Ch 61: Angers New Form

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Alex's POV: 

Once the plane landed, I just went to the car. I didn't bother to talk to Theo. The whole ride to the hotel, I just stared out the window. How could he not tell me about meeting with another alpha while we were in LA. I know I'm new to werewolf stuff but he should've at least asked me if I wanted to attend with him. I mean if mates really are for life than this would soon be my life. I was still staring out the window when suddenly he put his hand on mine. I immediately yanked my hand from his. Almost immediately, he growled at me. I turned around and looked at him for the first time since we got in the car.

"Don't ever growl at me again. I swear to whatever god you pray to that if you growl at me ever again. I will ignore you for a month." He looked shocked so I just turned to look back out the window. 

Not long after, we finally pull into the hotel. Everyone got out of the car and began to unpack while Ally and Carter went to grab a cart for all the bags. I was about to put my bags on the cart but Theo already had it in his hands. I grabbed the bag from and put it onto the cart. Everyone began to make our way into the hotel when suddenly we heard a phone ring. We turned around and saw Theo was on the phone. We all continued into the hotel and started checking in. Once we were all in the elevator, I noticed Carter's eyes were different. I think it meant he was mindlinking or talking to his wolf. I looked over to Ally who seemed to notice as well. The elevator finally got to our floor. We got off and made our way to the rooms.

Ally and Carter made their way to their room while I went into Alex and I's room. I began unpacking when suddenly there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was Carter. 

"Hey Alex, we had Theo's bags so I thought I'd bring it over for him. And he asked me to tell you that he had to go to the alpha meeting now so he wont be back until later." I just nod. Of course he has to go to the alpha meeting. He doesn't even ask me if I want to come. Hell, he doesn't even call or even text me to let me know himself. 

"Could you send Ally over once shes done packing. Please." Carter nods and makes his way out of my room and back to his. I went back to unpacking and once I was just about to finish, I heard another knock on the door. I knew it had to be Ally so I made the way to the door. 

"Whats up?" I let her in and we make our way over to my bed. 

"Did you know about the alpha meeting?" Ally looks just as shocked. Looks like Theo isn't the only one who lied to their mate. "Apparently Theo has to meet with the alpha of this territory. And apparently the luna normally attends with the alpha but guess who was not told anything about it. And you know that phone call he took? Well that was the other alpha calling to let Theo know that the meeting has to be down right now. So that's were he is. At a meeting were the alpha and luna typically attend." Ally just looked at me for a second, processing all the information. 

"That jerk! How could he not tell you and let you make that decision? Who gave him that right to exclude you from that decision!" 

"I know right! He couldn't even face me to tell me that he has an important meeting to do! I thought mates were supposed to be equal. There for each other and here he is just making up his mind for the both of us!" 

"You know what we should do?" I started to think. Ally is normally the nicer of the two of us. So if shes thinking up something bad then shes gotta be pretty mad. 

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