x. better off or better with?

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chapter tenbetter off or better with?♡

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chapter ten
better off or better with?

Yulette's mother ended up picking her up hours later, with a rental car

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Yulette's mother ended up picking her up hours later, with a rental car. She actually got to sleep in her own bed that night... well, not really.

She was awake for the majority of the night, fidgeting with the bumps on the back on her neck.

Her brother had apparently spent the night at his friends house, and had no idea about anything that had happened, "D'accord Yulette, passe une bonne journée." Yulette's mother stated, Yulette nodding in response. (TRANSLATION: Okay Yulette, have a nice day.)

Now, Amelie was dropping off her daughter at school; both of them weren't really social though, "Au revoir," (TRANSLATION: Bye,)

Yulette got out of her mother's new rental car, clutching her back tightly. Yulette wasn't the most comfortable at school, after what happened the day before.

"You stink!"

A familiar voice, but a voice that Yulette didn't want to hear in that moment. It was the never ending mind cycle that she was constantly going through; Yulette didn't hate Max, but she hated the situation.

"Hi, Max."


She tried to ignore it; she really did. But she couldn't. Yulette was always being pulled into things that she wants nothing to do with: it's like she's stuck.

"Where's Will?"

"He'll be here,"

Yulette walked by them, not looking at them at. But, she felt everyone looking at her; especially Max.

"Are you just gonna stand there? Or you gonna help?"

"One second... I'll be right back,"

That wasn't a good sign... foot steps came towards her quickly, "Hi Princess." It was Max Mayfield; she was quite a persistent young lady.

"Hi," Yulette sighed, since she really didn't care at this point. She had already been through a lot in the last few hours, how much worst could it get?

better off ━━ max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now