Andi's news

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As soon as the plain dropped us back home I see Andi, Cyrus, and Buffy waiting for me.

"Jonah! You were all over the TV! You sang that song and kissed that girl!!" They all yell and hug me tightly.

"It was on TV? Wow. And yeah." I answer back, surprised.

"Well meet us at the spoon later. I have some important news to tell you all." Andi says as I pick up my bag and suitcase from the ground.

"Docious. See yall later." I say back.


"Who knew unpacking everything was so hard?!" I jokingly as as I sit down next to cyrus at the spoon.

"That is the worst part, when I went see my family i overpacked and had to unpack two whole suitcases." Cyrus speaks.

"So whats the big news Andi?" Buffy asks.

Andi looks down at her hands sadly and says, "What if I didnt go to the same highschool as you guys?"

Everyone goes quiet for a few minutes. Then I decided to speak up.

"What do you mean??"

"I might be going to an art school." She nervously answers.

"Oh. Thats great andi!" Buffy exclaims and hugs her friend. Cyrus and I come in for the hug too.

"Yep! I'm going to SAVA." Andi says.

"But when are we going to see each other?" I nervously ask.

"Jonah this isn't a goodbye its just-" Andi starts but is interrupted by my phone ringing.

I look and its Bowie. I answer.

"Hey man! I'm back."

"Cool. I need you to come to the Red Rooster."

Even though I'm confused I say okay.

"Guys Bowie needs me at the Red Rooster. I'll text yall later, k?" They all nod.

'What could bowie want?' I mutter to myself

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