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[Warning: Death, Blood, Gore]
"Masquerade Massacre"

On a grand and glorious night a event was held, a masquerade, to congratulate the soon to be king, Yang Jungwon, before his coronation.

But the peace that night didn't last long...

A sudden scream was heard to reveal a horrifying scene of a lady getting her neck attacked by someone with blood red eyes. Many more screams followed with blood pooling everywhere, and it was soon declared that the kingdom was under attack.


The ball room was full of chaos that never seemed to end. People screamed and ran for their lives as more and more were being consumed by the ones with red eyes. Many guards fought with swords in attempts to kill off the red eyed individuals, while others worked on getting as many people out of the palace as possible. One brave soul decided to reenter the palace with a mission to bring his father out before he gets harmed. The boy's name was Park Jong Seong (Jay).

Jay was the son of a royal guard and his only thought at the moment was to get his father out of the palace. With the sword skills his father had taught him, Jay fought off the red eyed individuals as best as he could while yelling for his father.

"FATHER! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He yelled.

As he yelled, Jay's frantic eyes landed on two children huddled together as a red eyed man cornered them. Jay recognized one of them being Nishimura Riki (Ni-ki) from Japan. His family was sent as a representative because his family were well known businessmen for providing Japanese goods that couldn't be made in Korea. Jay was quick to react as he yelled to catch the red eyed man's attention. With a firm hold on his sword, Jay ran towards the man and yield his sword to slice off his head.

"Go! Get out of here!" Jay said in Japanese to the two children.

Once they were out of his sight, Jay searched again for his father. This time he had finally found him and yelled out to get his attention, but to his dismay his father was bit in the neck and dragged by another individual with blood red eyes.

"NO!" Jay yelled as he ran towards his father.

Jay thought his father was going to die right in front of him as he watched him get dragged away into a dark hallway, but something rather unexpected happened. A loud roar was heard from the dark hallway his father had just entered, then came a bloody body flying from the dark, and soon after a large beast arose from the shadows. With another deep roar, the beast ran and attack other red eyed individuals.

Jay was terrified at the sight and had fallen from it. He couldn't even process another thought as he was suddenly being pounced on by a girl with red eyes and blood all over her dress. Jay did his best to keep her from leaning in any further to reach his neck, while his left hand tried to reach for his sword.

By the time Jay could grab his sword, the girl had bitten him. Jay letted out a curling scream as he was getting bitten with his blood pouring out heavily. After he gained back his senses, Jay sliced the girl's head right off.

Jay laid there on the floor, staring at the gold ceilings of the ball room as his blood poured onto the marble floors. Tears flowed from his eyes and a lump formed in his throat. He thought he was left for dead until he was picked up and carried by a guard to leave the palace- unaware of how much of a danger Jay had became.


Jungwon was frightened by everything around him and didn't know where to go to escape unil he was dragged by a guard who told him to follow him to a safe area. Jungwon ran along as he was being dragged, but another sight was behold as a man morphed into a giant wolf creature- a beast.

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