Chapter 7

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"Nate! Nate, come on, this isn't funny anymore! Na----te! NATE! Where are you?!" Aelan screamed as he walked around in the forest.

"AELAN!" he heard Nate scream frantically in the distance.


"Help me!"

Aelan ran through the underbrush, trying to pinpoint his brother's screams. He finally got through the denser part of the forest and ended up in a clearing where he found the oak tree with maple leaves on it. There, he found Nate on the ground, clawing at it for dear life as the bottom half of his torso looked like it was in a hole. Seeing his twin, Nate started to scream his name in a panic. Aelan ran to his brother, grabbed onto his arms and started pulling against him.

"Stop playing around!" Aelan yelled.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M PLAYING AROUND?!" Nate screamed. "Something's got me and is trying to pull me into the ground! Don't let go, Aelan!"

Aelan sat down and dug his heels into it to try and get some leverage but whatever had a hold of his brother was much stronger than him. Nate was slipping.

"It's too strong! You're slipping!"

"Don't let go of me!" Nate screamed desperately, feeling his brother's grip started to slip.

To counteract it, Nate dug his fingernails into Aelan's arms to try and keep himself from being pulled in but all it did was just make him rake his nails deep into Aelan's arms as whatever had him yanked him down.

"I can't hold on much longer!" Aelan yelled.

His foot slipped, destroying the mushroom ring that Nate was being pulled into. The massive oak tree suddenly seemed to come alive as two large red glowing eyes opened at the base of it's large trunk and a hole that was like a mouth opened up, anger flowing from the ancient tree.

"Laad the ham denna!" I shouted in a gnarled, crackly manner.

Aelan screamed, immediately letting go of his brother in shock and fear. Nate was sucked into the ring, the ground covering over him and muffling his screams as Aelan sat there in complete fear, trembling at the tree as it glared into his eyes.

"Anee parai aarham topijopigai yegia honaein thamarj aapseis katajothon!"

The eyes got brighter and bright and brighter...



Aelan woke up screaming, tossing back and forth in his bed. He was a horrible person! How could he have ever let go? How could he have ever abandoned his twin like that? The door opened and Hama walked in, grabbing a hold of his shoulders to calm him down.


"Let me go! I have to save my brother!"

"Aelan, Nate's been missing for ten years. How are you going to find him-"

"Please! Please... He's being held captive by fairies and he has to find his way back home!"

"Okay... Hold on one minute."

Hama left and Aelan got up, trying to open the door even though it was bolted shut. He pulled on the door, trying to get out. He didn't have much time! I have to save him... he said in his mind. The door opened again, Hama pushing Aelan from the door. He put his hand on Aelan's shoulder when he felt a small prick in his arm and found Hama had stuck a needle in him. He looked at his nurse with confusion and hurt.

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