Ch 24: Spying on Mate

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Theo's POV: 

Once everyone is sitting, they all begin to eat their food. I just watch and lay with my mate. I would take this over anything in the world. They end up watching another episode before Sean pauses the show and turns to them. I never really paid attention to Sean whenever he wanted gossip but I have a feeling that it's going to be about us. And of course, I was right. The first thing out of Sean's mouth is all about Dylan and his cheater, turns out her names Casey. Sean starts talking about how she's a downgrade, which seems to perk Carter's interest. I don't blame him though, anything involving my mate has my interest. Somehow Carter's name is brought into the conversation and that has his full attention. Once they start talking about how Alexandra should be with Carter, I decide to mindlink Carter. 

"Hey, I thought you were at school." 

"I couldn't be there. My mate wasn't there. So here I am just like you are with your mate." 

"I'm surprised Dykan is in one piece. I would've thought he'd be in an ICU unit after putting your mate in so much pain." 

"I don't even know if I should be mad or grateful. She's single which means I can pursue her without making her feel awful for cheating. And I can't even stop thinking about her after our kiss. At first, I thought maybe that's why she wasn't at school but after I saw Dylan walk in with another girl on his arm, I knew why she wasn't there." 

"Id punch him and then thank him for giving up the best thing to ever happen to him." 

"If I let Luca out, he would be dead. I don't understand him. You'd think he'd be happy our mate is finally away from that jerk but he's actually mad that he hurt her. I'll admit, I'm not exactly happy with him but still, I would've thought he'd be on our mate's side."

"Look.... if it's anything I've learned from having such a stubborn wolf, they'll put their mate's feelings above yours any day. Even if they're hurt watching their mate with another, they'll always want them happy." 'I care about your feelings but in the end, I want my mate happy, or else no matter what we do, I won't be happy.' Of course, Xavier had to chime in.

"I think that's the only thing Luca and I always agree on. Ally's needs will always be more important than ours." 

Suddenly, we're snapped out of our conversation when Ally's yelling about how she and Carter kissed....Wait HER AND CARTER KISSED!!!!!!!!! How dare he not tell me! Ya, I understand Sean but come on, we've been friends since diapers. Hell, I'd say even before that. Our parents were close during their pregnancy so we were probably womb neighbors with how much they hung out. 


"I meant to tell you. I did. I just forgot to tell you. Luca kinda went crazy after finding out Ally wasn't at school." 

"You're lucky our mates are talking about this right now or else I'd be really mad." 

After they finish talking about Ally and Carter's night, Sean then turns to my mate. Of course, he puts her in an uncomfortable situation. I tried to control Xavier but I could feel him trying to fight for control. He really doesn't seem to like that Sean, his gamma, is putting his mate in a situation she's not comfortable in.  After listening to Alex talking about us, I couldn't help but be happy. She didn't say she hated what happened and didn't seem to mind. Sean seems to be content with the answer but gives me a sly look before talking about the school drama. I have a feeling that he'll be cornering Carter and I once we get back home. They end up talking a bit but eventually going back to watching 'Teen Wolf' and honestly, I would rather listen to their gossip instead of having to watch all this fake nonsense werewolf show. A few more hours go by and unfortunately, it's time to leave. Alex and Ally get up and we follow after them. Sean then follows after us. I know he's laughing on the inside. He gets to treat us like we're his dohs in front of our mates. Talk about a low blow to our egos. Once they get to the door, Sean walks in front of them. 

"Well, it has been lovely, but unfortunately I'm going to have to leave." He then smirks and looks at Carter and I. "Xavier, Luca come." as he makes a whistling sound. I didn't even try to control Xavier and I let him growl. Of course, my mate hears and looks at me. 

"Awe, you're so cute. You can come over another day." She then proceeds to kiss my head. I couldn't control Xavier and he let out a purring sound. She lets out the cutest laugh I've ever heard. Sean lets out a small laugh and unfortunately, it doesn't help that my tail started to wag. 

"Ya see Xavier you can come over whenever you want big boy." That's it! I'm going to kill him once we get back. 

Everyone goes and gets in their cars. Alex and Ally decided to just stay instead of Alex driving her home so they go back and wave goodbye to us as we pull out. Once we're almost home, Carter and I decide to shift back and grab the shorts in Sean's car. Sean pulls into the driveway and before he comes to a full stop, Carter moves forward and looks Sean dead in the eyes. 

"You're so dead!" And with that, Sean bolts out of the car and shifts into his wolf, and runs. Carter and I look at each other before shifting back and running after him.

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