➳𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺: 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳

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THE SKY STARTS TO GROW ORANGE AS KATARA, ZUKO, AND KIDA GET CLOSER TO THE FIRE NATION PALACE. The heat of the comet radiates through the sky - Kida can feel its energy pulsing through her, though it might just be nerves.

"Kida, it's going to be fine," Katara assures, glancing towards Kida as she steers Appa. "We can take Azula."

"I'm not worried about her," Kida lies. "I'm worried about Aang. What if....what if he loses and the Fire Lord...you know?"

"Aang won't lose," Zuko adds, which surprises Kida, considering how doubtful he was before. But, Kida decides not to question it. He had been fairly quiet and solemn up until now, and Kida imagines that he was contemplating Uncle's guidance that Zuko should take up the position as Fire Lord. It was a lot to have on one's shoulders at the age of sixteen, especially after having to help save the world. "He'll come back."

"He has to," Katara adds. With that, she looks forward and continues to navigate Appa towards the Fire Nation palace.

They arrive at the palace just in time, as Azula is about to be crowned Fire Lord. The courtyard is completely empty, with only Azula and some Fire sages behind her for the ceremony. Kida would have expected a more populated coronation ceremony, but she figures that with the battle about to go down, it's best that the area is clear of civilians.

As the trio lands, Kida gets a closer look at her cousin. There's no question that Azula looks different from the last encounter Kida had with her. Then, on the day of the invasion, she seemed more composed and sinister, which was what Kida was preparing herself for. But, now Azula just seems tired, almost distraught. The dark shadows under Azula's eyes paired with her choppy haircut reminds Kida of how she herself might have looked when her insomnia was at its worst.

"Sorry, but you're not going to become Fire Lord today." Zuko jumps down from Appa. "I am."

Azula laughs her signature sarcastic, twisted laugh. She waves away the Fire sages and gets to her feet. "You're hilarious."

"And you're going down," Kida adds. She jumps down to stand next to Zuko and Katara does as well.

"Isn't this nice? A family reunion. I would have preferred without the Water Tribe peasant, but whatever." Azula narrows her eyes, zeroing in on Zuko. "You want to be Fire Lord? Fine. Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was always meant to be. Agni Kai!"

Kida is about to protest - because that's just what Azula would want, to kill them off one by one to draw out the process - but Zuko jumps in before she even has a chance.

"You're on," Zuko replies. He stands up straighter, and starts to walk towards the edge of the courtyard.

"Are you fucking kidding?" Kida demands, pulling Zuko's arm so he's facing them. It feels like her heart might have stopped, and her entire body is warm with rage. "Katara and I came here for a reason - we're not letting you fight alone."

"She's playing you," Katara agrees, her eyes still wide in shock and confusion. "She knows she can't take us all, so she's trying to separate us."

"I know. But I can take her this time."

Kida groans, peeking behind Zuko to see Azula smirking back at them. "Look, Azula has fought and won against each of us separately. She's never fought the three of us at the same time," Kida argues. "I bet a part of her knows that she'd lose if we fought her together."

"There's something off about her," Zuko points out, which was something Kida had noted before. "I can't explain it but she's slipping. And this way, no one else has to get hurt."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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