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"November 17th~"

A translucent sun ray and cold autumn breeze caressed Naeun's cheek as she sat on her bed room balcony with a warm blanket wrapped loosely around her shoulders. The sound of her morning alarm echoed through her room, but she reacted mindlessly to it, letting the alarm snooze itself.

She was lost in thought as she reminisced about what today, November 17th, means to her. Its the day her mother passed away from Leukemia, the blood cancer. Every November reminded her of how cold the world became once she lost her mother. The few memories she had with her mother before her passing brought tears to her eyes, threatened to fall as they made her eyes glimmer in the golden morning sunlight.

Eventually Naeun gathered her thoughts and got ready for her morning college classes. She barely had any energy and motivation, but she didn't want to risk getting scolded by her father. She was studying to be a biomedical scientist, just like her father, although she wished she could've been something else.

Her day was uneventful as all she did was attend her classes and visited the campus cafè for coffee, before sitting in the campus grand library with intentions to study. Naeun sat while staring at her computer to study her french materials, but her mind felt dead as it became difficult for her to focus and understand the lesson. She turned her head to her right and admired the beauty of her college campus from the library's second floor window.

"I need a break-" She sighed before getting up to explore the books the library had.

Tracing her finger along the rows and rows of books, Naeun skimmed through the aisles of book shelves without any idea of what she's looking for. She suddently caught a glimpse of a book that interested her.

The beauty it exhibited captivated her eyes and hands as she felt the hard textured leather and soft velvet of the book's exterior. She admired the gold embellishments that rimmed the blood red book and the romantic rose in the center. There were no information written about the book's contents, so she opened the book to a random page to find out.

"with snow white skin, gentle hands, and blood lips- he was the most beautiful sin~"

Naeun was left speechless at the mysterious, yet romantic line she read from the random page. Without a second thought she headed towards the library's front desk and checked out the book. Afterwords she returned to her spot in the library and opened the book to the very first page.

"the best love is the most tragic~
for my lover, I would've selfishly frozen time for us."

The book wasn't a biography, storyteller, or typical poem book. It seemed more like a old diary with an unknown author. Yet, the beautiful word works left her curious and intrigued. Each page had it's own story to tell and message to share, some leaving Naeun to her imagination to decipher what it meant.

Suddenly a loud bang in front of Naeun startled her. Once she opened her eyes, she was immediately irritated with the person in front of her. Choi Yeonjun, her childhood friend.

"Ya! We are in a library!" Naeun scolded as she hits Yeonjun's arm with a notebook.

"- and yet your the one raising your voice!" Yeonjun argued as he tried to fight off the notebook that was attacking him.

With a sigh, Naeun asked - "What do you want Yeonjun?" She was clearly unhappy about being bothered at the moment.

"Nothing, I'm just bored." He said as he melted onto the table.

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