2| Missing

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Sparks flew as Newt worked on the door, once he was done Thomas pushed it back as everyone waited excitedly. Newt walked in and i followed looking around, "Aris, hey you okay" Thomas ran forward.

That's when it settled in my stomach, "no" i cried looking around. "He isn't here" we walked the isles checking but it was no use, Minho would be yelled for joy if he were in here and he clearly wasn't. "It's okay you guys are safe alright? just hang on" Thomas called to the refugees as he walked by, when Thomas got to the end of the isle we all looked at each other.

"He's not here" Thomas said, Harlow began ripping peoples chains off before leading them off the cargo holder.

I sat on a bucket as a doctor helped wrap my wound, it was still bleeding badly which was weird because im supposed to be healed by now. After i was done she sent me on my way with a smile, i slid my bloodied shirt back down before walking off the find the others.

"WICKED is still out there, there not giving up" Vince talk to the refugees, i walked into a small building where Aris Sonya and Harriet were. "It took you guys long enough to rescue us" Aris said, "good to see you too Aris" Thomas replied. Harlow stood next to Newt as he offered her his drink, she took a sip before handing it back as she wrapped her arm around him.

"So what happened" Thomas asked, "i fought back, tried to anyway" Aris laughed. "You're lucky you found us at all, they had us on the move a lot it felt like something big was happening" Sonya explained, "any idea where they were heading?" Newt asked from beside me. "All i know is, they kept talking about a city" Aris said, "i didn't think there were any cities left" Harriet said.

"That's because there aren't, not still standing anyway" Brenda spoke up, "okay wait what about Minho? why wasn't he on the train?"Thomas asked. Aris looked at Sonya before responding "i'm sorry Thomas, he was" Aris said looking solemnly.


Thomas laid out a map on the table, "there that's it" he pointed to a circled spot. "It's a few hundred miles, based on the railways, everything that Aris told us that's got to be where they're headed" Thomas said, "that's where they're taking Minho" he continued. "We take everyone who can fight follow the roads where we can we can make it back within a week" Thomas explained, "a week? it took us 6 months to get here" Vince said pointing to another spot.

"We got over 100 kids here now, we can't just hang out here forever after what we just pulled. You wanna wander off to some random point on the map you don't even know what there" Vince said, "I do" George spoke up. We all turned to look at him, "it's been a few years but, i've been there" he paused walking over.

"The Last City, that's what WICKED called it, it was their whole base of operations" he explained, i turned to the map. "If that city is still standing, that's the last place you wanna go hermano, that's the lions den" George said, "it's nothing we haven't down before" Thomas said. "Yeah with months of planing and reliable information, the element of surprise" i pushed back from the table i was leaning on.

"He's right Thomas, WICKED is going to know you're coming and considering that's there base they'll have guards everywhere there still looking for us" i said, "i've thought this through" Thomas continued before Vince interjected him. "Hey, would you just hear me out" Thomas tried to say, "last time we went off half cocked, i lost everything you remember that" Vince said.

"Look i know it's Minho all right? but you can't ask me to put those kids on the line for one man i won't do it" he said before static sounded in the background, we all turned towards the radio. "A is completed, scanning B sector now" i looked up when i heard the humming of helicopters that was oh so familiar.

"Shit, the lights!" i called, "let's go let's go" George called as we all ran. George flipped a switch turning off all lights as i took of Newt by my side, we had crouched down until it was safe to come out and by then it was to late to do anything. We walked to our beds silently where i had put 6 crates together with blab keys and rags on top for cushion, i took off my boots letting my hair down before slipping off my jacket.

Newt was by the window looking out while i settled in, "you coming to bed?" he turned over smiling. "Yeah in a minute" he walked over sitting down, "i'm sorry about Minho, but i'm sure we'll come up with something" i whispered. Newt gave a sad smile, "we'll figure something out" he said before be ding down to kiss my forehead.

"Go to bed it's late, we'll come up with something tomorrow" i nodded feeling the tiredness winning over my body after everything we did today, that night i had something i haven't had in a while. A dream.

I stood in front of screens as i tapped on them, i was solving equations and i was doing it quickly. "Heightened thinking" Ava called behind me, i turned smiling before i turned back. "You're doing well Harlow, some day you might even be the one running tests" i laughed, "we all know who runs this operation Ave" i called.

The images swirled before i saw a vision, i was sitting in a chair typing quickly. The keys clicked as i heard heavy breathing, i was about to plead enter when the door flew open. "Get her!" Ava called pointing forward, i jumped up from my seat putting my hands up "you don't want to do that Ave" i smirked.

She nodded before the guards came forward, i didn't even realize what i was doing. All i saw where bodies being thrown some fell as they died, until someone came behind me and i felt the burning i came to loath.

Then everything went black.

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