Ch 23: Talking with Sean

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Alex''s POV: 

We're all in the living room and Sean is handing out the Arby's. He looks at the TV and lets out a small snort. Allison and I just shake our heads and enjoy the Arby's. Once we finish the Arby's, Sean turns to us and lets out a small smile. 

"So about the before I even start, I want to apologize about Dylan and that Casey girl. If it makes you feel better, shes got nothing on you Ally. She's literally a downgrade and such a shame." 

"Thanks Sean, but I dont really want to talk about it. If he really wants her then I hope he's happy because as far as I'm concerned they deserve each other." I was kinda shocked about her answer. An hour or go a so, she was heartbroken but now she seems to remember her self worth. I'm glad. I still can't believe my brother would cheat on her. They've been together for years, ever since we were little. 

"Well, im glad to hear. You always seemed too good for him." We couldn't help but laugh at Seans remark. 

"If you think I was too good for Dylan than who do you think I should be with?" I'm kinda shocked that she would ask that, but I'm glad shes doing whatever makes her happy. Sean looks like he's thinking for a moment and then he smirks. Oh boy is this going to be interesting. 

"I think you and Carter would make gorgeous babies." He lets out a pause after a smirk. I thought he would stop there but nope he just had to continue. "And I think that Ms. Alexandra would have absolute jaw dropping babies with Theo." I cant believe he would say that. I froze. I couldn't help it. I was in complete shock and probably would've stayed in shock if it wasn't for Xavier growling. I wonder what his problem is. I snap out of it and start to pet his head. Xavier stops growling and leans in. Sean smirks again. I dont get it, wouldn't he want to comfort his dog?

"I dont know what you're talking about. Theo and I are friends. If he wanted to be with me, he would've asked me already. It's not like I'm scary or intimidating." Sean just shakes his head. He went to say something but before he could Allison beat him to it. 

"I KISSED CARTER WHEN WE WERE AT THEIR HOUSE FOR THE PROJECT!" OMG I can't believe it. I knew she didnt want to be alone with him but I didnt think they would kiss. "I know its wrong. I did it while I was still dating Dylan and that's why I went over to find Dylan and tell him but instead I found him with Casey. I'm an awful hypocritical person aren't I? I mean I kissed another guy while I still had a boyfriend and I cant stop thinking about the kiss because it was the most magical kiss I have ever had and I could've sworn there were literal spark." Allison seems to be day dreaming about her kiss when suddenly. "OMG Alex I'm so sorry. I never meant to cheat on Dylan. I'm so sorry. I know he's your brother and if you never forgive me Ill understand. Im so sorry." Allison starts to cry and I notice Luca wrap his body around her. I walk over to Allison and once Im within arms reach, Luca lets out a small growl. Xavier must've heard it too because he soon lets out a growl as well. I just shake it off and hug her. 

"Ally, my brother was so dumb to cheat on you. I could never be mad at you. You're basically my sister. Dylan was obviously doing much more than a simple kiss and you wanted to tell him right away. He obviously didnt feel the same." We hug, only to be crushed by Sean joining in on the hug. Once Sean gets off us, he suddenly looks serious. 

"Now onto serious business. Alex how do you feel about?" Ally looks at me and eyes me suspiciously. 

"I thought you were here to tell us about what happened at school today. Not talk about me." He lets out a groan and I look at him. 

"How about this? Ill tell you guys what happened at school. OMLY after you tell us about you and Theo." I let out a small groan. 

"Fine you guys wanna know? We worked on the project in another lounge area and then it started to feel crowded so we left to see if you and Carter wanted food. You guys weren't there and since I was tired, Theo lead me to his bed and I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to a growl and saw Theo. I ended up meeting his mom and then Theo ended up snuggling up with me as he went to sleep. By the time I was done talking to Theo's mom, he was already sound asleep so I slipped out and went home. That was everything. Now can we change the topic?" I hear them both let out a sigh but luckily, they both agree. Ally and I turn our attention to Sean. 

"When school started, everyone was shocked to say the least that Dylan and what's her name walk in together. She was literally clinging onto him like the floor would swallow her whole if she let go. There was a ton of gasps and people whispering. Even a few of Dylan's friends wouldn't talk to him when they walked over. His one friend, tall with black hair and a tattoo on his shoulder, even called him out on his downgrade and then walked away with half the group. After that, everyone was talking  about it. It got so bad that her whole little girl squad had gone around warning anyone and everyone not to mention anything about their relationship and how they're going to be the 'power couple' of the school. Like come on. That's ridiculous! If there's a power couple then it would have to be either you and Theo or Ally and Carter. There's no way they would even be in the running for power couple. Anyways, no one respected the couple and everyone couldn't stop talking about them." Of course Sean would think that is important. Its nice to know that the whole school has Allison's back though. 

Now that Sean has finished up his gossip, we all decided to watch more 'Teen Wolf' and eat snacks. While Sean is grabbing more stuff from the kitchen, I look down and couldn't help but notice, Xavier looks to be in deep thought. I go to rub his head and then Sean walks in. We all get comfortable again and start watching. 

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