is disobeying her brother to come see us. She's about to talk to me but her brother called her to him. She paused for a minute and then thought about it. I'm guessing she decided she was not in the mood to argue. Instead she just settled with rolling her eyes and giving my friends and I an apologetic smile. 

I can't help but be happy. She doesn't hate me and she was actually going to talk to me even though her brother made it perfectly clear that he didn't want her to talk to me or my friends. I look at my friends and decide we better get to class. We look at our schedules and discover that Sean and I are in the same class, calculus one. While Carter has European history. We make our separate ways and get to class. I couldn't help but notice that the only two seats left just happen to be next to my mate. I let out a sly smile and shake my head. We make our way in and seat next to my mate. Calculus might have just become my favorite class. 

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