Ch 14: Class with Dylan

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Theo's POV: 

After having to leave my mate, Xavier immediately started getting annoyed again. I think he's probably feeding off of Luca's energy. From what I've seen, Carter is almost livid being here. I don't blame him though. Just the thought of Alex in the arms of another man, makes me want to rip the guy's arms off. Xavier growls at the thought. He's loved her since the moment he saw her in the grooming salon. Carter and I walk into our next class. Sean has the same one with the girls. I would love to be Sean right now. I am happy that he's there, but I'd rather be there. I know he'll protect her but at the same time I want to be there just in case. 

As Carter and I walk in, we immediately spot Dylan and his little group sitting in the back. How cliche. We take our seats by the door. The second this bell rings I'm bolting to my mate. This is going to be the longest class EVER. Carter and I start talking a bit, just about some random stuff. Then suddenly a group of girls walk in. They're not hideous, but they're nothing compared to my mate. They kinda remind me of the girls from Mean Girls. And yes I know what mean girls is. I have a sister and even though she is younger, I do still know about it. They walk over to Dylan and his group and then the lead girl does something that shocks everyone. She kisses Dylan and he kisses her back. He did look shocked at first but only took a minute to recover. Carter growls, unfortunately he wasn't very quiet about it. I cover it up by pretending to cough. They all look away. I notice everyone is in the middle of their conversations so I pull up my phone to pretend to be doing something and mind link Carter. 

"What is with you? I thought you would be happy. I really doubt Allison would stay with him when she finds out. She seems like a reasonable girl." I keep looking at my phone hoping no one goes to talk to me. 

"What the hell happened? Carter why did you growl? I had to lie to Alex and Allison saying that it was probably a motorcycle or something going buy." I think they bought it but still. I don't want to lie to them." Sean jumps into our conversation suddenly. Sometimes I wish I remembered to block him out. I guess I forgot to block him out of our conversation.

"GO AWAY SEAN! Private conversation!" Carter practically yells. I can tell Luca is still annoyed with the whole situation. I think about jumping in but decide to wait. Last thing I want is to push Luca anymore. We don't want him to do anything reckless. 

"Jeez, I was just concerned. But fine if you want me to lie to your mates. Fine I will. I'll tell them all about how you guys suck." I could practically feel him smirk. He knows he got to us. Whether we like it or not, our mates like him and will likely believe him. 

"Don't Sean. You know he didn't mean it. He's just needs to calm down a bit so do you mind?" I wait for a response but instead of getting one, I just feel he has left. "Do you want to talk about the growling now?" 

"I couldn't help it. Ya I'm not happy she's dating him but at the same time I can't help but think how bad this is going to hurt her. Plus I really doubt anyone is going to tell her. Dylan is kinda popular around here and technically Dylan and your mate were the richest kids at this school until we arrived. I really doubt anyone wants to lose the perks of his money." I can hear the confusion in his voice. He can finally be with his mate and be happy but in order for him to be with her, someone has to tell her news that will hurt her. 

"You're right, they were the richest kids in school before us. But they're not anymore and someone really needs to tell her. If she stays with him longer, it'll just hurt her more."I take my phone and take a picture on the sly. I look around and see that no one saw me. "I'll talk to Alex about it. We all have lunch together and from what I've gathered, Dylan won't be there. I can tell Alex. That way you won't be the bad guy for telling." Dylan goes to respond but then the teacher walks in and class starts.

Class feels like its been forever. I think the actual class was only forty minutes but still. It was so long being away from mate. Not to mention, Xavier keeps howling and whiny about missing Alex. I don't blame him though. I miss her too. The second the bell rings, I bolt for the door. I think I ran a bit to fast because I had to wait for a minute or so before Alex,Allison, and Sean walk out. I walk over to Alex and hug her. God I love hugging her. I'm in heaven when suddenly I'm yanked away from it. I look to see who interrupted my time with her and I see Dylan. 

"Hey Alex, I'll catch up with you in a minute okay?" I don't wait for an answer and just walk over to another hall with Dylan. He smirks and I just smirk down. He's tall I'll give him that, but he's not taller than me. 

"What did I say about staying away from my girlfriend and sister?" I'm trying so hard not to let Xavier take control. He's livid with someone telling us to stay away from our mate. She's mine and I'm hers. Even if she doesn't know it yet. 

"I know who your sister is but which girlfriend did you mean?" I couldn't help but let out a smirk. I know I hit a nerve when his one eye twitches. He goes to say something but I cut him off and show him the photo I took. "Let's get one thing clear. You don't tell me to stay away from your sister and if I was you. I'd tell Allison about you cheating. You have until lunch. If you don't, I will. I won't just tell her, I'll tell your sister as well. How happy do you think she will be when she finds out?" 

"Fine you can be near my sister. But I don't think it's necessary that I tell Allison. She doesn't put out. A mans got needs after all. I'm guessing that's why you want my sister." He lets out a small chuckle. I don't even think. I just grab him and slam him into the wall. How are he think that's all I want from Alex. She's my world and I will not have anyone talk about her. End of discussion. 

"If you don't tell her. I will. I suggest you do it before I do. And if you ever talk about your sister like that again I will hurt you. She's so much more than that to me. I will not...." I'm cut off by a teacher yelling at us. Apparently someone when to get a teacher. She's talking but I honesty have no clue what shes saying. I'm still angry that he had the nerve to say that stuff about his own sister. After she leaves, I look in my hand and in it is a lovely pink slip for detention. If you ask me it was worth it. Let's just hope he does the right thing. 

I walk into my next class which just happens to be with Alex and Carter. I make my way over to them. Carter obviously saving me a seat by Alex. I sit down and Carter looks at me. I give him the 'I'll tell you later' look and he just nods. Alex looks at the slip and rolls her eyes. I go to talk to her but she ignores me. The teacher than walks in and I realize I am now in the dog house. Xavier growls and lets out of a huff as he lays down. I'm guessing he doesn't like being in the dog house. 

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