xvi. hate gettin' too emotional

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chapter sixteenhate gettin' too emotional♡

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chapter sixteen
hate gettin' too emotional

chapter sixteenhate gettin' too emotional♡

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Yulette Tasse hated getting too emotional. She kept it inside, and she didn't tell anyone how she was feeling unless she trusted them ; she was starting to realize that she trusted Max Mayfield. Thats why she told her the truth... the truth that nobody else knew.

The truth that made others give her the side eye. That truth that hurt so much to tell.

"Close gate,"

Everyone read the morse code that Will Byers had sent them. He was trying to escape the grasp of the Mind Flayer.

Yulette knew what the two words meant... her mother and brother had explained everything and what had been happening ; they would have to close that fucking gate.

Suddenly, the phone on the wall began to ring. Oh fuck. Berle had shared to Yulette that they had made a room in the shed so the Mind Flayer wouldn't know where he was. What if he heard it?

It would be endgame for them all. The demo-dogs would come for them... they'd all be dead in the end. Yulette Tasse did not want to die. She had already survived the worst part of her life ; why was the world trying to kill her again?

Dustin quickly went towards the ringing phone, "Shit. Shit," He grabbed it off of the stand as fast as he could, and placed it back to stop the ringing. Everyone sighed in relief, thinking it was over, but it wasn't.

The phone began to ring again, but this time Nancy Wheeler grabbed it off the wall : throwing it to the ground.

"Mince," Yulette muttered, getting a scolding look from her brother and mother. There was a silence filled with more sighs of relief. That was before Max spoke up, "Do you think he heard that?' (TRANSLATION: Damn,)

Steve chimed in to Max's question, "It's just a phone. It could be anywhere. Right?" Well... thats where he was wrong. The Mind Flayer heard it. He'll be able to find them easily now. They'll all be dead before they had a chance to runaway again.

There was a screeching sound... that made it official. Today was the day they were all going to die ; that was including Yulette, Berle, Amelie, Max, and whoever the hell was in that damn house. They'd all be demo-dog dinner. Each one of them heard that horrid sound of terror.

The other kids (not including Yulette) ran to the windows, hoping to see what was coming for them so they could stop it before it attacked. Now, that was a stupid move in Yulette's opinion.

What if it broke the windows? That could seriously injure them. That could kill each and every one of them. Yulette wasn't an idiot, she had common sense, "Hey. Hey, get away from the windows!"

Hopper was holding two guns. Guns were something that Yulette did not like to take about, and she definitely did not like seeing them. They were weapons use to harm and kill others, "Do you know how to use this?"

He was holding up a gun to Jonathan Byers ; who did not know how to use a gun, "What?"

"Can you use this?" Hopper's pleads were full and anger and a need to survive. He wanted to live. He wanted everyone to live : Yulette did to.

The thought or worst the sight of someone dead made Yulette sick to her stomach. But thinking about herself dying? That made her want to faint... but for some reason she couldn't.

"I can," Nancy Wheeler was a savior in disguise. What would've happened if nobody knew how to shoot the gun? Terror. Pure terror.

Everyone seemed to be ready to attack. Hopper and Nancy had guns. Lucas had his wrist rocket. Steve had his iconic bat. Mike was holding a... candle holder? What was that going to do?

Ameile was holding the clipboard that said 'CLOSE GATE.' Berle didn't have a weapon, he just stood behind his mother. Lastly, Yulette had her sharp scissors.

You could hear the screeching in the distance and the constant growling, "Where are they?" Honestly, Yulette wanted to faint so badly... but her body wouldn't let her. Was it trying to make her face her fears?

Suddenly, the sounds shifted from the window's direction, to the door. Expect, the sound was different. It sounded like death, "What are they doing?" The sounds kept moving and moving and sounded more horrifying with every shift. How in the world did they end up in this situation? It seems like the most unlikely thing to happen... so why was it happening?

Before anyone could calm down, something was thrown through the window, getting screams from everyone ; even making Yulette Tasse lightheaded. It was one of those things. A demo-dog. Expect, it didn't move. There seemed to be no life in that creature.

"Holy shit."

"Is it dead?"

To test if it was dead, Hopper slowly touched the demo-dog with his foot ; it was dead. The madness was over. Thank the lord. Could everyone go home now? Yulette really missed her bed, and her bathroom, and even her mother's rental car. She missed it all. Yulette Tasse would give anything to go back and live her old life ; she'd prefer that over supernatural even.

But it wasn't over. It's never really over. The door began to creak, as if someone or something was at it. Abruptly, one of the locks unlocked itself. Everyone was in shock as they quickly went back into 'protective mode.'

The door slowly opened, revealing a spunky looking young girl... one that Yulette knew ; the same girl she saw at school. The one that was looking for Mike. She was so pretty.

Everyone's guard was slowly put down as the girl stood there teary eyed, staring at Micheal Wheeler. Had she not seen him in a while? Yulette just assumed that she had seen Mike that day... but it didn't seem like she did.

The moment was poisonous, in a good way. It gave Yulette butterflies ; it reminded her of Sofia... Yulette knew she still loved Sofia. She never stopped loving her, even after everything that happened.

Would she forgive her though? If she ever saw her again would she hug her? Would she hug her until she couldn't breathe? Why does she still love her? After everything that happened, why does she still have feelings for the biggest bitch of the west?

Move on.

Move on.

Move on.

Move on.

Move on.

Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on. Move on.

Yulette Tasse needs to forget Sofia Moulin. She needs to move on.

1130 word count!
This was fun to write I guess, but the next chapter will probs be my fav!
QOTD- Tayfield (max and yulette) or yofia (sofia and yulette) ?
Me: Is that even a question?

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