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"now that you know their names.."
~ ➳

A tired sigh left the young man's lips as he leaned back in his chair and stared at the luminescent lights above him. Yeonjun was currently in his economics class as he spent the past half an hour writing down notes while his professor rambled on about supply and demand- something Yeonjun didn't exactly have a care for right now.

He lifted his head and looked at the teaching board infront of him and watched as the teacher drew arrows on a chart - now Yeonjun really didn't understand anything. Everything started to bore the young man as he spaced out and wondered if his entire day was going to be like this. He had work after class, which made things even more dreadful. Yeonjun checked the time and decided to just rest for the remainder of class after realizing that he only had fifteen more minutes before the lecture ends.

Once his class was dismissed, Yeonjun threw everything into his bag and made his way towards his car in the student parking lot and headed off to work. Yeonjun worked as a part timer for a food truck and although it wasn't his favorite thing to do, Yeonjun's parents suggested for him to get a job for "work experience", but he really only cared about the pay check and free food.

Yeonjun pulled up to the food truck and was immediately greeted by his boss and co-workers once he exited his car. "Look who's finally here! C'mon we need help preparing for the dinner service in an hour." Mr. Lee says to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun entered the food truck, slicked his hair back with a hat as he tied on an apron, and started to prepare ingredients after washing his hands. He was cutting some onions when his co-worker, Mina, entered the truck to put away some dishes.

"Oh! Hey, Yeonjun." She greets.

"Hey." He says back after glacing at her and notices her new hair color. Her hair was dyed a bold wine red, which suited her spontaneous and rebellious style.

"Oh, you finally dyed your hair?" Yeonjun asks.

Mina chuckled before responding- "Yeah, I finally had the money to get it done professionally. I wouldn't trust myself to bleach my own hair. I probably would be balding right now if I did."

A light laugh left Yeonjun after hearing her strange confession before taking another glance at her.
"Well, it looks nice. It really suits you." He compliments.

"Thanks! Hey, you should dye your hair too some time- I think a vibrant blue might suit you!" Mina says while Yeonjun raises a brow at her suggestion.

Mina laughs after seeing his reaction and leaves the truck to continue her duties. Yeonjun had finished preparing all the ingredients and was washing some dishes when his other co-worker, Saejin, enters the truck while looking for a pin to hang some posters outside. Yeonjun told Saejin where the small case of pins and paper clips were, before asking him what he was posting up on the board.

"Oh, um well there's a book club meeting at a local cafe, a new gym membership, and a American Style fair is opening up near Han River." Saejin says.

Yeonjun was mindlessly nodding his head at Saejin's responses before suddenly turning his head once he heard that a fair was coming soon. Saejin was honestly scared at Yeonjun's reaction as they both stared at each other with wide eyes.

"YA! DON'T LEAVE THE WATER RUNNING ON FOR TOO LONG!" Mr. Lee yells after he hears the water running on full blast because of Yeonjun.

Yeonjun turned his attention back to the sink and turned the faucet off before quickly drying his hands to take a poster from Saejin. His eyes eagerly scanned the colorful piece of paper as they widened once again after seeing the date.

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