11| Departure

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   We didn't make it. My mind is foggy. It's like it was trying to grant me mercy by not remembering.

   We were running, we were close and i could taste victory. I almost smiled as we arrived, the. we turned the corner and what i saw made me scream. At the top of my lungs.

   "NOO!" i cried running forward, "no" I whimpered taking the knife out of Newts chest. Thomas was stunned and in a daze, i cried and sobbed. Seeing Newts cold dead body, "NO!" i cried out. It's as if i felt my heart physically breaking, my chest ached as i cried.

   "I can fix this, i can bring you back" i wiped my eyes, "i will bring you back" I said bringing my hands over his chest. I think Thomas had left before he was no longer around. "No Harlow! Don't!" Brenda yelled, "what choice do i have" i examined Newts face. "I felt my hands go hot before a burning sensation ripped me apart.

   I cried out as Brenda ran forward, with the rest of my energy i held up a force field. "Don't get in my way" i looked up threw the pain a hard composure on my face, "or i'll be forced to put you down" I turned back to Newt finally giving in all my energy.

   A scream ripped through me as the pain became unbearable, "you'll die, then Newt won't have you anymore!" Minho was now banging against the wall. "That's a sacrifice i'm willing to make" i called. Like i said my mind if fuzzy, somehow the wall broke down and my body gave out.

   I fell next to Newt with a thud as my mind felt hazy. Brenda, Gally, and Minho ran forward, i was so tired i couldn't fight anymore. I remember the cold tear that dropped down as my hand inched towards his never quite making it.

   When i woke up again i was in the berg, i could feel the buzzing as we flew overhead. "What" i looked around frantically, i was in a sort of medical wing. Thomas next to me with a bullet wound they were treating, "no! no! no!" i kept repeating. The lights blinked as the plain bounced with heavy turbulence, "she's up get her the bracelet" something cold was slipped onto my wrist before i felt the heavy weight lift off my body.

   I was to tired to fight so i fell back temporarily forgetting everything. I was so tired i fell back into unconsciousness once again, everything went black as i felt nothing. Only numbness.

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