➳ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦: 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴

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"[...] again and again

I will get back on my feet.

I will not be defeated."

- Banana Yoshimoto


RUNNING INTO SUKI TRULY WAS A STROKE OF GOOD LUCK. It wasn't only because it was Suki and Kida needed to feel loved and supported again, though that was a pretty big part of it. Suki's position as head of security helped Kida get a temporary passport and ferry ticket into Ba Sing Se. Plus, meeting Suki's girlfriend might have been awkward before, but it turns out to be just as lucky because Mika offers to have Kida stay with her in the city. The entire process takes a day, and soon enough, Kida finds herself standing in front of Suki, about to board the ferry. Mika had just said goodbye to Suki and went aboard, giving her and Kida some space.

Even though it was under difficult circumstances and there were no huge secrets between them, Kida still finds herself sad to say goodbye to Suki, that same tug in her chest telling her that she's walking away from something great. From someone who feels like home, when the rest of the world seems so scary and uncertain. Kida knows that her reason for leaving Suki this time is more valid than the last, but that doesn't make their goodbye any less bittersweet; at least this time, there is a goodbye.

Kida sets her bag down, hugs Suki tight and prays to all the Spirits that it won't be the last time.

When she pulls away, Suki looks at Kida with a knowing smile. "You know, before, when I apologized for you having to hide who you really are?"

Kida nods slowly, unsure where this is going. She picks up her bag and adjusts it around her shoulder. People are still boarding the ferry, so they have time for a short conversation.

"I meant it. You have a gift, Kida, and I think you need to embrace it." Since Kida raises her eyebrow in confusion, Suki adds: "You can firebend, so you might as well learn how to."

Kida laughs at the ridiculousness of Suki's suggestion, but stops when she notices Suki's stern expression.

"You're...you're serious."

"I am. I think that you should find a master. I already told Mika and she's fine if you practice at her place. She spends most of her time at the art studio, anyways."

"You what ?" Kida exclaims. A few heads turn in their direction, so they move a bit off to the side. "Suki, that wasn't your secret to tell."

"Well, I'm sorry that I didn't want you to keep a secret about yourself," Suki scoffs.

"That wasn't your call to make," Kida grumbles. "I would have gotten by just fine."

"Kida, your whole life, you've been running and hiding. You can't go on like that forever."

"Okay, fair. I know that I need a break," Kida concedes, remembering what Yoko imagined would happen once they reached Ba Sing Se. A simple, safe life. A happy ending. In all honesty, Kida is starting to warm up to the whole idea. It's what Yoko would want, and if Kida does eventually find her sister, even better. "I don't understand what my firebending abilities have to do with this."

"Did you ever consider that maybe, just maybe, you can turn your potential to firebend into something positive?"

"No," Kida answers. "Not even once, actually."

Suki sighs, annoyed. "Spirits, you're stubborn."

"It's the truth," Kida defends. "I've gone sixteen years without properly knowing how to firebend, and I survived just fine. I'd say that's something positive."

"That's the thing: you survived, but don't pretend like it was all fine, because we both know it wasn't. You're tired and you do need a break, but you also need to accept that part of yourself that you're so afraid of, or else you're always going to be running from something and you'll never stop being tired."

Kida swallows and gazes down at the ground. She knows that Suki is right; she hates that Suki is right.

"I'm just looking out for you, you know?" Suki whispers, her voice much gentler than before. She steps closer to Kida, then places her hands on her shoulders, coaxing the girl to look up at her.

"I know," Kida mutters. "Thanks, Suki." Suki brings her in for one last hug, and when she pulls away, their hands are still grasped together..

"I'll miss you." Suki's voice is so quiet, it's barely a whisper, yet Kida can hear the slight tremble still.

"I'll miss you, too," Kida replies.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get you an actual passport so you could visit." Suki sniffles and a tear falls down her cheek.

"It's fine, Suki," Kida assures. She reaches up and brushes the tear away. Suki smiles sadly. "Thank you, for everything. And, hey, maybe next time we see each other, I'll be a firebending master myself."

Suki chuckles. "I'm counting on it."


AS SOON AS KIDA IS UNPACKED AND ALL SETTLED IN, she sets off to find work. Mika had assured her that she wouldn't have to pay rent. Still, Kida insisted on pitching in, if only a little bit. Thankfully, a tea shop nearby was hiring and Kida got a job on the spot. She wasn't very good at making tea, but the tea wasn't great in the shop, so there wasn't much of a difference. It was nice to have a routine: wake up, eat breakfast, do some chores, work for a few hours at the shop, come home, make dinner with Mika. A week has passed, and Kida's life is simpler, much less dangerous than the one she led before. She isn't quite sure how she feels about it, but then again, Kida isn't quite sure what else she can do. She's tried to be a warrior, a vigilante, an archer, a masked hero; none of it worked out, but it all led her to this tea shop, and this moment.

"Kida, I have some new employees to introduce to you," the tea shop owner announces. Kida's back is turned to him as she's busy filling cups with tea and placing them on a tray to deliver to some customers.

"That sounds good," Kida replies. She picks up the tray and turns around, ready to meet her soon-to-be coworkers. Her eyes meet an old man with a friendly face, and a boy about her age. He looks familiar, but Kida can't quite place where she knows him from.

Then, she notices the scar on the left side of the boy's face.

Kida narrows her eyes, carefully examining the people in front of her - the old man looks somewhat familiar as well - but she remains silent, considering her next move.


author's note!

first: HAPPY BI VISIBILITY DAY ! celebrate yourself because you are AWESOME and VALID.

second: i will be updating my atla modern fic later this week (saturday) and im super excited ah! i hope you guys enjoy it bc im really looking forward to sharing it with the world :)

third: thanks for reading <3

until saturday!

~ blue

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