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The sound of men shouting and running echoed in Heeseung's ears as he frantically looked around for his friends. Panic filled his body as he felt the need to run, but his feet felt like they were cemented into the grass under him. He looked around his surroundings searching for anything that could tell him what was going on, but all he saw was a quiet empty field.

"JAKE! SUNGHOON! JUNGWON!" He called out before the sound of men shouting and gun shots rang through his ears making him cover them as he crouch down in agony.

He opened his eyes again and looked around until he noticed the silhouette of someone he knew... Jungwon. Heeseung called out his name, but the younger didn't seem to hear it as he started running away with fear prominent on his face. Heeseung was confused and turned around to see what Jungwon was running from. His heart raced as he noticed numerous men in protective attire and guns running towards them.

Finally Heeseung was able to move as he ran in the same direction as Jungwon, trying to catch up, but everything felt heavy and like it was in slow motion. He then noticed his other friends running with them as they gathered together. The sound of gun shots, yelling, and aircrafts flying around them filled their ears as they ran, trying not to get caught.

Heeseung turned to his left as he heard one of his friends screaming, just to see Sunoo getting caught and dragged away by one of the soliders. He tried to help, but was being dragged away as well. The young man struggled and put up a fight in attempts to break free, but it was to no prevail as he was tazed numerously and dragged along into a aircraft.

With frantic and blurry vision, Heeseung watched as his friends were all getting beaten and dragged away from each other into aircrafts and military trucks. The sight of his friends getting taken away was his last memory before everything went black.


Heeseung jolted awake and sat up while panting after he realized that it was all just a dream. Sitting next to him, Jake jumped in surprise at the older's sudden action as he awakened.

"Hyung, are you ok?" Jake asked full of worry.

Heeseung looked at his friend while still trying to catch his breath and nodded. Jake got up and examined his clearly not ok friend and asked, "Had another bad dream?"

Heeseung took a deep breath and sighed before answering, "Yeah, its the same damn one. I don't know why I keep having it." Jake only nodded not knowing what to say after once again hearing that his friend has been having the same terrifying dream, making it difficult for him to get any rest recently. Jake felt pity for his friend.

Heeseung got up out of his hammock and looked around. It was a cloudy day with the sun out of sight, making it possible for the seven vampires to be out in the open without getting burned. Heeseung started looking for all his friends making sure everyone was still together. Jake was beside him, Sunghoon was sleeping in a hammock as well, Jungwon and Sunoo were together talking, while Jay and Niki were out in the field as Jay taught Niki how to fight and defend himself.

Jay and Niki joined their group later on as they met by chance during hunting. Jay was very obviously different from the rest of them as he was much stronger and something in them told them to stay away from him. They choose to ignore strange feeling once they realized that he was very kind and smart considering the fact that he used to be a royal guard's son and Jake's best friend.

7 Deadly Sons ~ Enhypen Vampire FFWhere stories live. Discover now