Chapter 10, Hard Conversations

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Ha I can upload without leaving for 10 years! Your outfit is up above, though it won't come into play until near the end of the Chapter. Enjoy!

Silence. Everyone was staring at me and let me tell you, it was not fun. 

"So these past few months... everything that you have said and done... it was all a lie so that you could spy on us." Technoblade sounded so hurt.

"No!" I said quickly, "I never wanted to spy on you guys, and I never told my father anything other then the fact that you like Greek Mythology." 

"How can we trust you?" Asked Philza, he too looked hurt.

"Why do you think my father kept sending me back here?" I asked them. "And if that's not enough then what reason would I have to come here and tell you my fathers plans? I know you guys are good people and unlike my father and my brother, I don't blame you for my mother's death." 

"I believe her." This was Tubbo. 

"Tubbo you've only just met her, you know nothing about what she is like." Ouch. That was Techno and I could hear the anger in his voice.

"True, but do you know what y/n went through to get here? She had to travel through the dark forest and fight off mobs all on foot." I mentally reminded myself to thank Tubbo later for him defending me. Techno was about to say something when Phil cut him off.

"I think he's right Tech, she wouldn't have risked her life to get here if she didn't care about us." Phil looked directly at me, "Y/n do you know if your father will be attacking with any of his allies?"

"I have no doubt that Dream will help my father. With The Dream Kingdom and the Machiavellian Kingdom combined it will be a powerful attack." I told Phil. 

"Then we should call for reinforcements as well. Tubbo call you brothers Wilbur and Tommy and tell them to bring all the help they can get." Phil said.

"Yes father." Tubbo responded. He then left the room, presumably to call Wilbur.

"Y/n we are incredibly grateful that you came and warned us about this." 

"It was the least I could do." I said.

"No kidding." That was Techno again.

Phil looked at Techno, "Son why don't you go and get y/n some of your mother's old clothes to change into."

"Oh no I'm fine." I said, "I don't need to look fancy."

Phil just laughed, "Maybe you haven't noticed y/n, but it seems your run in with the mobs has left your clothes in quite the destroyed state."

I looked down at my clothes for the first time since leaving my home and found that Phil was right. On my shoulder there seemed to be a hole, no doubt from a skeletons arrow, and there was a huge hole in my cape and pants, probably from the spider. Plus I had a bunch of dirt on me from falling on the ground. 

"Oh." Is all I said. 

"But father shouldn't I be helping you fight." Techno said. "I'm one of, if not the, best strategist and fighter in the Kingdom."

"I know son, but I can't risk you being on the battlefield." Philza said. "This battle is going to be very difficult one, and should I not come back alive I need the heir to the SkyHaven throne to be safe."

"If I was in the battle then I could help protect you!" Techno said.

"My decision is final." Phil stated.


"No buts, now go get y/n something to wear that is not all torn up." With that Phil walked out of the room and left me alone with Techno. Gotta admit it was kinda scary. 

After a long pause of just silence Techno told me to follow him. "Where are we going?" I asked. 

"To get you new clothes." Techno responded. He said it in a tone that sounded like he was talking to a stranger. 

"Techno are you ok?" I asked him. 

"Am I ok?" He said, almost like he was hysterical. "I just found out that my Kingdom is about to be attacked, that my best friend has been lying and spying on me, and that my father won't even let me help with the battle because he thinks that something bad is going to happen. No y/n, I am not ok."

Well that was a lot to process. "I'm sorry." It seemed like such a small phrase for this big of an apology, but I couldn't think of anything else to say. 

"I know you are." Techno said it in a voice that was barely above a whisper. 

We were walking for a bit more in silence when all the sudden I recognized the corridor we were in. "These are the three rooms that you wouldn't let me in." I said, though I didn't mean to say it out loud. Techno just sort of smiled.

"Yeah, you rember that one room that you were asking about and I told you was just full of papers?" I shook my head yes showing him that I remembered. "Well that was actually my mother's room." He said. "After her disappearance my father and I didn't go in there much." He said.

"When did your mother go missing?" I asked.

"About 15 years ago." He told me. Something about that seemed weird to me but I brushed it off because right at that moment is when Techno showed me his mother's closet full of beautiful gowns. I pretty sure I made an audible gasp, because I heard Techno chuckle at me. "Choose any dress you want, I'll be waiting just outside the room." He said. I nodded and he left.

There were so many gowns to choose from. Some were poofy and princess like while others were more flat and laid back. Some had flowers and lace on them while others were just plain. And they came in all different colors. Eventually I decided on a red dress that I really liked. I put it on and then opened the door. Just a reminder the outfit I based this on is at the top

When I got outside Techno just looked me up and down and then stared at me. "What!" I said a little self concise, "Is there something on my face?"

Technoblade shook his head, "No, its just that red is definitely your color." He said. Against my will I felt myself blush a little at this. Techno cleared his throat and said, "We should get to the war room."

"I thought your father said he wanted you to stay out of this battle." I said.

"He said I couldn't fight, never that I couldn't help plan." Techno said with a little grin. "Besides, it would be nice to see my brothers again." With that we headed to the war room, and let me tell you I was definitely not expecting what I found when I entered that room. 

Word Count: 1151 Words

Woah that was a lot. I think this is actually one of the longest chapters I've posted but I just couldn't stop writing. I hope you all enjoyed the sweet moments between Techno and y/n. (even though I know that they're a little cringy) I hope you all enjoy your day/night and I look forward to posting again soon.

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