
295 21 4

"a strange first encounter.."
~ ☘

Naeun took a deep breath and started her way down the hall to the first confinement to her right. The thick metal door was secured with a security keypad on the wall next to it. The door didn't have much on it- only a large door handle, a small slide through window for serving food, and a small glass window that allowed her to see what was inside of the rooms.

"Patient 243?.." Naeun whispered as she read the writing on the door and peeked through the glass window.

She couldn't see much because of how dark the room was, but the faint blue tint of light inside allowed her to see through the darkness. Once her eyes adjusted- Naeun noticed the small silhouette of someone sitting on the edge of their bed with their knees tucked to their chest.

The stranger noticed Naeun's presence as they slowly lifted their head to look at the window where she was. They held an emotionless expression, but Naeun could tell that they weren't happy inside their confinement. A small feeling of sympathy starting to grow inside her after noticing how young the boy looked.

She continued to move onto the next confinement. "Patient 151" was written on it's door as Naeun read it before peeking through it's window. The room was also dark, but there was a slight tint of red and purple illuminating in the room. Inside Naeun noticed the silhouette of someone laying on their bed with their back towards her. They moved slightly to glance at the window after noticing Naeun's presence, but turned their back again- seemingly ignoring her.

Naeun moved on to the next room with" Patient 202" written on it's door. The lights inside this room were on as Naeun could clearly see what the inside looked like. She noticed how the inside was very similar to a prison cell with everything being colored white. Naeun was also quick to noticed the destructive markings that were decorated around the room.

Nearly every wall had dents, cracks, and small holes that exposed the grey concrete under the wall's white paint. Naeun found it strange how there were large claw marks scattered around the room as well. She then noticed the damaged inflicted on to the metal door and quickly realized why..

"He was trying to escape.." Naeun whispers under her breath as the sitting figure inside the room lifted his head to look up at Naeun through his side of the window.

He held an expression that was blank, yet there was a hint of pain, exhaustion, and despair as well. The guilt in Naeun grew even more upon making eye contact with the man on the other side of the metal door.

"Why are they being locked up here?" Naeun questioned.

The next confinement was very different in comparison to the others. The large door handle looked similar to one of a bank vault and there weren't any windows on the door like the previous ones. There was only a security keypad and a small screen that read 15°F on it. It seemed like something very valuable was inside, as Naeun wondered about what was being kept at such a freezing temperature.

Naeun peeked through the window that had the numbers "129" written on it's door and discovered a young boy laying alone in an empty room. His room didn't even have a full bed as he laid on a mattress on the cold hard floor. Naeun looked closer and noticed how the boy had chains on his ankles. He was the only one with bondages on him, which made Naeun question about what he could've done to have everything in his room taken away and be chained to the walls by his ankles.

The gut wrenching anxiety and confusion in Naeun grew as she started the reach the final two doors on the left side of the hall. The door labeled number "94" had a young man sitting in a corner while reading a book. The two locked eyes for a moment as the young man squinted his eyes. He seemed to be confused about Naeun's presence, yet continued reading his book after acknowledging her.

The final door had the number "15" written on it. Naeun looked inside and suddenly the anxious feeling she carried along with her while checking the other rooms vanished. The room had a small cyan light illuminating inside with a young man sat at the edge of his bed as he seemed to be staring at the light. He noticed the strange presence and turned his head to see who was at his door.

The two locked eyes for a second and Naeun's heart raced upon noticing how handsome the young man was- but the feeling faltered once he turned his attention back to the light. Naeun was now left staring at his back as he ignored her too. She didn't want to bother the seven subjects any longer and decided to leave, but as she turned away- a faint whisper was heard.


Naeun was startled by the sudden voice and looked around her surroundings expecting to find someone behind her- but there was no one. She went back to the last door she left and looked inside to see if it was the young man who spoke to her, but he hadn't moved an inch as his back continued to face her.

Still feeling shakened by the strange encounter- Naeun sighed and headed towards the elevator and left the area. Meanwhile "Patient 15" turned his attention back to the door where Naeun once was and smirked...


A driver held the door open for Naeun as she left her father's building and entered into the car. Her mind was scattered and confused over what she just witnessed with the seven strange subjects she is now responsible for. She pulled out her phone and noticed the messages Yeonjun had left for her.


"Hey" 9:50pm
"Are you okay?" 9:52pm

Naeun sighed once again and responded..

"Yeah, I'm fine."
"I just had a really strange encounter with my father."

Yeonjun responded instantly..

"Oh, what happened?" 11:54pm

"He showed me around his company building and I met some workers, but then he gave me a strange job."

"What is it?" 11:57pm

"I have to look over these seven strange subjects that they keep in confinements in the underground level of the building. They even had one of them chained by their ankles."

"What the hell?" 12:04am

"I get a weird feeling when down there too." 12:06am

Naeun suddenly remembers the young man's face and her heart races at the thought.

"Why do you think they are kept in undergound confinements?

"I don't know. They might be sick or need special care?" 12:15am

"Does anyone else know about them?" 12:17am

"I don't know. I left after looking around." 12:19am

The sound of the driver speaking pulled Naeun out of her train of thought. He was informing her that her first day starts tomorrow at 6pm. Naeun's heart dropped at the information. She didn't think she would be working with them so soon. She thanked the driver and turned her attention towards the view outside of her car window.

Her thoughts wondered about the seven subjects she met today. All of them didn't seem interested or pleased about her presence, which caused her to feel on edge over what they could do to her tomorrow.

She questioned about who they were, why they were there, and what her father's intentions were for holding them captive. The memory of the young man kept replaying in her head, as well as the strange whisper she heard that gave her chills down her spine.

"Who are you?..." She wondered...

A/N: Hi readers! I apologize if this chapter was a bit boring- its basically a filler chapter, but I'm glad to finally post!

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