Ch 25: She-Beast

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Alex's POV: 

After Sean leaves with his dogs, Ally and I go back inside to watch some more 'Teen Wolf.' After another three episodes, I get a text from Dylan. He's just letting me know that he won't be home. I text him back and tell him, "Good, Allys staying over and don't think we're not talking about it. How dare you cheat on her!!! And with Casey out of everyone. Oh and enjoy your freedom while it lasts. I told mom and dad." After texting him, Ally and I decided to go to bed. Whether we like it or not, we have school. Thank god it's Friday though. On Friday, all of our teachers tend to be a bit late for their classes which means we can be late as well. No one knows why, we just know they're typically late. We get upstairs and Ally decides to sleep in the guest room so we part ways. I get changed into my pajamas and go get into bed. I'll just shower in the morning. I lay in bed for a minute or two before hearing a howl. I roll my eyes and turnover. Sean better has not lost his dogs again. 

I'm awoken from a deep sleep with the most irritating nuisance sound that has ever been invited, the alarm clock. I turn it off and open my eyes. I stare at my ceiling for a minute or so and then I roll out of bed so I have to get up. The second my feet hit the floor, I'm wide awake. I sprint to the bathroom and onto the carpet in there. Cold floors are awful! Since I'm already in the bathroom, I decide to start getting ready. I grab towels from the cabinets and throw them into the towel warmer. I start my shower and while I wait for it to warm up, I grab my stuff. Today, I think I'm going to smell like coffee. I grab everything and get into the shower. After about thirty minutes, I get out of the shower. I'm already missing the warm water. I grab my now warm towels and head out to my closet. I ask Alexa about the weather and since it's going to be a bit cloudy today, I decided to dress comfy. Since I'm dressing comfy, I grab some ripped jeans, a grey crop top, and my black running jacket. I lay out my clothes on the small ottoman in my closet and decide I'm going to wear my Calvin Klein boxers and show off the logo. I get dressed and walk downstairs to find Ally grabbing the coffee. I walk in and grab a cup.

"Hey Ally, how did you sleep?" I walk over to the fridge and fill my cup with ice and coffee. Once my cups filled, I grab an apple while there. 

"Hey Alex, I slept pretty well-considering everything." I walk over to her and hug her. "Let's just get this over with. I have a feeling, I'm about to be the center of the gossip today." She lets out a sigh and we grab our bags and get into my car. I look at her before starting the car. She just looks at me back so I start the car and we make our way to school. 

We pull into the parking lot. I park a bit closer than I normally do. Once I'm parked, I look at Ally whos taking a bunch of deep breaths. I wait for her to say anything but instead, she gets out of the car and starts walking towards the school. I grab my stuff and immediately follow after her. We walk into the school and once we enter, everyone stops and just stares at us. Ally takes a deep breath and we just walk to our lockers. We're getting stuff out of our lockers when suddenly all the whispering around us stops. I look to see what everyone's looking at and then I see it....Dylan and Casey kissing. It doesn't last long before Dylan walks over to his group. Casey just fixes her makeup and then smirks when she notices that I was looking. Once she finishes, she starts to walk towards us. Ally just rolls her eyes and turns towards her. 

"So sorry to hear about you and Dylan Ally. I just hope you understand that he needed a real woman." She fake pouts. I'm so going to kill Dylan for this. I look at Ally and she doesn't really seem to be sad anymore. She looks more pissed off than anything. 

"It's perfectly fine Casey. After all, I was always told to share my old toys with the less fortunate." Ally just smirks and goes to walk away. As Ally turns her back, Casey goes to strike her. I immediately grab her arm and push her back. She ends up falling because of her heels and everyone just starts laughing. Ally turned around once she noticed what happened.  Casey gets up and decides that she's not done and tries to go and take a swing on me. 

"I wouldn't do that if I was you. After all, you're dating my brother. He may be your boyfriend but he's my brother and I know for a fact that he would choose me over any side piece. No matter how great you think you are." She stops and lets out a constipated sounding moan and stops off. Ally looks at me and we end up just laughing. 

"Could you believe that she-beast really was going to hit us?" Were both laughing and don't notice that Theo and Carter have walked over to where we were. 

"That would've been hilarious. If she hit you then I would've hit her and then her little minions would've had to save her." We're still laughing but then I realize Ally's right. It would've ended up being her minions attacking us not the she-beast. Ally keeps laughing and I'm brought out of my deep thoughts when suddenly Theo speaks. 

"What just happened?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts and I turn to Theo and Carter. I notice Carter doesn't even look my way. He's focused on Ally. I'll have to ask him about that sometime. 

"She-beast is all mad because she didn't embarrass Ally like she wanted to." They both look confused at who she-beast is. So before they could ask, we tell them that she-beast is Casey.

"I'm still confused. Whys she called she-beast?" Theo asks, I noticed that Carter doesn't really talk that much. 

"It was a nickname she got a while ago. We were all in second/third grade when she had a whole mental break down and destroyed the classroom. It reminded us of when the beast, from 'Beauty and the Beast' destroyed one wing of the castle. So now whenever she tries to act all tough and stuff, we call her she-beast because sometimes it ends up with her destroying stuff." They both just nod their heads but they still look confused. "When we were little, she lost it on us whenever people would check on her so everyone just gave up. We just let her be. It's easier. Not to mention, she always lies about it. I know it's personal but I much rather be told the truth. Let me decide on my own with all the information." I tell them and then I notice Theo looks a little hurt. Before I could ask him, the class bell rings so we all start walking towards class. I noticed that Theo still looks kinda hurt. 

"Is everything okay Theo?" He shakes his head and then looks at me with a forced smile. 

"Ya, why wouldn't it be?" I just shrug. It's not like he's keeping something from me right?

"Nothing you just looked kinda hurt when I mentioned wanting to know all the information. It's not like you're hiding anything from me so I just didn't know why you looked hurt." He let out an awkward kinda forced laugh. 

"Ya, I'm not hiding anything....." He didn't sound right but we got to class pretty quick so I just decided I'll talk to him later about it. 

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