The Journal

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Before you start reading I will warn you that this story is incomplete and will always be incomplete. The last chapter will explain why. 

This is an alternative universe to the dsmp, however I am using the characters and their personalities. Please note that I am talking about the CHARACTERS not the people behind them. I will be using y/n. (your name) Also everyone has different personalities so y/n may not match yours and I am sorry if it doesn't, but I can't possibly make her relatable to everyone. I am open to criticism because I fell like it helps me grow as a writer, anyway here you are your characters and kingdoms.


Machiavellian Kingdom
Roy- The king
There is no Queen
Lucas- The prince and heir to the throne
Y/n- The princess and the best person in the world :)
Puffy- The castle cook (she makes the BEST food in the world)
Noteworthy residents- Quakity, Foolish, and Slimecicle (they are always getting in trouble)
There is a total of 159 other residents

SkyHaven Kingdom
Philza- The king
There is no Queen
Technoblade- The prince and the heir to the throne
Noteworthy Residents- Eret, and Awesamdude (friends of the king)
There is a total of 207 other residents
*Somethings to note is that SkyHaven Kingdom is the oldest Kingdom to date, it also has the oldest king and the most residents. It is said that SkyHaven is the most powerful Kingdom.

Wilbur- The king
Sally- The Queen (Also a shape-shifter)
Tommy- The right hand man to the king
Fundy- The ambassador and prince of L'manburg (it is not clear if he will inherit the throne or if Tommy will)
Residents- 102 residents
*This is the newest Kingdom and it seems to be off to a great start. The king and his right hand man are both children of Philza.

The Village of Snowchester
Tubbo- The leader
Ranboo- The vice leader
Michael- The son of Ranboo and Tubbo (is of the piglin race)
Residents- 20 residents
*VERY NEW, it is the smallest settlement right now but seems to be making gradual growth. The leader is the adopted son of Philza.

The Dream Kingdom
Dream- The king
There is no Queen
Advisors- George, Sapnap, Karl, and BadBoyHalo(also referred to as BBH or Bad)
Noteworthy Residents- Skeppy(friend of the king and his advisors)
There is a total of 115 other residents


Piglins- They are able to speak English but it is not their native tongue and when they speak it is with a heavy accent. It is VERY hard to learn their language. They live in the nether and their currency is gold. They have pink skin and hair with red eyes. They are good trading partners. They usually travel in small groups.

Humans- Just Plain. Old. Humans. They live in the overworld and speak English. Their currency can differ based on which civilization you visit but it is usually emeralds or diamonds.

Enderman- They are gardians of the end dimension. They are VERY TALL and speak an unknown language. There have been very few enderman that understand English, but in those few cases we were able to learn very little about them. Their skin is blackish purplish, and they have purple eyes. They are also very skinny. They can teleport, pick up blocks without altering the appearance of the block, and their jaws can unhinge.(scary) They don't like eye contact. It is said that they are very good builders and that they have built incredible cities, but this is only a rumor.

Animals- Pigs, cows, sheep, fish, ect. A lot of things fall in this category. As far as we know they do not speak English, however it is thought that they have a language of their own. Contrary to popular belief animals are usually rather intelligent and are good at adapting to different situations and environments.

Cross Breeds- Cross Breeds are exactly what they sound like, the crossing of two species. Cross Breeds often have unique characteristics/powers, and are usually considered weaker than a pure bred. Because of this they are commonly looked down upon by all species.

Interesting Beings

Technoblade- The son of Philza, Technoblade is 22 years old and a mix of a piglin and a human. Because of this he can speak the piglin language and English fluently. He has pink hair, red eyes,, and a light pink skin tone. (Lighter than a normal piglin) He prefers warmer climates however he is able to withstand cooler temperatures than a human can with only minor discomfort. He is also a lot stronger than the average human. He is the oldest out of all his brothers and the heir to the SkyHaven Kingdom. He commonly referred to as the Blood God because of his skill in battle and hand to hand combat. It is rumored that he hears voices in his head, however this is also just a rumor.

*I will be using she/her pronouns to describe y/n simply because it is easier for me. You are welcome to change these pronouns to anything you want in your head.

Y/n- Y/n is the daughter of Roy, her mother died when she was very young in a freak accident that was never fully explained. She has h/c hair and e/c eyes. She has an older brother named Lucas who is heir to the throne he is 1 year older than her. She is 20 years old. She is hiding a very big secret that she is not allowed to write down. She loves reading and writing along with nature and mythology. Even though she is not the heir she still feels immense pressure to do what is best for her people. *It is also worth noting that for SOME REASON people think she is S A S S Y. (I wonder why 😃)

Petrified, a Technoblade X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now