1| Heist

59 0 0

3rd person
6 months later

George checked his stop watch for the third time in the last minute, "stop worrying" Harlow called from the back. "They're late" George responded, a horn blew signaling the other guys were ready. Brenda reloaded her gun while George put up the metal on the side of the truck, Harlow simply sat there waiting for them to move.

So it was on, they drove down before turning and keeping up with the train, inside Minho sat tied up to the roof with chains that clanked every time they moved. Outside George revved the engine before speeding up in order to get to the front, from the other side Vince drove another truck with Thomas in the passenger seat.

"Brenda we're coming up behind" Thomas radiod, "keep him busy" he called before Vince sped up. Brenda got up from her seat standing up through the sun roof and began to shoot at the conductors, George laughed as Harlow looked out the window. As expected they called for backup and a humming of a berg could be heard not too far away, as Vince drove on the tracks "this is crazy Thomas" he said speeding up.

Meanwhile guards came out of the train front aiming guns, "Harlow!" George called. "On it" Harlow got up putting a foot on George's seat before pushing herself off the ground and forward so she'd land on the food of the car, she brought her hands up as they ignited sending as much bullets back as possible.

She slipped when George swerved feeling something dig in her side, Harlow quickly grabbed the opening of the sun roof as she swung behind the truck. She quickly crawled forward falling back in the truck, "a little easier next time" she huffed. From the back of the train Thomas took of his seatbelt before jumping on the front off the truck hood, "get me closer!" Thomas called grabbing the hook getting ready to connect the train.

Thomas hooked the train before climbing up, Vince got out of his seat climbing onto the truck before a tire gave out popping. "Vince!" Thomas called, "jump!" he called holding out his hand. Vince jumped grabbing on just before the chain snapped sending the car backwards, "shit" Vince said looking back at the truck once he was on the train.

"Lets go!" Thomas called, "hey berg!" Vince called. "Hey Harlow, you have company!" Thomas radiod in, they opened fire sending in bullets that cause the dirt to be thrown into the air, meanwhile Harlow kneeled on her seat stopping a bullet from hitting them before sending it back.

As the swerving she tipped over causing pain in her lower abdomen, "holy shit" George called. Harlow ground crouching down as she lifted her shirt, on her abdomen was a bullet whole. "I need to tap out" Brenda turned around "wha- shit" she said taking a look at that. Harlow quickly reached in taking the bullet as Brenda winced turning around, Harlow threw the bullet out of the car before pulling down her shirt.

"I'm fine" she said once she was seated again, "Thomas you're on your own down die" Brenda radiod. "Good luck" Thomas radiod before turning to Vince, "come on we gotta move" he said and began to climb the ladder. Vince followed along, they ran along the tops of the cars before Vince jumped down working on unhooking the train cart. Throwing down the bag he jumped down himself before taking out his gun shooting when the guys approached, "Vince" he called back seeing more approaching.

A thud was heard before red lit the place up, Harlow dropped and rolled before trying to push the guys off. She jumped down next to Vince, "we're set cover your eyes, take cover" Harlow followed Thomas holding onto the side ladder as he supported her from behind so she would fall. She put her hand out running away, covering the explosion.

They turned back seeing it worked as the train kept rolling and they stayed put, the trio jumped down as the front train began to stop. Harlow turned to the bushes whistling before a familiar blonde popped out Vince waved his hand signaling him over, Thomas ran over banging the compartments before Newt came over "this one" Thomas said before turning to where guards were getting out of the train walking over.

Harlow helped the guys up before they began working on tying up the box, "Newt how you doing" Thomas called. "Don't rush me" Newt called before bullets started flying. Harlow jumped down standing in front on Newt covering him, "Newt get up here" Thomas called shooting his gun. "Almost there" Newt called back up, Vince jumped down covering Newt and Harlow as they climbed up on top the cart.

"Where the hell are they" Newt called from above Harlow, he was covering her as she deflected bullets hitting two guys. "I don't know" Thomas called, they all looked up seeing the berg finally in position. "Come on" Thomas called, "lower" Newt stood up so did Harlow. Thomas jumped up grabbing the hook before he and Newt connected it to the straps holding the box.

"Go, go!" Thomas called, "Vince get up here!" Harlow called. "Now Vince" Thomas yelled, Vince ran up through the side ladder while Thomas shot some guards.

"Yeah!" Thomas cheered, Harlow laughed hugging Newt before he kissed her throwing her off guard. She blushed looking up at the berg, "we did it" she smiled more to herself.

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