3| Rescued

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"Harlow!" i gasped sitting up, "somethings wrong Thomas he's gone and so is Newt and Frypan" Brenda said, my eyes opened wide "they wouldn't" i said as i got up quickly zipping up my boots and throwing on my red jacket.

We ran outside where Vince and George where, "the truck it's gone" Vince said. "Damn it" i pushed my hair back looking around, it was still dark out as the moon shun little light. "We have to go after them" i said heading to the main tent where we had meetings, "we can't it's too dangerous" Vince said as the group followed behind me.

I ignored them walking over to where the maps where, i pulling some out i dumped them on the table opening them checking to see if we had a replica of the one they took. "Harlow" Brenda said, "Harlow!" she came forward yanking a map out of my hand.

"If i don't find them or they don't make it back i will lose the last bit of my sanity i have and do something i'm going to regret- then WICKED will be the least of your worries. Now! Can someone please help me find a stupid map" I said before going back to looking through maps. I heard a sigh as i finally found one, i scanned through it pointing to where The Last City was on the other before circling it in black ink.

"Now your either going to help or your going to stand aside, but i warn you get in my way and we're going to have problems" I traced different routes to get to that circle, all possibilities of where they could be going. "They took that one, it's the most direct with less cranks" Brenda pointed at a line i drew, i put i star by it before rolling up the map.

"I'm coming" Brenda announced looking at George, i grabbed a bag that already had all the necessities in it like flash light cloths and disinfectant stuff. My wound had healed by now though it took a farely long time, "let's at least make some kind of plan" George said following me out.

I opened the door the the nearest truck, "get in we can drive and talk" George sighed turning to Brenda. He nodded towards the truck "get in i'll go get a gun" she nodded before George disappeared back in the building. I loaded the gun that was in the cup holder handing it to Brenda who sat in the passenger seat, i turned the truck on revving the engine.

George came back out with a shotgun getting in, i turned to Vince saluting before i floored it turning the wheel.


"Take the wheel" i said before letting go, the truck swerved before Brenda took the wheel. "Are you crazy" i got up switching places with her "a little" i shrugged opening the window, "hold on we might get thrown back" i called. "What-" i brought my hands back one on top of the other before pushing out releasing a sonic wave, the tires screeched as we slid back before we were moving again.

I got back in looking down at the map, "we're almost there" i said tracibg my finger on the line. "There!" Brenda called, sure enough there was a flipped over truck with three Gladers helplessly standing there. Brenda stopped getting up and shooting cranks "get in, now!" i called. I  jumped out running forward practically trampling Newt, "god i hate you" i pulled back kissing him before pulling him along with the others "hurry!" i said pushing them forward.

"Go!" i called one i got in the back, "hang on!" George called. I turned to Newt "you owe me" i said breathlessly, he pulled me forward as he kissed me again. "We're even" he said pulling back smiling, i smiled before turning towards the cranks. Doing the same motion as before cranks flew as red engulfed everything pushing us forward, i tried getting my breathing under control as i sat back down.

"I'll never get used to that" Frypan spoke up, i gave him a lazy smile before leaning my head back. I was glad when we finally saw daylight again, as we drove out the tunnel and finally i was getting my energy back.

"I'm impressed, you guys almost lasted a whole day" George said from the front, "you good" Thomas patted Newt. "Yeah" he said breathlessly, Brenda turned around shaking her head at Thomas like you would a toddler. He laughed "i'm sorry i didn't wanna bring you guys into this" Thomas explained.

"Aye i think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us" Frypan called, "you're welcome, you should thank her she practically fixed us here" i smiled. "Yeah i may or may not have throw a threat or two, but you're lucky we found you before you became Crank breakfast" i punched Thomas.

"Hey don't get your hopes up, that checkpoint back there that was the city's last defense of that was overrun chances are the city is too" George explained, "yeah unless they figured out some other way to keep Cranks out" Newt said. I turned to him before turning to where he was looking, i was a bit speechless but it was expected.

George hit the breaks stopping the truck with a jolt, we got out before walking towards the edge of the cliff. Where we stood you could see a perfect view of the walls build around the city and the ruble around them, "funny, we spent three years trapped behind those walls trying to break out and now we wanna break back in" Newt said. "Ironic" i mumbled looking around, "yeah it's hilarious" Fry said.

"George, how do we get in?" Thomas asked, "don't look at me hermano, those walls are new i guess that's WICKED's answer to everything" George said. "We'll we aren't going to figure it out up here" i called, "let's go!" Brenda called getting back in the truck.

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